marquis of jingan

Chapter 200 The future depends!

Chapter 200 The future depends!
The rural examination is divided into three sessions, each of which is three days long. Based on the 24th day of this year’s provincial examination, the first session is on the 24th. After the test on the 26th, you leave the examination room for a day’s rest. Then you enter the examination room on the 27th for the second session. analogy.

According to Da Chen's previous process, the township examination is usually in August. To be precise, the exam starts on the eighth day of August and ends on August [-]th. However, it was August when King Sejong traveled south before Jiazi. , the people, including Chen Guo's clan, suffered countless deaths and injuries, and Chen Guo still regards it as a great shame and humiliation.

It is for this reason that after Da Chen went to the south, the August of Qiu Wei was postponed to September, and the specific time was calculated by Qin Tianjian, so this year's rural examination will be postponed to September 24.

After waiting at the entrance of the examination room for more than an hour, Cao Qian, the main examiner of this year's provincial examination, finally appeared. Behind him stood a group of outer curtain officials, and began to give lectures to the students of this year's Jiankang rural examination.

After speaking, and after a series of complicated procedures, following the order of chief examiner Cao, the candidates for the Jiankang Township Examination began to line up to enter the examination room.

Holding the test card to prove his identity, Shen Yi finally got his test number after going through a somewhat hurtful "body search" process. After getting the test number, he wandered around the test room for a few times before finally finding own examination room.

Previously, Shen Yi's exams were all children's exams. Although there were three or even four or five exams, each exam was only one day.

But starting from the rural examination, it was different.

Theoretically speaking, after passing the provincial examination, one would be qualified to be a supplementary official, and the examination time for each local examination was the same as that of the national examination, from one day for the child's examination to three days.

Since the exam will take three days, it is natural to have a place to rest.

After Shen Yi entered the examination room, he first looked around the environment.

The conditions in the test room, or the number room, are very simple and not very spacious.

There are only two upper and lower boards, the upper board can be used as a table, and the lower board is a chair. When sleeping, put the two boards together to make a bed board.

But even if the two boards are combined into one piece, the length is definitely not enough, so when sleeping, you can only curl your legs, which is very awkward.

In addition, there is a pot of charcoal and a candle in the test room, which can be used to keep warm when sleeping at night, and the candle can also be used to heat food.

The most conspicuous thing is a wooden barrel with a lid that has turned black.

This is a toilet for convenience.

Because during the three days of the exam, candidates are not allowed to go out from here, eating, drinking, and sleeping must be settled here.

Shen Yi had just walked into the examination room, and before he had finished "visiting" the extremely crude environment, he heard the sound of a lock. He hurriedly turned his head and saw that a clerk had already locked the door of the examination room.

Before September 26, he could never get out of here.

But biting one's teeth is acceptable. After all, those glamorous scholar-bureaucrats and even ministers in the court have suffered this kind of hardship when they were young. Before jumping into the dragon's gate, they always need to sharpen their will.

Shen Yi sighed, put his test basket aside, then took out a handkerchief from his arms, and wiped the dust on the two boards.

It's not that he has a cleanliness fetish, but because no one has used it for three years, these two boards are really dirty.

After wiping it clean, Shen Yi sat on the lower board, and then lay down on the upper board with his eyes closed.

This is the experience he has accumulated through participating in many scientific expeditions.

Anyway, there are three full days to answer the questions, so there is no need to rush for a while. At this time, if you can nourish your energy, you must nourish your energy.

After lying down on the table and sleeping for a while, the Yachai finally handed out the test questions. After Shen Yi took the test questions, he only read them once, and he had a good idea. He put the test questions in his test basket. Then put the two boards together, lay on the bed, curled up, and fell asleep soundly.

Yesterday was too short of sleep, so before answering the question, Shen Yi needed to refresh himself.

And looking at the questions in the first scene, they were all about the Four Books and Five Classics, which was not a problem for Shen Yi, as long as he used more snacks, there would be no mistakes or omissions.

In this way, on the first day, Shen Yi basically did not answer the questions. After recovering enough energy, he did not start to answer the questions until the next morning.

The first round of the township examination was also about questions about the Four Books and Five Classics. Although not all of them were scriptures, at most some ink meanings were added. This kind of questions is not a problem for Shen Yi. , he has already written the topic.

Regardless of the stage of the scientific examination, the first examination is generally an introductory question, so it will not be particularly difficult.

In this way, although Shen Yi suffered for three days in the first exam, he managed to pass it smoothly.

The second exam consisted of questions from the Five Classics and an essay.

The title is "A gentleman solidifies the poor and helps the world at the same time".

Seeing this topic, Shen Yi's heart was pounding...

This is a somewhat truncated topic. The first half of the sentence comes from the Analects, while the second half comes from Meng Fuzi.

The most important thing is...Mr. Gu has done both of these topics before!
Although they have never been published together, Mr. Gu has indeed published these two topics separately!

Shen Yi took several deep breaths before calming himself down. He sat on the board, carefully laid out the manuscript paper, and then began to study the ink.

Shen Yi muttered to himself while studying the ink.

"No wonder Uncle Zhao once said that old man Gu's bets are accurate, and after the provincial examination is over, I have to go back and burn the two essays I wrote!"

Although the interception questions need to be combined and understood, they cannot be explained sentence by sentence, but Shen Yi has written these two questions before, and Old Gu has corrected them for him, so it is relatively easier to solve the questions again.

If it was a topic that Shen Yi had never written, with his current level, he might be able to hit it, but he might not.

But if it is the level of essays guided by Mr. Gu, it is definitely above the level of Juren!
Shen Yi writes like flying, and it only took an hour to write down an article on the manuscript paper, and there are still nearly two days to go, Shen Yi doesn't need to do anything else, just check for mistakes and omissions, and then Just polish it up!
Therefore, Shen Yi successfully passed the second round of the township examination.

After taking the exam for six consecutive days, at the end of September, Shen Yi finally came to the last round of the rural exam.

This one is especially crucial!

Because the content of the first two rounds of the township exam may depend on the mood of the examiner, but this third round will not test anything else, it may only be about the theory of examination strategy!
Finally, more than an hour after Shen Yi entered the examination room, he got the questions for the third round of the provincial examination.

Write a table and make five strategies.

It is a regular question in the provincial examination.

It seems that Cao Zhuangyuan has no qualifications after all. Even if he is the chief examiner, he will mostly follow the inherent rules and dare not mess around on his own.

In the examination room, Shen took a deep breath while holding the examination questions.

He knew in his heart that if his family didn't want to rebel, then half of the future of the rest of his life would be tied to this thin piece of paper!
 The exam process had to be written, and I have already skipped it as much as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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