marquis of jingan

Chapter 304 I am here

Chapter 304 I'm Back
Disrespecting the teacher is a very serious matter in the circle of scholars, or in the scholarly class. Disrespect can be big or small, so Shen Yi rushed to the academy to pay a visit to Master Lu in such a hurry.

After hearing Shen Yi's words, Master Lu stretched out his hand to help Shen Yi up, then sniffed, and shook his head slightly: "You smell like alcohol, you must have drunk yesterday, since you drank, there is no need to be in such a hurry Come here, morning and afternoon are the same."

After finishing speaking, he turned sideways and said, "Go in and talk."

While walking towards the study, Shen Yi rubbed his temples, and said: "Brother Yi An invited the students to drink last night, but I really couldn't shirk it, so I went with him. I originally thought that I would come to see you today. Teacher, don't dare to drink too much wine, who knows that he is pulling the student and refuses to let the student go, so he has no choice but to drink a few more glasses."

While talking, the master and apprentice had already entered the study room. After Shen Yi waited for Lu Anshi to sit down, he lowered his head and poured a cup of hot tea for Mr. Lu, and also poured a cup for himself, and asked, "Farewell for a few months, sir. The month is fine."

"I'm in the academy. I don't have to worry about ordinary things, and I don't have to worry about food and clothing. Naturally, it's good."

Master Lu lowered his head and took a sip of his tea, and said with a smile, "I have read your article for the exam, and although it is well written, you are among the 130th and 130th in the exam, and you have not been wronged. But you can jump from more than 50 to more than [-] in the palace test, so I am very curious as a teacher."

Master Lu pointed to the pen and ink on his desk, and said quietly: "Shut out the palace examination papers, and let the teacher have a look."

Although Shen Yi has won the Jinshi now, but in front of Lu Anshi, he is still very obedient, he immediately nodded in agreement, and sat down to write the test paper silently.

Leaving aside the master-student status between the two, just talking about the results of the examination room, Mr. Lu was ranked 25th in the second class in the city, that is, No. 20 in the country. A big class above.

The papers for the palace examination were not many, only about [-] words. In addition, Shen Yi was still very impressed after the examination. Not long after, he silently read the papers for the palace examination. After drying the ink, he wiped his hands Handed it in front of Master Lu.

Although Lu Anshi prefers to add notes to the quotations of those saints, as the dean of the academy, he is also interested in matters related to scientific examinations. After receiving Shen Yi's test paper, he first read it carefully, and then looked at it with a serious face. The smile on his face gradually faded and became serious.

"The similar to the general examination, but the intention is a little higher."

He put down the manuscript, looked up at Shen Yi, with a serious face: "Reading this article, Ziheng intends to suppress the Japanese?"

Shen Yi nodded without hesitation.

He looked at Mrs. Lu and said, "Sir, for the past 20 years, the Japanese pirates have repeatedly harassed our Dachen Haijiang, refusing to be known by the students. Let's not mention Fengzhou Prefecture, Fuzhou Prefecture, etc., which are far away from Jiankang, just Jiankang. Songjiang Mansion near Kang, Mingzhou Mansion and Xianju area have been harassed by Japanese pirates almost every year in recent years."

"After the palace examination, the student met a Jinshi from Mingzhou Prefecture in Qionglin Garden. Because the palace examination was a Japanese invasion, this Jinshi from Mingzhou Prefecture told us something about Japanese pirates."

"Only the prefecture of Mingzhou."

Shen Yi took a deep breath, and then said: "Only in the prefecture of Mingzhou, in Hongde's five years and one year, at least a hundred people died at the hands of Japanese pirates. As for the looted merchant ships, there are even more It is impossible to count."

"The coast is so state capital..."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi didn't continue, but said silently: "The student is not capable now, and one day he will receive an errand from the court, or take charge of some military affairs..."

"Students don't dare to talk about exterminating the Japanese pirates within a few years, but if they can kill a hundred Japanese pirates, the students will definitely kill one less..."

National hatred.

Shen Yi doesn't have any good feelings for the Japanese pirates, as long as he seizes the opportunity, not to mention solving the hidden dangers of the pirates along the coast, Shen Yi even wants to fight the Japanese pirates on their own island!

Master Lu nodded silently, and said, "It's good to have this ambition. The Japanese pirates have indeed done a lot of harm to people these years."

After he finished speaking, he folded Shen Yi's palace examination manuscript, stuffed it into a blank envelope, and wrote a few elegant and elegant words on the envelope.

"Shen Yi and Shen Ziheng."

After writing these words, he took down a wooden box from the shelf behind his desk, opened the wooden box, put the envelope inside, and carefully closed the wooden box.

"As a teacher, I took some students in Jiankang before, including you, there are six in total. These are the test papers that you silently produced after the exam."

After closing the box, Master Lu put it back again, looked back at Shen Yi, and said with a smile: "The letters I wrote to you before you went to Jiankang last time are probably useless to you, but next time When you go to Jiankang, you can look for them according to the address on the letter, of your five senior brothers, four of them are officials in the court now, maybe they can help you a little."

Standing in front of Master Lu, Shen Yi said with a smile: "Speaking of Jiankang, the student just wants to invite his mentor to go to Jiankang for a walk."

"My mentor hasn't returned to Jiankang for seven or eight years. It doesn't have to be a long stay in Jiankang. It's good to stay for a few months, meet old friends, and relax."

After Master Lu heard these words, he didn't respond immediately, but slowly put away the wooden box and sat back on his chair: "Did Brother Changping teach you to say that, or Qingque taught you to say that?" of?"

Shen Yi quickly bowed his head and said: "Men, the student has not met his junior sister when he came back this trip..."

This sentence directly confessed Zhao Shilang.

This is not Shen Yi waving the banner.

Zhao Changping and Lu Jizhong are close friends, the two old friends haven't seen each other for many years, and Zhao Shilang is busy with business and cannot do without Jiankang, so he naturally hopes that Lu Anshi can go to Jiankang.

Before Shen Yi came back, Zhao Shilang had told him about it.

Hearing this, Lu Anshi was silent for a moment, and didn't respond immediately, but said, "Forget it, since you haven't seen Qingque yet, go and find her. You brothers and sisters are the same age, and you have something to say when you're together."

Shen Yi got up quickly, cupped his hands to Lu Anshi and said, "Students obey."

Master Lu gave a "hmm" and said again: "Before you go to see Qingque, you must first meet Mr. Qin, he knew that you were very happy after being awarded a Jinshi, and drank the wine for several days in a row, that is also yours Teacher, don't be negligent."

"Students save."

Shen Yi quickly lowered his head: "I was going to pay a visit to Mr. Qin."

Lu Anshi nodded, waved his hand and said, "You go."

"At noon, you can stay and have a meal. I want to ask you something about the residence newspaper as a teacher."

Hearing the word "dibao", Shen Yi's heart skipped a beat, but he still bowed his head and said, "Students obey."

In this way, Shen Yi left Master Lu's study and found Mr. Qin in the academy. After seeing Shen Yi, Mr. Qin was very happy. He looked at Shen Yi talking and talking, and looked at Shen Yi with both happiness and envy.

After all, Mr. Qin is just a student, that is, a scholar.

He has never been successful, let alone Jinshi.

After staying at Mr. Qin's house for about half an hour, Shen Yi got up to say goodbye. Before leaving, Shen Yi bid farewell to Mr. Qin, and then asked: "Sir, how is my brother?"

Mr. Qin smiled all over his face, and there was some excitement in his smile: "Jiulang is much stronger than Ziheng when you were in the academy."

Hearing this answer, Shen Yi left contentedly, and then came to the small courtyard of the Lu family in the backyard of the academy.

Standing at the gate of the yard, Shen Yi hesitated for a long time, then took a deep breath, reached out and knocked on the door.

This time it was no longer Lian'er who opened the door, but the smiling Miss Lu.

"Junior Sister, I'm back."

Shen Yi's tone was friendly.

Miss Lu nodded with a smile, stepped aside, and signaled Shen Yi to go in.

"Father told me that senior brother is having dinner at home today."

She looked at Shen Yi, and said softly: "The food is ready, brother come in and sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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