marquis of jingan

Chapter 254 The Real Threat

Chapter 254 The Real Threat

Shen Yi was silent for a while without speaking.

With a strange look, he sized up the well-known Mr. Yang in Jiankang before him.

After a while, Shen Yi spoke slowly: "Young Master Yang, Mr. Shen is a student of Ganquan Academy, if you think that you can provoke the relationship between Master Zhao and me with a few words, you would be looking down on us scholars too much." .”

What Yang Fan said just now seemed a bit naive.

Because the relationship between Shen Yi and Zhao Changping is not only a personal relationship, but also an inseparable interest group. At least for Shen Yi, both of them are prosperous and both are prosperous.

However, Shen Yi is too slight now, whether he is honored or damaged will not affect Zhao Shilang.

And if Zhao Shilang can climb higher, even if he doesn't personally take care of Shen Yi, with such a great god behind him, Shen Yi's life in the court will be easier.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shen Yi to quarrel with Zhao Shilang, and he will not quarrel with Zhao Shilang. As for the exam question that Mr. Yang said.

This year's exam, or after three years, the right to choose is always in Shen Yi's own hands. Even if Shen Yi is really forced to take part in this year's Chunwei, if he doesn't want to take the exam, then he will be in Chunwei. Just write casually on the board, and it’s okay to deliberately fail the ranking.

Therefore, what Mr. Yang said seems to make sense at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, it is full of loopholes.

To put it bluntly, it was to bully Shen Yi for being young.

Ordinary people at Shen Yi's age tend to be impulsive and extreme, tend to listen and believe, and do stupid things.

Probably this Mr. Yang also felt the same way, so he came to "brainwash" Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked calm, and continued: "As for Mr. Yang saying that Shen is a good emperor, every word and sentence written by Shen in the mansion newspaper is from the heart, and every sentence is true. Since Mr. Yang is Nandu Future generations should know how many hanging coffins there are in the outskirts of Jiankang, which have not been buried yet."

"And to fight..."

Shen Yi took a deep breath, and said, "Wars cannot be avoided. If you hide for ten or twenty years, if you are lucky, you can hide for three to forty years. Sooner or later, the Qi people in the north will move south and arrive At that time, unless the whole country surrenders to Hu Qi directly, a battle will still be inevitable, since this battle is inevitable, it is better to prepare now."

"Whether you win or lose, it's always a good thing to prepare early, what does Mr. Yang think?"

"Did the late emperor think so too?"

Yang Fan sneered slightly and said, "What's the result? After losing two battles in a row, Chen Bing of the Qi people marched to the border of Huaihe River, and sent troops to Jiankang several times! In the end, who is going to clean up the mess?"

He looked at Shen Yi and snorted: "If you ignorant and fearless young people are allowed to mess around, and people with ulterior motives like Zhao Zhi secretly instigate, in a few years, the two countries will go to war again. In the past few years, it has been easy to relax, and it may get out of hand again by then!"

He sneered and said: "I'm afraid that at that time, the imperial court will come to my house and ask my old man to come forward and clean up the mess for the imperial court!"

When it comes to the topic, there is actually no room for refutation.

Shen Yi was too lazy to continue arguing with Mr. Yang, so he got up silently, cupped his hands to Yang Fan and said, "Mr. Yang, we don't agree with each other when we have different ways. You just think that Mr. Shen is short-sighted. We will go our separate ways from now on." .”

"One day, Prime Minister Yang really needs to come out to clean up the situation again. At that time, regardless of whether Shen is a Jinshi or an official in the court, he will leave Jiankang immediately and never serve as an official."

Seeing that Shen Yi turned his head to leave, Mr. Yang was still sitting in his seat with a calm expression: "You are here today, and I promise that you will not write anything in the mansion newspaper in the future, and you will not write any poems to confuse people. After three years After that, I will protect you as a second-class Jinshi."

Shen Yi stopped abruptly, and looked back at the middle-aged Mr. Yang behind him. He squinted his eyes and said, "Fame in the examination field has become something that can be traded in Mr. Yang's mouth!"

"Simply appalling!"

"The more shocking thing is yet to come."

Although it is winter, but because the brazier stove is lit in the house, it is not only very warm, but even feels a little hot. Mr. Yang unfolded the folding fan in his hand, smiled at Shen Yi and said, "Shen Yi and Shen Qilang, you have a lot of fun in the river." An adversary, isn't it?"

Shen Yi frowned, but did not speak.

"A few days ago, my son was entertaining guests outside. There were two people at the same table, one surnamed Fan and the other surnamed Zhao."

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "That young man surnamed Fan has a lot of grudges with Mr. Shen, and the other Mr. Zhao..."

Yang Fan "hehe" smiled.

"That Mr. Zhao, after learning about the two poems you wrote, he was also very upset, especially two days ago, after getting the mansion newspaper you wrote, he was even more upset with you. They wanted to find you, Shen Qi. Trouble."

"It's just that at that time, my son felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less, so he persuaded him and didn't let them come to you."

It is already clear who the two people Yang Fan mentioned are.

Jiangdu Fan's Fan Dongcheng.

Zhao Zhuo of the General Zhao Clan!
Fan Dongcheng did have some personal grievances with Shen Yi, mainly because there was a dispute between the two of them about Chen Qing in Jiangdu, but after that incident, Fan Dongcheng was brought to Jiankang by his uncle. , thrown into the Imperial College, the enmity between the two people is considered to be over.

However, Fan Dongcheng still looked very upset at Shen Yi.

Because he felt that Shen Yi had ended his good life in Jiangdu and destroyed his relationship with Miss Lu, which was tantamount to cutting off his future.

It's hard to let go of this Liangzi.

As for Zhao Gongzi Zhao Zhuo, there is a personal grievance between him and Shen Yi.

His family has been in charge of the Huaihe Navy for generations, and has gradually become a staunch "status quo faction" in recent years. The Zhao family will deny any measures to change the current situation.

Especially the Northern Expedition.

The Zhao family was the one who disapproved of the Northern Expedition the most, because if the Northern Expedition was successful and the Huai River became the inland river of the Great Chen, the Zhao family's detached position among the generals of the Great Chen would immediately disappear.

And lost...

If they lose the battle, the Huaihe Navy will definitely be seriously injured, and the casualties are not small. Maybe the enemy will cross the Huaihe River and run over the Huaihe Navy directly.

Therefore, as a huge beneficiary of the existing system, the Zhao family has gradually become a "conservative faction". In recent years, after Yang Jingzong, the leader of the turtle faction, came to power, the relationship between the Zhao family and the Yang family cannot be said to be close, it can only be said to be Political views are very unified.

It belongs to "sympathy".

Therefore, it is very normal for Mr. Zhao to know this Mr. Yang.

However, the prime minister in power and the general guarding the frontier have an "adulterate relationship" is one of the biggest taboos in the court, so the relationship between the two families is not too close on the surface, and even Prime Minister Yang has never met a few Zhao family members , but the juniors of the two families have a good relationship in private.

Yang Fan's words can already be understood as a threat.

This kind of threat is more powerful than the usual threat.

Because the usual threat might be to fire a cannon, but Shen Yi was very clear about the threat that Yang Fan was talking about.

It's a real threat.

Because those two people... really both looked at him and made someone unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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