Chapter 218
Had a family dinner at home at noon, after the meal, Shen Yi sobered up a little, and left the house alone, leaving his father and Shen Ling at home to deal with the guests.

The Shen family has been in Jiangdu for at least 100 years. Although Shen Yi is not a direct descendant, after so many years, I don't know how many close relatives and distant relatives there are.

With so many relatives and old neighbors, they must come to congratulate the Shen family.

With so many people coming to congratulate them, the Shen family must hold a banquet for their guests. If the wealthy Jiangdu clans, it would not be surprising to have a three-day feast.

Although the Shen family did not have the background to hold a three-day feast, it is estimated that setting up a table to invite guests for a few days is unavoidable.

Even the two cousins ​​of Shen Yi's second uncle's family, and the big cousin of uncle Shen Hui's family, should come back and hold this "celebration banquet" together.

A banquet to celebrate success.

But Shen Yi was lazy to deal with these things, and just sneaked away from home, leaving these messy things to his father Shen Zhang.

Shen Zhang is naturally happy with these "troublesome things". After all, what Shen Laosi wants to see most now is these relatives and friends, and he is also happy to socialize.

After Shen Yi went out from home, he went to the "Ink Ink Studio" in Jiangdu City. In this shop, he picked out a good writing brush for Mr. Lu, and a good inkstone for Mr. Qin, and wrapped the two things together. After that, with these two things in hand, he reached out to stop a cart, and left Jiangdu City all the way to Ganquan Academy.

Shen Yi was 16 years old when he took the Yayuan examination in Zhongxiang, and he was already a real celebrity in the academy. When he arrived at the gate of the academy, the middle-aged man who guarded the gate immediately bowed his head to Shen Yi and called "Master Shen".

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly, ignored the concierge, and first found Mr. Qin who was teaching in the academy. Because Mr. Qin was teaching, Shen Yi patiently sat on the stone bench outside and waited for a while. After Mr. Qin finished class, Shen Yi stepped forward and handed over the prepared inkstone, and bowed his hands respectfully to Mr. Qin: "Teacher."

This is the teacher he gave Shuxiu and kowtowed to, the so-called "professional teacher", and should be respected at all times.

Mr. Qin didn't see Shen Yi until after class. This middle-aged scholar, who was over forty years old, was very pleased after seeing Shen Yi. He dragged Shen Yi to a pavilion and sat down. Then he pulled Shen Yi's With a long sigh of emotion: "In a blink of an eye, Qilang has already passed the exam, which is much better than being a teacher."

Mr. Qin is a student with a reputation, that is, a so-called scholar. He failed many times in the examinations in his hometown, so he was disheartened and taught some children in Ganquan Academy.

Shen Yi smiled and said: "It's all taught well by the master. Without a master, how can there be a disciple today?"

Mr. Qin looked at Shen Yi and shook his head slightly.

"You don't need to comfort me. You knew it as a teacher when you were in the academy. It was Master Lu who often corrected theories and essays for you. Most of the credit for your success in the exam is due to Master Lu."

The smile on Shen Yi's face froze.

When he was in the academy, Master Lu did teach him a lot, but after all, the status of master and apprentice was not confirmed, and this kind of thing was not made public. What Shen Yi didn't expect was that Mr. Qin knew about it early on. .

When Mr. Qin said this, he looked around, then lowered his voice, and whispered: "Qilang, Lu Shanzhang is a great Confucian in Jiangzuo. It is your blessing that he is willing to teach you. Now that you have won the exam, this It is also an opportunity for you, after you met the head of the mountain, you kowtowed to him as a teacher, do you understand?"

The middle-aged scholar said with a serious face: "The head of the mountain has contacts in the government and the opposition. If you become his student, your future will be stable."

Hearing Mr. Qin's words, Shen Yi was quite moved.

My professional teacher is indeed a very good teacher, no matter for me, Chen Qing, or even Yan Mingli who cheated in the county exam, he is a very qualified teacher.

Shen Yi smiled at Mr. Qin and said, "The disciples have memorized everything the teacher said."


Mr. Qin nodded with a smile on his face: "Qilang, you are still too young this year. My suggestion as a teacher is that you don't worry about Chunwei's affairs. You can take the Chunwei exam after four years and strive for a second or even a first-class honor. , the future official career will be smooth.”

Regarding this suggestion, Shen Yi didn't comment, but just smiled and said: "Sir, what you said is true, but don't rush to make a decision on the matter of Chun Wei, after I ask the head of the mountain, I will make a decision."


Mr. Qin waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, the head of the mountain probably knows that you have arrived."

After hesitating for a while, Shen Yi stood up, cupped his hands to Mr. Qin and said, "Teacher, I will come to see you after my disciples have paid homage to the head of the mountain."

Mr. Qin smiled and nodded: "Go, go."

Shen Yi took a deep breath, took the writing brush he bought, and walked towards the door of Master Lu's study with ease. After taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door: "Mr. Lu, the student is back."

A moment later, Lu An Shizhong's mellow voice came from the study.

"Come in."

Shen Yi pushed the door and walked in, walked up to Master Lu, bowed respectfully to Lu Anshi, bowed, and said, "Student Shen Yi, I pay my respects to the teacher."

Master Lu was writing something on a blank page at the moment, after hearing Shen Yi's words, he put down the brush in his hand, looked at Shen Yi, and then smiled: "You don't need to be polite, just sit down and talk. "

Then Shen Yi got up, stepped forward with a smile, took out a wooden box from his sleeve, put it on Master Lu's table, and said, "Teacher, this is the writing brush that my disciple picked for you. See if it suits you. The shopkeeper said, if it doesn't work, I'll get another one in a while."

Master Lu opened the wooden box, took out the writing brush in it, held it in his hand for a moment, looked at it for a moment, and nodded in satisfaction: "It looks pretty good, but it's costing you again."

Lu Anshi rarely accepts gifts or things from others.

In other words, the people who can successfully give him gifts are all his own people. Obviously, Shen Yi is now his own people.

After accepting the pen, Lu Anshi looked up at Shen Yi and asked, "Did you come back in the morning?"


Shen Yi looked respectful, and said: "I arrived in Jiangdu in the morning, and after having a meal with my family at home at noon, I came to see the teacher."

Master Lu nodded.

"You did well in the exam this time, No. 7 in the provincial exam..."

After he was silent for a while, he continued: "To be honest, I originally thought that if you passed the college examination this year, you would be pretty good. Even if you win the exam, your ranking should not be very high."

Shen Yi was not angry either, and said with a smile: "It was indeed like this, but Master Zhao introduced an old man named Gu to his disciples. Mr. Gu often taught his disciples, and..."

Shen Yi hesitated for a moment, and said boldly: "The remand won the title of essay in the rural examination, so the disciple may have taken advantage of it."

"Mr. Gu..."

Lu Anshi sighed slightly: "Brother Changping told me about this, it's a pity that Mr. Gu has extensive knowledge but can't be an official."

He looked at Shen Yi, and said with a slight smile: "Qilang came back to Jiangdu because he wanted to go back to the academy to study for a few years before taking the exam?"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, he took two steps back, knelt down in front of Master Lu without saying a word, and kowtowed.

"The disciple rushed back to formally pay homage to the teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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