marquis of jingan

Chapter 190 Influence!

Chapter 190 Influence!
The series of actions of King Jin and his son made Shen Yi feel very strange.

Because Da Chen's court situation is still relatively stable, although the little emperor was a little eager to take power, he did not act recklessly. As for the position, the first is to control the forbidden army to enter the imperial city, occupy the position of the bird and become the emperor, the second...

It was the little emperor who died suddenly by himself.

And these two possibilities have nothing to do with Shen Yi. First, Shen has not entered the officialdom, and second, he has not entered the palace. It is impossible for him to accomplish anything for the Jin Palace.

What made Shen Yi even more puzzled was that if the Prince Jin's Mansion really wanted to take one of these two paths, they could only do it within two or three years, before the two imperial brothers were young.

Under such circumstances, it is useless to win over a "potential stock" like Shen Yi.


Shen Qilang sat in the pavilion in his own yard, with cold sweat on his forehead, he thought of a somewhat scary possibility, but then he shook his head and said to himself: "No, their surname is Li after all, even if they are willing to , people in the north will not believe them..."

Thinking of this, Shen Yi let out a breath of turbidity slowly, and thought to himself: "Forget it, these things in the court hall are too complicated, I stand too low, it's not surprising that I can't understand, as for the Jin Palace..."

"My family is deeply involved with Prince Jin's Mansion. It's impossible to keep them at arm's length. Try not to get too close to them."

"If you want to understand the situation of the court, you must first be in the situation and enter the court."

Thinking of this, Shen Yi calmed down, washed himself with a basin of water, lay down on the bed and fell asleep with his eyes closed. The next morning, when the sky was just bright, he got up early, went out and had a meal, and immediately returned to his home. In the study room at home, he opened the three policy theory topics given to him by Mr. Gu, took out one of them, and began to solve the problem seriously.

This time Shen Yi did it very seriously, following the procedure of the scientific examination completely, first took out the manuscript paper to write a draft, and then carefully transcribed it after the draft was finished.

Learning is hard work and it takes a lot of time. Shen Yi was tired of writing strategies and theories, so he went to the kitchen to get some food to make do with a meal, and then went back to the study to nibble on the pen.

Reading and writing a composition was originally a very boring process, but after really getting into it, Shen Yi found some joy in it. When the first manuscript was finished, it was already afternoon before he knew it.

Shen Yi didn't know how tired he was, so he checked it after finishing writing, and then began to transcribe carefully.

At this time, he was really devoting himself to the career of examinations. One was because he wanted to get a fair and just advancement, and the other was because of various things in Jiankang City, Shen Yi had to Try to get out of the "scholar" class as soon as possible and come to the bureaucratic class.

Only when you become an official can you have the qualifications to speak and the opportunity to do things.

But now Chen Guo is in the midst of the change of the old and new dynasties, and it is the time to do things.

Shen Yi must catch up!

While Shen was working hard at home, the first issue of the Mansion Newspaper had already printed [-] copies, of which [-] copies were sent to the provinces and counties of Chen State, and [-] The portion was directly digested internally in Jiankang City.

I don't know the sales volume of these mansion newspapers in other provinces, but in Jiankang City...the sales are very good.

Because things like mansion newspapers were originally "circulated internally" by officials and lords, not to mention ordinary people, even some scholars and lords who have no official positions rarely have the opportunity to see them, and they have a strong sense of mystery , now the imperial court has suddenly published it publicly, and the headline on the front page is very explosive, which can cater to the people of Chen Guo, especially the people of Jiankang...

People in the capital like to discuss state affairs the most, because the imperial court is by their side, those high-ranking officials and nobles, prime ministers and princes are by their side. Although they can't participate in it, they like to discuss some gossip of the court bigwigs in their spare time. , Talk about the gossip in the deep palace, to show the difference between the people of the imperial capital and the outsiders under the feet of the emperor.

In the past, things in the imperial court were all vague and vague, and the people in Kyoto could only start with the word "heard of". Now the imperial court has actually made the mansion report public, and even wrote "gossip about the princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty" in the mansion newspaper. ", the people in the capital naturally flocked to it, and even many low-level officials would buy more than a dozen copies and put them in their study for "collection".

The sales volume is very good. Of course, Di Baodi will continue to print.

Ever since, the Di Bao spread more and more widely in Jiankang capital.

As the "participant" of the gossip, Izumo Princess Zhao Ying was so angry that she cried, especially after Di Bao went viral, this Northern Qi princess who originally liked to go shopping in Jiankang never went out again.

Although the sales volume of the Di Bao is very good, after all, there are only more than 1 characters, and only seven or eight articles have been written. After the people in the capital read it, they will disappear.

Some people with good deeds have even gone to the bookstore to urge the next issue of the residence newspaper.

Although this kind of "urging" behavior did not affect the Di Baosi, it could be transmitted from the ears of the inner guards to the palace and to the ears of the eunuch Gao Ming.

So, one late night in the Deqing Palace, the eunuch Gao sighed while washing the little emperor's feet: "Your Majesty, the work has been heavy these days, and I have really worked hard on you."

The little emperor stretched out his hand to rub his temples, and took a deep breath: "Things in the court are simple and complicated, and I only have one prime minister and two servants, and there are [-]% more documents in the Deqing Palace... "

The little emperor snorted, and said, "It's probably those old guys who are trying to temper me, thinking that I can't do things without them."

He squinted his eyes and said: "When I really have a set of Zhongshu that belongs to me, political affairs will be lightened immediately."

"Your Majesty, state affairs are important, but you also need to take good care of your dragon body..."

Eunuch Gao lowered his head and wiped the little emperor's feet with a humble expression.

After wiping his feet, the eunuch Gao seemed to remember something, looked up at the emperor, and said with a smile: "By the way, Your Majesty, I have some good news for you."

The little emperor put away the washed feet, stretched his waist and looked at Gao Ming, and asked, "You slave, you can play tricks and play tricks, what kind of good news is this, I'm afraid you have thought it over carefully before asking Gao Ming. Tell me?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

Eunuch Gao bowed his head deeply, and said with a smile: "Thanks to your majesty, the slaves and servants have done a good job in the errands of the Dibao Secretary. Now almost every bookstore in Jiankang City has Dibao, as long as they can read People, almost everyone is talking about Dibao."

Eunuch Gao bowed his head meaningfully and said, "This thing is now in has a great influence."

The little emperor was lazily preparing to go to bed, but when he heard this, he suddenly looked at Gao Ming thoughtfully.

"Big companion means..."

Eunuch Gao bowed his head again: "Your Majesty, there are already many people in Jiankang City who are urging the new mansion to report. The servants thought about it during the day. If this thing has a great impact, it can become a sharp weapon in the hands of His Majesty in the future. Not only can it Propagate the imperial court as Shen Yi said, Your Majesty, you can also use it to purge officials..."

(End of this chapter)

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