marquis of jingan

Chapter 363 Victory returns!

Chapter 363 Victory returns! (Two chapters in one!)
"Things stop at Dong Cheng."

Fan Shilang's words were a bow to Shen Yi.

But not for himself.

He comes from a wealthy family and was born as a Jinshi of the second list. Although he has been an official for so many years, although it is inevitable to rely on some connections and financial resources of the Fan family, the fact that a top three Jinshi can take the position of Minister of the Six Departments shows that Fan Yu is absolutely incompetent. what's the problem.

Even when Shen Yi went to investigate this person, he didn't find any corruption in him or any stains in the officialdom.

Moreover, even if he was demoted and became an inspector, he was still a third-rank provincial official, and he was in charge of a provincial criminal name, so he could be regarded as a deputy-level official in frontiers.

For a person of this level, Shen Yi could not threaten him.

He was bowing his head to Shen Yi for Jiangdu Fan's family.

As the former minister of punishment, he knew very well that Shen Yi was checking Fan's house.

It was also for this reason that Fan Chu, who had always been calm, was eager to attack Shen Yi, and even sent people to arrest Xu Fu in a panic, and sentenced him to death.

Because Fan Chu knew very well that he had no flaws, but Jiangdu Fan's family...

There are flaws all over.

The Fan family is a scholarly family. Apart from him, Fan Chu, there are about two or three people who are officials in the court, but most of them are small officials who can't stand on the stage. How did the hectares of land come about!
You know, although the Fan family ten years ago was also a big family in Jiangdu, their land would not exceed [-] hectares. In the past ten years, especially since he became the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, the land, real estate and assets of the Fan family have been They are all expanding rapidly, and the expansion speed is so fast that it is scary.

The speed of this asset expansion is of course abnormal.

Because Fan Yu is in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Fan family will not be too cautious when doing things. As long as you do a little research, none of the gentlemen of the Fan family in Jiangdu can escape their guilt. If they are more ruthless, they will probably be punished. Confiscation of property.

By the time…

Not to mention that Fan Shilang will lose his foundation, even he will be affected. He may be demoted again and again because of this incident, and he may lose his official status.

Shen Sizheng smiled and took a sip of tea.

"It seems that Fan Shilang's words should not be said to me, a junior."

Shen Yi's price is too low, theoretically speaking, he is not qualified to talk directly with Fan Chu, because as a member of Ganquan Academy, Shen Yi has nothing to say about many things now.

Fan Chu took a deep breath, and his face was a little ugly: "I went to see Zhao Shangshu."

He tried to calm down his tone: "He doesn't want to see me."

Shen Yi put down his teacup, expressionless: "Because the Fan family wanted to root out our academy more than once."

"Only one time."

Fan Chu's breathing became short of breath, and he quickly returned to normal. He silently put the teacup hanging in midair back on the table, and then looked at Shen Yi.

"Yan Mingli of Jiangdu cheated when he participated in the county examination. It was Dongcheng who pushed him to cheat. The Fan family has always had evidence of his cheating. If Fan wanted to use this matter to make a fuss, he would have reported it in a document. The Ministry of Rites has gone."

Fan Shilang is very thin and has slender fingers. At this moment, his fingers are a little pale and trembling slightly.

"Fan is also from Jiangdu. If he hadn't been sent to Jiankang by his family when he was young, Fan would have gone to Ganquan Academy."

He looked at Shen Yi silently: "The Fan family has always admired the academy. When Dong Cheng made a mistake, the Fan family has already severely punished him. The Fan family never wanted to go against the academy!"

"Even this time, Shen Sizheng, you sent someone to investigate Fan's house in Jiangdu. The two sides have reached the point where their faces are torn apart, yet Fan didn't speak out about Yan Mingli!"

He grunted.

"Fan just wants to drag you, Shen Sizheng, from the position of Si Sizheng in the mansion, and prevent you from sending people to investigate in Jiangdu..."

Speaking of this, Fan Chu showed an unnatural expression on his face. He took a sip of tea silently, and his voice was a little obscure: "To be honest, until now, I haven't figured it out. The Jiangdu beggar who followed you to Jiankang Son, how did he suddenly become the nephew of Eunuch Gao in the palace, how did he attract the attention of the palace, how..."

"How could it affect His Majesty..."

During the court meeting, several prime ministers and several officials of the Ministry of Officials originally planned to punish Fan Chu with his salary, and then make a note of him during the Jingcha, but at this time, His Majesty the Emperor personally expressed his position that he would Handle the affairs of the Ministry of Punishment strictly, and finally Fan Shilang will be removed from the position of Minister of Punishment.

The prime ministers of Zhongshu saw that they could not keep him, so they kicked him to the place together with the three officials of the official department.

This thing is so magical.

A little-known businessman, in the eyes of the official, is a small person who eats in the mud and dust. In just a few days, he stirred up the situation in the capital and brought down a big man at the level of the six ministers. !

Don't say that Fan Chu himself can't figure it out, other people in the court, including Zhao Changping, may not be able to figure it out.

It is estimated that even Xu Fu himself may be a little confused about this matter.

Only the big boss in the palace, the big eunuch, and Shen Yi can figure out the cause and effect of this matter.

But this kind of thing cannot be said outside.

People with big mouths are the easiest to die.

Naturally, Shen Yi couldn't say anything, so he smiled at Fan Yu: "Fan Shilang, things are so coincidental sometimes, how do you know that the beggar in Jiangdu can't be Eunuch Gao's nephew?"

"even though…"

Fan Yu's eyes were full of unwillingness: "Eunuch Gao may not have such a great ability to make His Majesty make up his mind to rectify the Ministry of Punishment..."

"Up to now, Fan Shilang, you still don't understand."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "In the end, it's because of Fan Dongcheng."

"After losing the battle on the front line, His Majesty himself is unhappy with the Zhao family, but Fan Dongcheng is still so close to the Zhao family, and even almost walked with the daughter of the Zhao family, and he is arrogant and domineering in Jiming Temple."

He pointed to his nose, and said sternly, "He hit me."

"Your Majesty, I have already made a note of your Fan family. It's just that you, Fan Shilang, didn't make any mistakes and didn't find a reason."

After saying this, Shen Yi stood up from the tea table, greeted Xiaoer to pay the bill, and said to Fan Yu with a smile: "Fan Shilang, you also passed the exam step by step from a child student to a student to a scholar. You know, at times like this, many of the things that the students of my academy have to say don't count, and the elders of the academy have to say what counts."

"You are in a hurry to go to the doctor."

Fan Yu stood up, his face pale: "The people in Jiangdu are obviously from your residence's newspaper department..."

"The Dibao Division has no judicial power, nor has the right to report rumors. It is useless to check or not to check. The key is to look at the elders of my academy."

Shen Yi cupped his hands towards Fan Yu, and said with a smile: "Fan Shilang, the root of the matter is no longer with Shen, you have found the wrong person."

After saying this, Shen Yi took out a small piece of broken silver from his sleeve and handed it to the waiter next to him. He didn't even ask for change, turned around and left.

Fan Shilang sat alone on the tea table, silent.

At this time, he really wanted to strangle his elder nephew to death.

really want.

It's a pity that even strangling him now is useless.

Fan Shilang poured himself a cup of tea silently, and drank it with his head raised, as if drinking.

He looked in the direction of Jiangdu, and heaved a long sigh: "Brother, this son you gave birth to may not kill me, but it will drag you and our Fan family into a situation of eternal doom... "

After saying this, he recalled the time when he wrote a letter back to Jiangdu and asked his elder brother to arrange Fan Dongcheng into Ganquan Academy to find a way to pursue Lu's daughter.

At that time, what Fan Chu wanted was to make friends with Ganquan Academy. After all, he was also from Jiangdu, and he was naturally close to Ganquan Academy.

It's just that I didn't expect it, just because of this idea...

Things have progressed step by step to where they are today.

"One drink and one peck, it's all pre-determined..."

Fan Shilang stood up and strode towards his sedan chair, staggering a bit.

His heart was very desolate.

Because he knows very well that Jiangdu Fan's family is already on the edge of a cliff...


Shen Yi felt very refreshed.

He has been suppressed by the Fan family and Fan Shilang for too long.

In the past, when he faced the Fan family, he could only do his best to protect himself and hide as much as he could. Even after Jiankang won the Juren, when he saw Fan Dongcheng, he still avoided as much as he could.

Even if he became a Jinshi later and met Fan Dongcheng in Jiming Temple, there was no good way.

but now!

The pillar of the Fan family, the third-rank official of the imperial court, and the dignified court official, bowed their heads to him!
Actually, Shen Yi didn't tell the truth just now.

Although he is a junior in Ganquan Academy, he is the party involved in this matter, and he can talk to the two elders!

After all, he will soon become Master Lu's son-in-law!

As long as he said that this matter is over, even Zhao Changping would not say anything more, after all, he wanted to give Master Lu some face.

However, Shen Yi rejected Fan Chu mercilessly!

This feeling is so cool!

It gave him a feeling of suffocation in his chest.

But this is just the beginning. Soon, he will be able to return to Jiangdu to settle Hong De's five-year old account on behalf of Chen Qing and Jiangdu's Shen Yi.

After being excited for a while, Shen Yi slowly calmed down.

he told himself in his heart.

He is still very weak.

Fan Chu came to see him not because he was afraid of him, but because he was afraid of the Ganquan Academy behind him, and because he was afraid of Zhao Changping who was promoted to the Minister of the Household Department.

The road... still has to be taken step by step. You can't drift. If you drift, you will be like Fan Dongcheng, who will do some stupid things, and rely on the stupid things that you can't deal with.

The next day, Fan Chu, who was demoted, left Jiankang sadly with his family members.

Except for two or three old friends, not many people went to the gate of the city to see each other off.

Among the people in the Ministry of Punishment, there are only three officials without rank, who have received Fan Chu's favor and sent him out of the city to see him off.

This scene is quite bleak.

The four words "people in the officialdom take tea to cool down" are vividly interpreted.

And the reason why the officials and gentlemen in the imperial court did not send this third-rank quasi-feudal official was mainly because everyone agreed that...

Fan Chu couldn't come back.

It is difficult to return to Jiankang to work.

He may not be able to do enough even as an inspector.

Just when Fan Shilang left Jiankang sadly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also submitted the mansion that Shen Yi handed over for review. The review process was very fast, and basically nothing was changed.

When it was published, the Ministry of Internal Affairs urged the Ministry of the Interior to quickly publish it.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is an institution...mainly in charge of the palace staff and the affairs of the inner court. This institution has no ideas of its own.

They also don't express their opinions.

In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs urged to print it quickly, but in fact it was the emperor himself who urged it to be printed.

Since it was the emperor's intention, Shen Yi didn't want to be negligent. After the review was completed, he immediately ordered his subordinates to print it accordingly.

There is not much special content in this mansion newspaper. The only special thing is that it contains some black information about Pei Yuan, the former minister of the Ministry of Rites and the current chief guest officer of the Ministry of Rites.

The main reason is that he once secretly accepted two concubines sent by Bei Qi.

Pei Yuan, who has been in charge of foreign affairs in the Ministry of Rites for a long time, is proficient in several languages. Even the Sinicized Qi people don't speak nonsense, and he speaks very well. Before that, he had been dealing with Qi people all the year round.

Under this background, it is normal for him to have some friendship with Qi people.

Of course, in this negotiation, Chen Guo was suspected of offering tribute coins, so Pei Yuan did not dare to take a cent from the Qi people. The report in the residence said that he accepted the two beauties from the Qi people as a gift. It happened years ago.

These two concubines from Qi also gave birth to him two children, and now they live in Jiankang City.

this kind of thing...

To put it nicely, it's an affair, it's Pei Yuan's personal charm, but as Da Chen's "diplomat", doing so can indeed be criticized.

However, this kind of thing cannot be regarded as a violation of the national law, so it is most appropriate for the newspaper department to publish it.

And the emperor asked the mansion newspaper department to publish this matter, not to punish him, but to make him resign and leave.

So, under the circumstances that the Mansion Newspaper Division worked overtime and night to publish, on the third day, the new issue of Mansion Newspaper began to be put on sale in Jiankang City.

On the morning when the mansion newspaper went on sale, Pei Langzhong, who was working in the Ministry of Rites, received a mansion newspaper from his subordinates. Looking at the mansion newspaper, he trembled with anger.

Not long after getting the report from the mansion, Mr. Pei asked for leave, and hurriedly went to Yang Xiang's mansion to find his teacher.

And when Pei Langzhong was looking for his parents, after several months of fighting in Huaihe River and Huaihe River for nearly half a year, he finally "repelled" the commander of the Huaihe Navy of the Qi people, Marquis Anping of Dachen, and General Zhao of the imperial court. "Victorious" returned to the court, and was greeted by a crowd, and returned to Jiankang City.

But the emperor himself did not go to greet him.

The five prime ministers of Zhongshu did not go to greet him either.

Even the Minister of the Ministry of War did not go, and only sent a minister of the Ministry of War to meet the General Zhao.

General Zhao, greeted by a group of people, came all the way to the imperial city, and finally met His Majesty the Emperor in the Deqing Hall.

In the Deqing Hall, the prime ministers of the court and most of the important officials were present.

His Majesty the Emperor on the throne asked Gao Ming to announce the imperial decree that had been drawn up without even raising his eyelids.

The content of the decree is very simple.

Because General Zhao won the victory and returned to the court, rewarded ten thousand gold, and promoted Zhao Zhuo, the son of the Zhao family, as a fifth-rank military official.

After Gao Ming finished reading the imperial decree, His Majesty the Emperor didn't even look at General Zhao, but stood up straight and lazily said: "Okay, General Zhao must be tired after fighting hard at the front for several months, so I won't Disturb General Zhao and go home to rest."

He waved.

"Let's go away."

Zhao Lu knelt in the main hall of the Deqing Palace, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty is so kind, I am ashamed and dare not accept it..."

He touched his forehead to the ground, and his voice trembled: "Before the battle, I led the imperial court's [-] imperial troops. After a few months, nearly [-]% of them were lost. I have committed crimes against your Majesty, and the court. Please punish me..."


His Majesty the Emperor stretched his waist: "Death is inevitable, the general does not need to feel guilty, I did not blame you."

Zhao Lu lowered his head again, and said, "Your Majesty, before I returned to Beijing, I heard that my family members were committing misconduct in Jiankang. Please punish me according to the law!"

This is about the beating of the Zhao family in Jiming Temple.

The emperor snorted inwardly, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Young people are just messing around. The matter has already been resolved, and the general doesn't have to worry about it."

The emperor's face was calm: "Gao Ming, the general has fought hard for half a year, it's been too hard, please send the general for me."

Eunuch Gao nodded immediately, stepped forward to help Zhao Lu up, and sent him all the way out of the imperial city.

After sending off Zhao Lu, Gao Ming went all the way back to the palace and met the emperor in Ganlu Hall.

Right now, His Majesty the Emperor is losing his temper.

After seeing Gao Ming, the emperor sat down on the soft couch angrily, and said angrily: "As soon as I came back, I confessed all the bad things about the Zhao family in front of the ministers, and forced me to expose the matter." !"

"From now on, there's no way to bring up old things again!"

His Majesty the Emperor said rather annoyed: "This Zhao Lu is really hateful!"

Eunuch Gao smiled all over his face, poured a cup of tea for the emperor, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty calm down..."

The emperor lowered his head and took a sip of his tea, as if he was talking to Gao Ming, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

"The Ministry of War is also a group of wine bags and rice bags, and no one can restrain the Zhao Clan."

He put down his teacup and looked at Eunuch Gao: "Gao Ming, should I send some new recruits to the Ministry of War?"

Eunuch Gao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty wants Shen Yi to..."

The emperor looked calm.

"Can't it work?"

Gao Ming lowered his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this Shen Yi is still running the Dibao Division, and the Dibao Division is just a prototype, with no appearance, and he is still a scholar of the Imperial Academy. If you don't come, this servant thinks that he is a little impatient to let him enter the military department now."

Speaking of this, Eunuch Gao bowed his head again and said: "Besides, after this time, most of the Qi people will be honest for a while, and there is no need to be in such a hurry, and let Shen Yi go to the Ministry of War after his stay in the Imperial Academy is full. Appropriate grade…”


The emperor bowed his head in thought.

Gao Ming sat down on his knees and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this servant is just talking nonsense, mainly because of your thoughts..."

"That's it."

The emperor narrowed his eyes.

"You're right, some things do..."

"No hurry."

 A chapter of [-] words... I also recommend an old friend's book! !


(End of this chapter)

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