marquis of jingan

Chapter 148 I Remember

Chapter 148 I Remember
Li Mu didn't know about the smashing of Shen Yi's store on Dongshi Street.

After all, for Li Mu or the upper-level people in Jiankang City, this is a trivial matter. Even if they knew it, they wouldn't care about it. Somewhat curious, he looked at Shen Yi and asked, "Who is a Qi person, and how did you make Mr. Shen angry?"

"That's it."

Shen Yi lowered his eyebrows and said: "A few days ago, didn't your majesty reward me with a hundred taels of gold? Later, I exchanged the 100 taels of gold and exchanged it for silver. When I was wandering in Dongshi Street that day, I saw a shop for sale. , I happened to have enough money in my hand, so I sold this shop, which can be regarded as buying a property in Jiankang."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi paused, and continued: "After I sold this shop, I rented the shop to the fellows from Jiangdu to do business in Dongshi Street. Those fellows of mine sold Jiangdu's snacks. , The business is not bad, unexpectedly a few days ago, a few Qi people came to the door of the shop, not only cutting the queue but also beating people, I happened to be there at the time, so I stepped forward to stop them, unexpectedly..."

"Unexpectedly, not only did these people not restrain themselves, they smashed my shop instead."

Shen Yi sighed: "After thinking about this matter, I became more and more angry. I only got two broken sentences at the Ganquan Academy party that day. I never thought that I would become famous in Jiankang."

Li Mu frowned slightly. He looked at Shen Yi and said, "If I remember correctly, there is an inspection department stationed in Dongshi Street. Someone is making trouble, and the inspection department never intervened?"

Shen Yi shook his head, his tone helpless: "The inspection department only dares to control me, Chen Guomin, how dare to control those arrogant Qi people?"

Li Mu frowned even deeper.

"My father is now the Yin of Jiankang, in charge of all matters in Jiankang City. I will raise this matter with the old man later and ask him to send someone to investigate."

"Never mind."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that those Qi people are the guards of the Northern Qi princess. They accompanied the Northern Qi princess to Jiankang. I don't know why they stayed in Jiankang. Since they are the Northern Qi clan, then a If it is not done well, it will cause conflicts between the two countries, so it is better to be more cautious.”

"Northern Qi...princess..."

Li Mu lowered his head and thought for a while, and then he remembered that a few months ago, Beiqi indeed sent a princess who claimed to be a princess. After arriving in Jiankang, he was put aside, and the court never officially received him. This Northern Qi princess.

The prince of Jin lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Shen Yi, and said helplessly: "If it is really the guard of Princess Beiqi, then our Jin Palace is really not easy to interfere. This kind of matter is too sensitive, and a bad person will think that What is wrong with our Jin Palace?"

"This kind of matter...Let's leave it to the Ministry of Rites."

Li Mu's answer did not surprise Shen Yi.

Because this matter is indeed very sensitive to Jinwangfu. Jinwang is a clan, and it is a clan that is very close to the emperor. Start a war, then mess up the court and spy on the artifact.

He mentioned to Li Mu about those Qi people, not because he wanted the Jin Palace to do something for him, but because he wanted to use the mouth of the Jin Palace to publicize the cause and effect of this matter.

It is best to pass it to the emperor's ears.

Now, the poem "When will Mingyue pay me back according to me" has spread all over Jiankang. Since everyone in Jiankang knows it, there is no reason for His Majesty the Emperor not to know.

Judging from the current situation, the little emperor who has just taken over the government is obviously a hawkish emperor, and because the emperor is not very old, he still has a bit of a middle school atmosphere at the moment. If he knows about this Even if he won't reward Shen Yi any more, he will probably keep Shen Yi in his heart.

This is of great benefit to Shen Yi's official career.

And if this matter was publicized and made known to the whole city, then the reputation of Princess Beiqi and the few guards around her in Jiankang would be completely rotted, so Shen Yi also calculated some of the anger of the day.


Shen Qilang sighed, and said: "To tell you the truth, I didn't intend to do anything, but I was really angry that day. The storefront I was smashed in Dongshi Street has not been cleaned up until now, just to let Jian The people of Kang look at the arrogance of the people of Qi."

"I vomited my unhappiness with Shizi today, and I feel much more comfortable."

"It's not just that you are unhappy."

Li Mu silently looked to the north, let out a breath of foul air slowly, and said in a low voice, "My family's ancestors are all buried in the capital of Yandu, how can I be happy in my heart?"

"You only got angry with Qi people once, and our family doesn't know how much."

"That's it."

Li Mu shook his head, turned his head and patted Shen Yi's shoulder, and forced a smile: "Da Chen Nandu has never produced a great talent in poetry and Taoism, and now he has finally produced a character like Shen Gongzi. Also very happy."

"I hope Mr. Shen's scientific research journey will go smoothly, and he will enter the imperial court as soon as possible, and do his part for Da Chen's country and society."

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly.

"It will be Shen Qi's luck if it can be as the son said."


Imperial City, Deqing Palace.

It was almost noon now, His Majesty the Emperor had just met with some big bosses from the Six Departments, dealt with some important matters, and after finally finishing the meeting, he could finally rest for a while. The young Emperor His Majesty was lying on a wooden recliner Up, not wanting to move.

"I finally know why my father's hair turned gray so quickly back then."

The little emperor let out a heavy breath: "If this continues, sooner or later I will grow old again."

The eunuch Gao at the side quickly bent over and said, "Your Majesty, please don't talk nonsense, you are still very young..."

"Is my father just..."

Halfway through the sentence, His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be thinking of his father who died young, and he felt a little depressed. He lay on the recliner and slowly closed his eyes: "Gao Ming, is there anything in Jiankang City these two days?" Tell me something new."

"There is nothing new, but there is a couplet, the name of Jiankang has been moving these two days."


The little emperor opened his eyes and glanced at Gao Ming: "Read it and listen."

Eunuch Gao did not hesitate, and read the upper and lower lines of this couplet once. After reading the words "Yiyibeiwang", the smile on His Majesty's face had completely disappeared.

His Majesty the emperor stood up from the reclining chair, silently walked to his imperial desk, picked up a brush, and wrote the couplet on the table.

After finishing writing, the little emperor threw down the brush, looked at these two broken sentences, and was in a daze silently, without saying a word.

Eunuch Gao also sensed that something was wrong with the emperor, but he didn't speak, but just waited silently.

After a long time, His Majesty the Emperor came back to his senses. He put away the couplet written by himself, sat listlessly on the chair, and said, "Gao Ming, reward the author of this couplet, just...just According to the standard of rewarding that Jiangdu student last time."

Gao Ming lowered his head slightly, and said, "Return to Your Majesty, this couplet was also written by that Jiangdu student."

His Majesty the Emperor was stunned. He was silent for a while, then lowered his eyebrows and said, "What is the name of this Jiangdu student?"

"Surname is Shen, Shen Yi."

"Shen Yi..."

His Majesty the Emperor murmured and repeated, and took a deep breath: "I remember."

Gao Ming bowed his head: "Your Majesty, do you still want to reward?"

"Since you have rewarded it once, then don't reward it."

Huang looked at the couplets again, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"This Shen Yi is a talent."

He glanced at Gao Ming, and said: "Pay attention to this person, even if this person's career is not going well, he can be kept by my side as a minister in the future."

The emperor looked to the north, lowered his eyebrows and said, "One day, when I get what I want, this person will come to draft a call for the Northern Expedition..."

(End of this chapter)

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