Chapter 366
When the official is big, the benefits are endless, but when the official is relatively small, there are actually some benefits.

That is inconspicuous, and there is no need to rush around.

For example, this time the emperor's big wedding ceremony, all officials above the fifth rank in the imperial court must be present and participate in the whole process, and an inconspicuous official like Shen Yi does not need to be involved, as long as he does his job well Work, just hand in another congratulatory form.

Therefore, on the day of the emperor's wedding, Master Shen returned home from get off work after noon, first stayed in Liquan Building for the whole afternoon, and in the evening, he went to find a place to drink.

After drinking until it was completely dark, Shen Yi returned home. As soon as he entered the house, two maids greeted him, brought Shen Yi a coat, and put it on him naturally.

"Young master came back so late, it's cold now, you need to add some thick clothes, don't catch a cold."

Shen Yi yawned, a little tired: "The second brother of the Zhao family asked me to drink, so he stayed longer."

Qing'er pulled Shen Yi's sleeve and said in a low voice: "My lord, someone came to deliver a letter this afternoon, it's for you."

"A very thick envelope."

Shen Yi heard the words, sobered up a little from the alcohol, looked at Qing'er, and asked, "Where's the letter?"

"On the desk in the young master's study."

Shen Yi nodded and yawned: "It's getting late, you don't have to worry about me, just go to sleep."

At this moment, the two servant girls have been with Shen Yi for more than a year, and their feelings for each other have become deeper, and their understanding of each other has deepened a lot. Qing'er looked at Shen Yi, and said with a soft smile: "Ping'er is warming up the son. As for the water, I will wait for the young master to take a hot bath for a while, so you can relax and relax."

At this moment, Shen Yi also slowly adapted to the life of this era. He shook his head slightly and said: "If there is something to do, I guess I will stay very late in the study. If Pinger boils hot water, the two of you can wash and sleep by yourself. Bar."

As he said that, Shen Yi glanced at the yard where Shen Ling and his wife lived, and yawned: "If the third brother and the third sister-in-law haven't slept yet, you can ask them."

After saying this, Shen Yi tightened the coat he was wearing, and went into his study.

Qing'er followed in, lit the lamp for Shen Yi skillfully, lit the stove again, and then slowly backed out.

As for Shen Yi, sitting in his seat, he saw a thick letter placed on his desk.

Shen Yi's name was written on the envelope, and the signature was seven characters.

This is the seventh group representing the Dibao Division.

That is the group that Shen Yi arranged in Jiangdu. At present, the seventh group has expanded to more than 20 people, all of whom are "training" in Jiangdu.

And the content of their "practice training" was to investigate the Jiangdu Fan family thoroughly for Shen Yi.

Now, after several months and nearly half a year, the seventh group finally sent samples of their results to Shen Yi's desk.


What I have to say is that the intelligence teams of the Mansion News Agency are still doing things in a rough way. For example, they didn't meet Shen Yi's people, so they sent the information to Shen Yi's desk through the maids in Shen Yi's family.

This is so rough.

However, this kind of thing is not urgent. Now the capital chain of the Dibao Division is very abundant, and the training of follow-up personnel is also steadily advancing. In time, the Dibao Division will form seven intelligence teams and will become a professional intelligence organization.

Moreover, the Dibao Division is now steadily expanding according to Shen Yi's plan. For example, in Jiangdu, Gusu, and some other big cities, there are already branches of the Dibao Division. According to Shen Yi's plan, these Dibao Divisions will Branches, each branch can arrange a group or several groups of intelligence personnel.

Because every branch of the Mansion News Agency can sell mansion newspapers and engage in advertisements, their income can actually support the local intelligence personnel.

The only thing to pay attention to is that the strength of the control over these branches should not allow the kite string in your hand to fly too far, let alone break it.

After thinking about it wildly, Shen Yi opened the envelope and took out dozens of pages inside.

It takes a lot of time to read so much content, especially the things sent by intelligence personnel, sometimes you need to read word by word.

Shen Yi used a small bamboo clip on the table to pick up the oil lamp to make the oil lamp brighter, and then he added some lamp oil.

Today... I guess I'm going to stay up all night.


Because he stayed up late at night, when Shen Yi woke up the next day, it was already high in the sky. When he stretched his waist and yawned and pushed open the door, the two maids brought breakfast immediately, and Shen Yi looked up. Looking at the sky, he said helplessly to Qing'er: "Why didn't you wake me up? It's already this hour."

Qing'er felt a little aggrieved.

"My lord, this servant called you early in the morning. You said you were very sleepy. Let us not disturb your sleep..."

Ping'er on the side couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile, and echoed softly: "Yes, young master, you also said that you are the chief officer of the Mansion Reporting Department, and no one will point your finger, so there is no need to go to the Mansion Reporting Department to be on duty."

Shen Sizheng rubbed his head, thought about it carefully, and seemed to vaguely remember such a thing, he took a sip of hot porridge and shook his head: "It's really hard to stay up late, I don't even remember what happened in the morning gone."

While tidying Shen Yi's hair, Ping'er said aggrievedly: "The third young mistress came to ask our sisters to go shopping in the morning, but we didn't go out because we had to wait on the young master at home. Now the third young mistress has already gone out."

They were talking about Shen Yi's third sister-in-law.

Women like to go shopping by nature, especially in a capital city like Jiankang, it is worth strolling around. After Mrs. Shen arrived in Jiankang, Qinger Pinger often went out with her.

"If you can't go in the morning, let's go in the afternoon."

Shen Yi hastily picked up a few bites of food, and under the service of two coats, he changed into his shit-green eighth-rank official uniform, straightened his hat, and went out to work.

The emperor got married. Originally, the yamen of the imperial court should have a few days off, but His Majesty the Emperor personally issued an edict ordering the yamen not to miss the state affairs because of his marriage. Therefore, the emperor got married yesterday, and today the yamen will work as usual. , only the Ministry of Rituals is still busy with various etiquettes, such as preparing gifts for Empress Sun's natal family, preparing gifts for Bei Qi, and preparing for the empress' return home.

When Shen Yi came to the Dibao Division, it was almost noon.

The Dibao Division was operating as usual, and Shen Yi's late arrival did not have any impact at all.

Sometimes, Shen Sizheng returned to his classroom with a guilty conscience, for fear that someone would find that it would be the same if Di Baosi had him or not.

After sitting in the classroom for a while, it was noon, and after a short nap, it was afternoon.

At this moment, Shen Yi gradually regained his composure, and felt that he had worked hard all day in the newspaper department of the mansion.

Then someone invited Sun Jin and Eunuch Sun over.

After please come over, Shen Yi went straight to the point: "Eunuch Sun, I have something to ask to see Eunuch Gao."

Without further ado, Sun Jin immediately sent someone to report.

After a while, Eunuch Sun came to see Shen Yi and reported that Eunuch Gao was not in the palace and had left the palace.

Hearing this answer, Shen Yi was a little surprised.

Gao Ming is the great secret of the emperor. Although he also goes out of the palace to handle errands, he is always by the emperor's side most of the time. Could it be...

The emperor sneaked out of the palace on the second day of his wedding?

Eunuch Sun was very polite, and said: "Sizheng, this servant has asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to leave a message. After Eunuch Gao returns to the palace, he will know immediately that you want to see him."

Shen Yi smiled and nodded.

"My father-in-law."

In this way, Shen Yi waited for a full afternoon in the mansion newspaper department, until the evening, when the sky was getting dark, the eunuch Gao Ming came to the mansion newspaper department.

Shen Yi went out to greet him in person, only to see Eunuch Gao in plain clothes.

Shen Yi immediately understood that this guy probably went out with the emperor to fool around.

Listening to the pipa is addictive, right?

Gao Ming glanced at Shen Yi and coughed: "Shen Si is looking for me for something?"

Only then did Shen Yi come back to his senses, cupped his hands slightly, and said with a smile: "Elder-in-law, I want to take a leave of absence and go back to my hometown."

Gao Ming frowned: "The end of the year is coming soon, what are you going back to your hometown at this time?"


Shen Yi said solemnly: "Xiaguan will get married at the end of the year, and I have to go back and prepare."

Gao Ming looked Shen Yi up and down, and then said lightly: "Reporting to the Ministry of Rites, you are the official of the Ministry of Rites."

"Isn't the Ministry of Rites busy these two days?"

Shen Yi smiled: "Besides, no matter what, I have to say hello to my father-in-law in advance."

Gao Ming silently nodded.

"Okay, our family will reply to you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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