marquis of jingan

Chapter 424 The Emperor's Care

Chapter 424 The Emperor's Care

After returning to Linhai, Shen Yi rested for a day, and then began to personally count the military achievements of the Anti-Japanese Army, and discuss the rewards with Li Mu.

How to reward the officers and men of the Anti-Japanese Army who have made great contributions is a more complicated issue, because the Anti-Japanese Army is a temporary organizational system. It is still unclear what level this organizational system will be and how many people there will be in the future.

Therefore, the current rewards, whether it is Shen Yi or Li Mu, can only be given money, not rank.

If you want to give a rank, you need Li Mu to report to the higher authorities, and the specific rank and actual position can only be given after the emperor and the Ministry of War have approved it.

However, under Shen Yi's suggestion, Li Mu still gave Xue Wei a hundred households who had made great contributions. Xue Wei made a lot of contributions in this vicious fight.

As for the other people who killed the Japanese pirates, everyone was paid according to the head of the head, but the level and position need to be considered slowly. It is impossible to directly give the real position of the general banner like the previous award to Xue Wei.

Two days later, all the rewards and pensions of the Anti-Japanese Army were basically distributed. Shen Yi personally distributed the rewards to every soldier, and Shen Yi personally distributed the pensions to the family members.

This incident was recorded by the Taizhou Mansion Newspaper Department and is going to be published in the next issue of the Mansion Newspaper.

This is done, on the one hand, to win over people's hearts, and more importantly, the source of troops.

As long as the money is in place, these anti-Japanese army officers and soldiers will spontaneously promote it to the anti-Japanese army, and the difficulty of subsequent anti-Japanese army recruitment will be much reduced.

More importantly, this time the rewards were given out because the soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Army killed the Japanese pirates, so when the follow-up recruits joined the Anti-Japanese Army, there would be much fewer people who would just dawdle.

In two days, the work of rewarding silver and pensions for the Anti-Japanese Army was basically completed. Shen Yi counted the roster of the Anti-Japanese Army. Except for more than 20 people who were killed in battle, and 30 or 210 people who were injured and lying on the bed, the current number of people in the Anti-Japanese Army Combat strength, a total of [-] four people.

Shen Yi and Li Mu divided the 210 people into two parts, of which Shen Yi and Ling Su led 64 people and stayed in Taizhou Prefecture to expand the anti-Japanese army.

Li Mu, on the other hand, led a hundred and fifty-four people all the way south along the coast to liquidate the thieves who had been found out by the Mansion News Agency.

Just when Li and Chen were parting outside the gate of Linhai County, Li Mu and Shen Yi each wrote a memorial about the Anti-Japanese Army, and sent them to Jiankang.

These two reports did not go through the imperial court, but were sent directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the imperial city, and then to the eunuch Gao Ming.

Eunuch Gao first received Li Mu's memorial from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he was about to take this memorial to the Ganlu Palace, and then Shen Yi's memorial was also sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Eunuch Gao looked at the report thoughtfully After pondering for a while, he took the newly sent memorial and placed it under Li Mu's memorial, and then held it with both hands, walking along When we arrived at the Ganlu Hall, we came before His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor just woke up from an afternoon nap. After stretching his waist, he looked up and saw Gao Ming walking towards him. The Emperor looked at the memorial book Gao Ming was holding in his hand, yawned again, and said lightly: "Where is the broken matter, it was delivered in such a hurry?"

Gao Ming lowered his head slightly, held the two memorials over his head, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Taizhou government sent the memorials of Jin Shizi and Shen Sizheng."


The emperor didn't reach out to pick it up, but asked thoughtfully, "Did you send it together?"

Gao Ming replied: "Returning to Your Majesty, they were not delivered together, but the servants who arrived at the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not dare to delay, so they simply delivered them together."

Hearing this sentence, His Majesty the Emperor smiled: "This is sensible, even if it's just pretending, at least it can make me feel more comfortable."

It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to say such words in public. It is only because there are no outsiders in the Ganlu Palace now, and they are all high-level eunuchs from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such half-joking remarks are harmless.

Gao Ming handed over the two memorials, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, according to the news from the inner guards, Jin Shizi basically did not touch any military affairs along the way, and he followed the rules."

His Majesty the Emperor didn't even raise his eyelids, but said lightly: "That's because he knows that Shen Yi can send the letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to my desk at any time, and they are accompanied by internal guards. He is alone, and there are no people from the court around him, who knows if he will be so honest?"

Gao Ming smiled, but did not speak.

While speaking, the emperor reached out and opened the memorandum sent by Li Mu. After reading it once, His Majesty's expression remained unchanged. , His Majesty the Emperor looked at the table case in front of him, and was in a daze for a while.

Then, the emperor put Shen Yi's memorabilia aside, and said with a smile: "After all, I am a Jinshi on the second list, and what I write looks much more comfortable. My brother, the emperor, does not have such a good literary talent. Look at what I wrote. It’s exhausting to look up.”

Eunuch Gao lowered his head and smiled, "Since Shen is writing, he has always been very capable."

"Not only is he good at writing, but also the newspaper department under him is also very good at it."

The emperor lowered his brows and said: "Not only was the richest man in Taizhou, Wang's Tongwo, but also more than a dozen big families in the coastal prefectures were found out..."

He looked up at Gao Ming, and said with a smile, "Does the inner guard have this ability?"

Gao Ming thought for a while, then bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, if the inner guards go to investigate, given some time, they should be able to find out..."


After the emperor said "hmm", he didn't speak for a long time, then reached out and knocked on the table, and said: "The two of them have done a good job in Taizhou Prefecture. This move is a bit of a surprise."

"Give them a few years, and I might actually have a new navy come out..."

Gao Ming lowered his head and said nothing.

Because the emperor did not let him express any opinion.

Because he has not read these two memorials.

The emperor pondered for a while, then reached out and knocked on the table, and said: "The son of Jin and Shen Yi have made great achievements in defeating the Japanese, and both will reward them with a hundred gold, and a decree is drawn up to reward them."

"in addition…"

His Majesty the Emperor thought for a while, and then continued: "There are so many big families who are familiar with the Japanese along the coast, and every family has to confiscate their homes. With so many properties, they don't have accountants around them. I'm afraid they won't be able to figure it out for a while.

"Send a eunuch in purple from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and ask him to take five counting rooms from the inner treasury and the outer treasury to manage the accounts for the anti-Japanese army, so that they won't be in a hurry."

Gao Ming bowed his head deeply and said, "I understand."


The emperor said slowly: "The Di Baosi has done a good job, letting them share information with the inner guards. If they know some things, the inner guards should also know."

Gao Ming bowed his head again and said, "Yes..."

"The Dibao Division has achieved very good results in the past few years. It is still an eighth-rank official office. It is a bit out of shape. Gao Ming, you can make arrangements. Tomorrow, officials from the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites will be called to the palace for a discussion. Raise the grade."

After saying this, the emperor stood up and stretched again: "Also, make some arrangements, I'm in a good mood this afternoon, and I'm going out of the palace for a walk."

Hearing this sentence, Gao Ming froze.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

His Majesty is more and more fond of going out of the palace...

In the past, His Majesty was in a bad mood, so he would go out of the palace to relax, but now His Majesty is in a good mood...and wants to go out of the palace.

But His Majesty had already opened his mouth, Gao Ming could only bow his head in response, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, let's make arrangements."

Seeing the bitter expression on Eunuch Gao's face, His Majesty the Emperor chuckled and reached out to pat Gao Ming's shoulder.

"Don't worry, if the mother wants to blame her, I will take it on, and you won't be blamed."

Gao Ming knelt on the ground and bowed his head deeply.

"I dare not have such thoughts, as long as I can do things for His Majesty, I will die forever..."

(End of this chapter)

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