marquis of jingan

Chapter 397 The Second Round of Expansion

Chapter 397 The Second Round of Expansion

After returning from Ganlu Hall, Shen Yi returned to Di Baosi's own office and began to think about how to expand to the coastal state capital.

Now, the Dibao Division has seven or eight branches, all of which are located in several big cities including Jiangdu.

While laying out the branch, the intelligence agency of the Dibao Division also followed suit. It is worth mentioning that even during the few months when Shen Yi returned to Jiangdu to get married, the expansion of the Dibao Division's intelligence department was still in progress. It didn't stop, and regarding some important decisions of the intelligence department, Jiangdu's residence newspaper department sent them to Shen's residence for him to make decisions.

It's remote working.

There were only [-] people in the intelligence department of the Dibao Division when it was first established. After being divided into seven groups, each group can be divided into five people. Now, after a few months, although there are still seven groups, the number of people in each group There are already about forty people, which means that the number of people has almost doubled by ten times.

But this number is too small for the vast country and the entire imperial court.

The reason why the number of people expands so slowly is because this industry is quite special. Shen Yi requires that every intelligence officer has an innocent family background, and is clean before entering the intelligence office. An undercover agent sent in by someone.

Of course, this kind of review process may be useful in the initial stage, but as long as the intelligence department slowly expands and the number of people increases day by day, it is inevitable that other people will sneak in in the future.

The current Shen Yi, the reason why the censorship is strict is to ensure that the high-level and even the middle-level of the Dibao Division in the future will remain pure.

As for the bottom layer, it doesn't really matter.

Up to now, the first round of expansion layout of Dibao Division has basically ended, but following the meeting with the emperor just now, Shen Yi knew that the second round of expansion of Dibao Division was coming.

After arriving at the office of Dibao, Shen Yi sat in his seat and thought about it for a long time, and then asked people to call the two team leaders of the second and fourth teams of the Intelligence Department who were still in Jiankang to the Dibaosi.

So far, the leaders of the seven teams of Di Baosi, except for the six team leaders who have been replaced by Di Baosi's own people, the other six are still "coaches" sent by the inner guard.

Four groups of people have been sent out, and there are only three groups left in Jiankang.

The information transmission ability of the Dibao Division is still very fast. Shen Yi has to meet people in the afternoon. Before sunset, the two team leaders came to his study and bowed their hands respectfully to Shen Yi: "Sizheng."

The leader of the second group was named Duan Chong, and the leader of the fourth group was named Zheng Minghu.

These two people were both former internal guards, but now, they have been completely transferred to the Dibao Division and become the intelligence team leader of the Dibao Division.

Because the basic remuneration of the Di Baosi is more than twice that of the internal guards, and later the Di Baosi started to make money through the advertising business, and raised the remuneration for these people. Up to now, the salaries of these people have already reached They more than quadrupled at inside linebacker.

Where does working not serve the court?

Except for the leader of the sixth group who was brainless and returned to the inner guard, the others stayed behind and became Shen Yi's subordinates.

These two team leaders are both 32 years old, and they both have families and children in Jiankang. After seeing the leader Shen Yi, they were very respectful and did not dare to say a word wrong.

Shen Yi pretended to be a grandson in Ganlu Hall for a long time, and now he finally became the leader. He coughed, pointed to the chair opposite him, and said, "Sit down and talk."

The two nodded and sat down cautiously.

After sitting down, Shen Yi coughed and said, "You two should also know that four of the seven groups of people we got out at the beginning have left Jiankang and are stationed in other places. I plan to send two Is it okay to go out on business and stay in other places for a few years?"

The two looked at each other, and they both lowered their heads and said, "Si Zheng ordered it, and we have no problem."

Shen Yi smiled and said: "This trip will not keep you out of town. It will take you three to five years to return to Jiankang. After you come back, I will protect you as an official."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi paused, and continued: "If this errand is done well, the grade of the entire mansion newspaper department can be raised accordingly."

The two stood up straight away, and said, "Follow Si Zheng's orders!"

Shen Yi stopped talking nonsense, took two pieces of paper that had been prepared in advance on the table, put them in his hands, and said: "One Taizhou Prefecture, one Guangzhou Prefecture, you guys draw lots by yourself, it's all up to God's will."

Taizhou Prefecture is very close to Jiankang, but Guangzhou Prefecture...

Both of them tensed up.

If it's in Taizhou, maybe you can come back to see your family from time to time, if it's in Guangzhou, you won't even think about coming back before the end of the errand!

Duan Chong took a deep breath, cupped his hands to Zheng Hu and said, "Brother, I'll come first!"

He stepped forward and took one of the lots.

Shen Yi handed the other to Zheng Hu's hand, and said calmly: "The two notes are different, you should also take a look, so as not to say behind my back that I am biased."

After Zheng Hu took it, he opened it, and immediately smiled.

As for Duan Chong beside him, his expression was a bit unsightly.

"When you're done catching, continue to listen to me."

Master Shen said lightly: "You two places are different from other people sent out. After you arrive at the place, the income of the two places' mansion newspapers will be transferred to you until the end of your errands. I need you to grow your respective numbers to 300 to [-] by the end of this year, that is to say, to recruit a large number of their locals."

"If you don't have enough money, just pass me a message."

"any questions?"

Both of them lowered their heads one after another, and said in a deep voice, "Go back to Sizheng, there is no problem!"

"it is good."

Shen Yi said lightly: "After you go back, each of you will leave a deputy and [-]% of the manpower. When the time comes, the group that stays in Jiankang will also draw [-]% of the manpower. I will form eight teams."

According to Shen Yi's vision, from now on, this group and the eighth group will stay in Jiankang permanently, and will not move anywhere again.

Especially this new eight groups.

This is an organizational system created by the Dibao Division itself, without the participation of internal guards. In Shen Yi's vision, this eighth group will also be the most powerful group in the Dibao Division's intelligence department in the future.

Duan Chong and Zheng Hu saluted respectfully.

"Follow your orders!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they both bowed to leave and left Shen Yi's study.

After the two left, Master Shen sat on his chair, rubbing his temples while looking at the map on his desk.

"I used to be able to fish happily every day in the newspaper department, but now it seems that I have to be busy for a while..."

This time, Di Baosi will carry out the second round of expansion. In addition to the large-scale expansion, Shen Yi will also form an eight-group by himself. The workload is enough for him to be busy for a long time.

As in the past, the life of drinking tea in the newspaper office in the morning and leaving get off work after taking a nap is probably gone forever.

But this is something that can't be helped. After all, if you want to climb up in the court, you can't just dawdle every day, you have to work hard to do something.

On this day, Mr. Shen worked a rare overtime in the newspaper department of the mansion. He waited until it was completely dark before leaving his study and stretching himself.

Then he looked out at the dark night and smiled.

"In the evening of Jiankang, my mansion's newspaper department may have the final say in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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