marquis of jingan

Chapter 427 Test the Emperor's Pattern

Chapter 427 Test the Emperor's Pattern
Although the military department of the imperial court is in an awkward position, it still has power on the surface. The military department is in charge of the selection of military officers, military registration, ordnance and military orders across the country.

The temporary establishment of the Anti-Japanese Army was originally a spur-of-the-moment initiative of the emperor, and the Ministry of War did not give specific documents. However, the Anti-Japanese Army is currently doing a good job, and it has also played a role in the Japanese pirates. Now the Ministry of War finally gave a formal one. compiled.

With a serious organization, generals in the anti-Japanese army like Xue Wei would not be employed without officials.

Although this kind of thing is of no practical use, it is just something that the imperial court does not recognize, but after all, the imperial court has been in existence for more than 100 years, and the imperial court's certification is very important to some people. Get some motivation.

Shen Yi listened to the wine glass in his hand, looked at Du Huai, and asked, "Eunuch Du, can I hear this kind of thing?"

"Listen, listen."

Eunuch Du smiled and said: "Before coming, His Majesty specially called our family to the Ganlu Palace to have a conversation, and our family also knew that Shen Hanlin was just a military adviser on this trip to the Jin Dynasty, but most of the time he was a military advisor. Shen Hanlin is making up his mind."

His tone was calm: "If it weren't for that, our family would have gone directly to find the Prince of Jin, and we wouldn't have come here to see Shen Hanlin."

"My father-in-law's words are wrong."

Shen Yi coughed, shook his head and said: "This time patrolling the sea, the eldest son is still the leader. At most, I will give advice to the eldest son behind his back, not to mention making decisions."

Shen Yi's tone was sincere: "Your Majesty will not be happy if you hear such words."

Although Li Mu also said something similar to Du Huai, but he is a nobleman after all, and there are some things that others can say, but Shen Yi can't accept them. yellow.

It doesn't matter if the errand is bad, and there may be some unpleasantness.

Du Huai had stayed in the palace for decades, and he knew the ways of the world. Seeing Shen Yi like this, the old eunuch smiled and said, "No wonder Shen Hanlin was able to enter the Imperial Academy twice at this age. With this precocious wisdom, it is not comparable to ordinary people."

The "premature wisdom" that the old eunuch said meant that at this age, Shen Yi had wisdom that he shouldn't have at this age.

Shen Yi lowered his head and took a sip of his wine, but didn't answer.

Eunuch Du ate his food and said casually: "Your Majesty has decreed that Prince Jin is the commander of the Anti-Japanese Army."

Hearing the word commander, Shen Yi raised his eyebrows, his expression changed slightly.

The commander is the highest military leader of a guard, and he is a third-rank military post.

For example, in Linhaiwei, the full staff is five thousand households, that is, about 5000 people.

However, the commander is not the highest military position in the local area. The highest military position in the local area is the commander of the capital, that is, the highest military officer at the provincial level.

The imperial court gave the anti-Japanese army this level of organizational system, which was slightly lower than Shen Yi's expectation.

According to Shen Yi's estimate, since the imperial court has sent all the emperor's cousins ​​down, no matter whether the anti-Japanese army can fill up or not, they should be given the title of commander, otherwise it would be unavoidable for the dignified son to be given the position of commander. Some drop in price.

Of course, for the current anti-Japanese army, the establishment of 5000 people is adequate.

Because the current anti-Japanese army only has more than [-] people, and even one thousand households has not been filled.

Seeing Shen Yi's thoughtful look, Eunuch Du stroked the sparse and barely visible beards on his chin, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty said that if the anti-Japanese army has done well in the past two years, an anti-Japanese capital will be set up along the coast." .”

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yi secretly added something in his heart.

When the Anti-Japanese Army is promoted to the Anti-Japanese Army, it is uncertain whether Shen Yi will work in the Anti-Japanese Army, but Li Mu will never continue to serve as the commander of the Anti-Japanese Army.

Mutual defense within the royal family is still very important. The emperor can allow Li Mu to be a commander in name, but it is impossible for him to be the commander of the capital, even in name.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said: "Your Majesty is so wise, Shen Yi admires him very much."

Du Huai squinted his eyes and looked at Shen Yi, and continued: "Your Majesty also ordered us to ask Prince Jin and Shen Hanlin if there is anything we can do for our help."

Shen Yi thought for a while, and then answered: "With Eunuch Du helping to deal with the stolen property, I have already saved a lot of effort, but other than that, there are really some things. Just pretend not to say anything."

Eunuch Du's eyes turned into crescent moons, extruding a few crow's feet, he looked at Shen Yi with a smile, and said, "If Shen Hanlin has anything to do, just say it."

Shen Yi coughed and lowered his voice.

"Eunuch Du, I want to build a dock along the coast of Taizhou Prefecture. I need some drawings of large ships, and a group of craftsmen who are proficient in shipbuilding..."


Eunuch Du thought for a while, then raised his head to look at Shen Yi, and said: "Our family needs to ask the higher-ups for instructions. There are many skilled craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry of the imperial court. If His Majesty agrees, some can be transferred from the Ministry of Industry. As for the dock..."

The old eunuch said calmly: "Of course there is no problem with the dock, but the Ministry of Households may not be willing to pay for it."

The implication is to pay money from the stolen money.

Shen Yi originally wanted to spend the stolen money, so he nodded when he heard the words, then he coughed and continued: "What's more, does the Arsenal Department of the Ministry of War have some workshops that specialize in the manufacture of firearms? I want to transfer one or two from the former Ministry of War. The workshop came to the coast to provide firearms to the anti-Japanese army..."

Before Shen Yi finished speaking, Eunuch Du stood up directly from the chair. The old eunuch looked at Shen Yi with disbelief. Said: "What does Shen Hanlin want?"

"I want some firearms workshops."

Shen Yi blinked his eyes, his eyes were a little innocent: "What's the matter, Mr. Du, is it difficult?"

"It's not just difficult to handle?"

Eunuch Du sat down and said angrily: "Shen Hanlin, our family just praised you for your early intelligence! Why are you so confused now, the anti-Japanese army is now recruiting troops along the coast, and the prince in name is still Jin Shizi, you Now I want a firearms workshop, you..."

Having said that, Eunuch Du actually wanted to say, "Do you still want His Majesty to sleep peacefully?"

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them down, and said angrily: "You are simply crazy!"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said: "Eunuch Du, it is precisely because Shen has no selfishness that he made such a request to the imperial court and His Majesty. If we really have any selfish intentions, then we will build a firearms workshop by ourselves instead of asking the imperial court for important people. gone."

"Elder-in-law, after the Battle of Linhai, small groups of Japanese pirates dare not go ashore in a short period of time. In the next one or two years, after the anti-Japanese army gradually takes shape, I believe those large groups of Japanese pirates with thousands of people will not dare to go ashore again. I am a big Chen Haijiang, but I really want to wipe out the Japanese pirates at sea, I want to calm the sea, I want to..."

"To form a coastal navy, you must build ships and go to sea to defeat Japanese pirates on the sea!"

Eunuch Du's face turned red, he looked at Shen Yi, and sighed: "It's okay to build a ship, but firearms are absolutely impossible. If the local army needs firearms, just write a note to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War will naturally issue them as appropriate. The reason why you need a workshop directly from the Ministry of War?"

"The firearms of the Ministry of War..."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "Ms. Shen has seen it before. Those who can hit far can't get on the boat, and those who can hit the boat can't hit far. It needs to be improved."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi paused, and continued: "Eunuch Du, you should tell your majesty what I said truthfully. If your majesty agrees, it will be good. If not, I will only mention it once, and I will never mention it again." I won’t mention it, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Eunuch Du shook his head and sighed: "Let's pass on the words, and His Majesty won't pretend that you haven't said anything."

He looked at Shen Yi, and couldn't help asking: "Why didn't Shen Hanlin write these requirements in the memorial?"

Master Shen offered Du Huai a cup.

"If I hand it over, His Majesty probably won't be able to see it, but if my father-in-law and his own people in the palace send things up, His Majesty may be able to take it seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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