Chapter 438
Shen Yi has a very good advantage.

That is generally something he doesn't understand. He will not mix it up, but will fully respect the opinions of insiders, and will not rely on his status to command outsiders.

Just like in war.

Shen Yi is only responsible for conscription work, logistics work, and some general control. As for the specific military training and war command, he is not involved.

Because he was worried that something would get mixed up.

But this time, Shen Yi intervened in the specific actions of the anti-Japanese army with a very tough attitude.

Under his insistence, the more than 1000 anti-Japanese troops outside Yongjia City immediately set off and rushed towards Yueqing.

After the army headed out, Shen Yi found Li Mu in the commander's tent. At this moment, Li Mu had changed into a military uniform and armor, and was about to set off with the anti-Japanese army.

Shen Yi stopped him.

Master Shen looked sincere, bowed his head slightly to Li Mu and said: "My son, you have done what you need to do to this extent, I will accompany them to Yueqing later, son, you will enter Yongjia City with the family of the palace. .”

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said: "For the rest of the matter, it is not only useless for Shizi to get involved, but it may also make Ling Su and the others fearful."

Li Muli didn't even pay attention to Shen Yi. While arranging his armor, he said without raising his head: "Zi Heng, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

Shen Yi shook his head: "I'm ready to practice, but I haven't started yet."

Li Mu raised his head and said with a smile: "Although I have been studying since I was a child, I don't have to rely on reading for food. I just learned to read from a few gentlemen. Master never stopped."

He raised his fist in front of Shen Yi, and said with a smile, "I won't get involved in fighting, but I must get involved in fighting."

"If I don't kill a few Japanese thieves with my own hands, how can I brag about my bravery to those of my generation when I return to Jiankang?"

Having said that, he patted Shen Yi on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the wife of Ziheng's family seems to be pregnant, but you don't have to take this risk, it's better to stay here in Yongjia City. Waiting for good news for my brother!"

Shen Yi looked at Li Mu, and said silently: "The son will not have a wife and children?"

Men in this era usually get married very early. Li Mu is already 22 years old this year, so it is impossible for him not to be married.

In fact, he is not only married, but also has three concubines, and his eldest son is already six years old.

Li Mu smiled dumbly: "Well, I won't persuade you, and you shouldn't persuade me either."

He turned his head to look at a royal guard behind him, and said calmly: "The guards who followed me from Jin Wang's mansion, sent ten of them to follow Ziheng Xiandi to protect his safety."

The personal guard showed a look of embarrassment, and just about to say something, he saw Li Mu's face change, and he frowned: "Why, I can't speak well, am I?"

The guard immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

Li Mu's expression turned pale, and he continued: "Send someone to the Wenzhou government office to inform the Wenzhou prefect Jiang Youde, and tell him that all the logistics supplies for our anti-Japanese army will be in his Wenzhou government's responsibility. What's wrong, I don't need to report, I can deal with him on the spot!"

The royal guard once again bowed his head.

After saying these words, Li Mu patted Shen Yi on the shoulder, then got on his horse, laughed loudly, and chased after Ling Su's large army.

Shen Yi also got on his horse and ran after the large army.


Yueqing is adjacent to Yongjia. From Yongjia to the east, cross the Nanxi River, and then go east for a while, you will arrive at Yueqing.

As for Yongjia County, all the way to the east, in addition to crossing the Nanxi River, there is also a mountain.

Central Yandang Mountain.

Both Zhongyandang Mountain and Yandang Mountain are in Yueqing County, but Zhongyandang Mountain is in the south of Yueqing, while Yandang Mountain is in the north of Yueqing.

From Yongjia all the way to the east, you will pass near Zhongyandang Mountain.

Most of the anti-Japanese army did not have mounts, and in addition to carrying heavy weapons such as shields, crossbows, and wolves, it was impossible to maneuver very fast.

The anti-Japanese army walked for a whole day, and when it was completely dark, they still hadn't touched the territory of Yueqing. Near the Japanese army, collect news nearby.

At the same time, Xue Wei personally led a team of less than 100 people to form a scout battalion, cruising near the anti-Japanese army camp to prevent Japanese pirates from sneaking in.

Ling Su personally led people to find an open space suitable for camping nearby, and everyone camped in place and rested for most of the night.

Before dawn the next day, Ling Su had already woken up yelling loudly, and after the army made a meal, he set off again and headed towards Yueqing.

At this time, some recruits had already retreated.

Because they started from last night, and they don't know who spread in the barracks, saying that they went to Yueqing to fight Japanese pirates.

Among these recruits, most of them were unqualified and were forcibly pulled over. After hearing the "rumor" now, some of them were reluctant to risk their lives and clamored to go home.

As an imperial envoy, Li Mu pulled out the sword at his waist and threw it to Ling Su without saying a word. Ling Qianhu personally went to arrest a few people who had shaken the morale of the army, and then splashed blood on the flag of the Anti-Japanese Army On the top, it was dyed a large area red.

Soon, everyone came to the foot of Zhongyandang Mountain.

At this moment, they have stepped into the territory of Yueqing.

Standing high on the hillside, you can even see some towns and villages in the distance.

Just as the Anti-Japanese Army rushed to Yueqing County bit by bit, Zheng Hu from the fourth group of the Dibao Division entered the Anti-Japanese Army camp again and found Shen Yi.

"Si Zheng, the behavior of the pirates is a bit weird!"

Zheng Hu's face was ugly, and he lowered his head and said: "Since the anti-Japanese army entered Yueqing, the Japanese pirates in Yueqing have stopped looting the people by coincidence, and seem to be slowly approaching Sizheng. Now one of the Japanese pirates has gathered in Sizheng. Only Less than thirty miles away!"

"Other Japanese pirates seem to be encircling them too!"


These Japanese pirates suddenly landed and plundered the people. It was not a routine move, but someone was manipulating them behind the scenes!
Looking at the movements of these Japanese pirates, it may even be said that these Japanese pirates came for Shen Yi and the anti-Japanese army!

Shen Yi nodded silently: "Got it."

Zheng Hu took a cautious look at Shen Yi, and asked, "Sizheng, do you think the anti-Japanese army should retreat a little distance to avoid the encirclement of Japanese pirates first..."

"Can't go back."

Shen Yi glanced at Zheng Hu silently, and said, "If we retreat now, we'll just wait in Yongjia, what else are we going to do in Yueqing?"

"You only need to investigate the news, don't ask about anything else."

Zheng Hu nodded respectfully and retreated: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

After Zheng Hu left, Shen Yi immediately went to see Li Mu and then Ling Su.

After the three of them had a brief discussion, orders were issued one after another.

Instead of stopping the march, the anti-Japanese army ordered to speed up the march.

It looked like it had plunged into the Japanese pirate's pocket.

At this time, Shen Yi, who was in the central army, basically became the backbone of this army.

Because the imperial envoy doesn't care about things, and the military officer is not in charge of the family.

He naturally became the family.

Ever since, Master Shen waved his big hand with a solemn voice.

"Driving to Yueqing County, the bandits along the way will kill without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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