Chapter 256

That night, Zhao Jizhou and Zhang Jian stayed at Shen Yi's house for half an hour before leaving.

The next morning, Shen Yi got up early and went to Dongchengmen to send Zhang Jian to his post.

Speaking of which, the two brothers had a wonderful fate. Shen Yi took the exam in Zhang Jian's hometown, and Zhang Jian worked in Shen Yi's hometown.

After sending Zhang Jian away at Dongcheng Gate, Shen Yi casually found a roadside noodle stall to eat at the side of the road. After a bowl of hot noodle soup was served, Shen Yi sat on the side of the road and had just slurped a few mouthfuls when there was an acquaintance, Smiling and sitting opposite Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked up and recognized this person immediately, he put down his chopsticks quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Brother Qi!"

Neiweiqi has a lot.

When Shen Yi was investigated by the inner guards for writing poems, it was Qi Dayou and Zhao Ge who came to him for questioning. At that time, these two inner guards helped Shen Yi go to the money shop to save money, and Shen Yi was also there. The two of them have spent money on their bodies, so they have some friendship.

Hearing Shen Yi's address, Qi Dayou shook his head again and again, and said with a smile: "In the past, you called me that, and Qi accepted it brazenly, but now you are the master of Juren, and you don't dare to talk to you. You can just call me Qi San."

Shen Yi shook his head, and said, "I never care about my identity when I make friends. If I want to talk about my identity, when Brother Qi came to me, I was considered a half-prisoner. Brother Qi didn't dislike me, did he?"

As he said that, Shen Yi looked down at the noodle soup in front of him, and said with a smile: "Brother Qi must be looking for me for something. If I'm not in a hurry, can I finish this bowl of noodles?"

"No hurry, no hurry."

Qi Dayou quickly shook his head and said: "For the errands assigned by the palace, just report them before noon, and you will eat yours, my lord."

Shen Yi looked at Qi Dayou, and said with a smile: "Brother Qi has accepted a job so early, why don't you think he has eaten yet?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qi Day to speak, Shen Yi greeted the stall owner: "Shopkeeper, bring me two more bowls of noodles."

Qi Dayou is a strong man, taller than Shen Yi by half a head and nearly a head taller, with a burly body, one bowl of noodles will definitely not be enough for him, maybe two bowls of noodles will just pad his stomach.

Qi Dayou, who was born as an inner guard, just wanted to refuse, but when he saw the young man with a sincere smile in front of him, he shook his head and sat down obediently opposite Shen Yi. After the store brought two bowls of noodles, the two of them sat down Had an early meal at this stall.

After eating, Qi Dayou stood up and went to pay. Shen Yi hurriedly got up to pay the money. The man who was born in the inner guard looked back at Shen Yi, frowned and said, "Young master said that I was a friend."

Shen Yi smiled dumbly, and didn't rush to pay the twenty Wen for the meal.

After paying the money, the two walked on the street one after the other. Shen Yi looked back at him and asked, "Brother Qi, is it because someone came looking for me yesterday?"


Qi Dayou lowered his brows and said: "Someone in the inner guard is staring at that young master, knowing that he saw you yesterday, but he doesn't know what you guys said, so the higher-ups sent me to ask about the content of your conversation. Let me say it again, if I report it, it will be regarded as a job."

Speaking of this, Qi Dayou hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you have something inconvenient to say, young master, you can choose not to say it, but if someone in the palace asks you again in the future, you have to be the same as this time. "

As an inner guard, being able to say this shows that Qi Dayou is already very sincere.

Moreover, being able to go out on imperial missions shows that he is not low in the ranks of the inner guards, and he is probably a middle-level one. It is rare to be so honest when he has a position.

"Brother Qi, don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. I will tell you what I heard yesterday."

The two of them walked to an unremarkable teahouse, and after ordering a pot of tea, Shen Yi told Qi Dayou exactly what happened yesterday.

At this moment, the big man sitting across from Shen Yi appeared to be an internal guard, but in fact he was the incarnation of the emperor.

To tell him is to tell the emperor.

To be able to sue, Shen Yi naturally wished for it.

The last time, this matter will also reach the ears of eunuch Gao, and one day it will also fall on Mr. Yang.

Shen Yi really hoped that the Yang family would fall.

Because his big enemy, Fan Dongcheng, got involved with the Yang family.

The two sat in the teahouse for about a cup of tea, and Shen Yi told Qi Dayou what happened last night. After Qi Dayou finished listening, he memorized it silently, and then cupped his hands to Shen Yi and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, my lord. Qi has to go back to work, and come to find the young master for tea another day."

Shen Yi got up, returned the salute to Qi Dayou, and said with a smile: "One day, Big Brother Qi and Big Brother Zhao will have a rest and come out together. I'll invite you two to drink tea."

Qi Dayou didn't know if he agreed or not, he answered vaguely, turned his head and left.

Shen Yi watched the back of him leaving, sat back in his seat again, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, laughing at himself inwardly.

"Sun Jin, the eunuch in the palace, I'm already acquainted. If I get acquainted with the two inner guards, maybe in the future, my acquaintances will be everywhere in the palace..."

This thought was a little dangerous, Shen Yi shook his head, then shook the dangerous thought out of his mind, then stood up from the chair, paid the tea money, and walked towards the Qinhuai River.

It's still morning, so I'm going to Qinhuai River right now, so I'm not looking for a girl.

It has been two days since Xu Fu and others arrived in Jiankang. During these two days, several of them are busy preparing for the opening of the business. As the major shareholder behind the scenes, Shen Yi should naturally go and have a look. How is Tian Boping's illegitimate son adapting here?

After arriving at the Qinhuai River, Shen Yi quickly found Xu Fu's shop. At this moment, Xu Fu was taking Tian Boping's son to work in the shop. To Shen Yi's surprise, his third brother Shen Ling was also helping out in the shop. matter.

Master Shen was extremely surprised, he pulled Shen Ling aside, and said with a smile: "Why is third brother so diligent all of a sudden? In the past in Jiangdu, your sister-in-law was busy at home, but you never did anything."

"Jiangdu is Jiangdu, so Jiankang is Jiankang."

Shen Ling patted the dust on his hands, and glanced at Shen Yi: "I came out of Jiangdu with you, where can I fool around like before? If I don't pretend to be a person, I will still be laughed at by my father when I go back!"

After saying this, Shen Ling tugged at Shen Yi's sleeve, pointed to Xu Fu who was busy in the store, and said in a low voice: "Lao Qi, this store is the one you mentioned... it can earn 1 taels a year. business?"

"No ..."

A storefront, unless it sells antique jade, or the four treasures of the study and some other high value-added items, only by selling snacks, no matter how hot the business is, it will not have so much profit.

"The business I'm talking about is the overall business, and this store is just a small part of it..."

Master Shen patted Shen Ling on the shoulder and began to draw cakes.

"Third brother, just take a good look at it. After two years, you have made money. Let's go to the Imperial College to donate a prison student, and then go back to Jiangdu to buy a big house. Let the uncle see how good you are!"

This big cake is big and round, which is very suitable for Shen Ling's appetite. Shen Ling nodded happily and said: "In the future, when I make a lot of money, you will be an official, and you can arrange a sixth-rank and fifth-rank official for my brother. Let him watch "Don't be jealous!
Shen Hui worked as an official for nearly ten years, and in the end he was a seventh-rank county magistrate.

That's why Shen Ling wanted to be a fifth-rank or sixth-rank official, and he had to surpass that father who looked down on him!

Shen Yi smiled and agreed: "Okay, when the time comes for us brothers to wear official uniforms, we must walk around Yudai Lake more than a dozen times!"

Shen Ling laughed out loud when he heard the words, and the two brothers burst into laughter.

In contrast, the mood of a certain emperor in the palace is very bad.

When the inner guard sent the news to Gao Ming, and after Gao Ming told the emperor, His Majesty was furious because of this matter, and directly dropped the cup of tea in his hand, gnashing his teeth angrily.

"Don't wait until after the Shangyuan Festival, the Dibao will be published tomorrow!"

There was anger in His Majesty's tone.

"Not only let the officials see it, but also let the common people see it. If their personal ones are unhappy because of this, they don't have to go to Shen Yi, just let them come directly to the Deqing Palace to find me!"

(End of this chapter)

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