marquis of jingan

Chapter 456 How about Shen Yi?

Chapter 456 How about Shen Yi?

Shen Yi's brows twitched when he heard this light and fluffy "stuck into the military department".


Because when he left Jiankang in the first half of the year, the emperor once drew a cake for him, and that big cake was to transfer him to the Ministry of War and serve as the head of the Ministry of War.

The head of the Ministry of a sixth-rank officer.

There are four divisions in the Ministry of War, namely the Military Selection Division, the Staff Division, the Driving Division, and the Arsenal Division.

Each division has a Langzhong as the chief officer, and the Langzhong has two subordinate officers, Yuanwailang and the chief officer.

The principal is the lowest level among the officers of each division. Each division has two people, which means that the entire military department has a total of eight principals.

It should be known that the Ministry of War is in charge of the selection and examination courses of military guards and native officials, as well as military system, training, recruitment, garrison, frontier defense, honor guard, imperial guard, post pass, stable animal husbandry, ordnance, talisman survey, military registration, martial arts and other military affairs. Administration is extremely powerful.

Even among the six yamen, the authority of the Ministry of War is not low, generally under the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households.

This is also because Chen Guo's army is useless in fighting.

If the military is tough enough to fight, then the voice of the Ministry of War will be louder, and it may be able to squeeze into the top three among the six.

As for the three hall officials of the Ministry of War, that is, one minister and two servants, as long as there is a large-scale war, they may all go out with the army.

As for the entire Ministry of War, apart from the three hall officials, that is, four Lang Zhong and four Yuanwai Lang, the rest are eight principals!
If Shen Yi can become one of the chiefs of the eight military departments, then although his rank has not yet risen, what he will gain is real authority and status, and he will become a veritable middle-level official.

Even though he, the head of the Ministry of War, will most likely be sent to the coast for a period of time, but even so, this level of improvement is already too big for him, a new Jinshi last year.

But even if Shen Yi really became the head of the Ministry of War, it would not be considered lucky.

Because Master Shen has really made a contribution.

This time following Li Mu's southern sea patrol, whether it was the battle of Taizhou Prefecture or Wenzhou Prefecture, Shen Yi received real credit, especially when Wenzhou Prefecture faced the Japanese pirates head-on, because the eldest son Li Mu was injured and resisted. The Japanese army was basically commanded by Shen Yi alone, which was clearly written in Li Mu's memorial to the court.

No one can say that Shen Ziheng is lucky for this kind of real credit. If anyone dares to say it face to face, Shen Yi can point at the other person's nose and go back on the spot.

But even so, Shen Yi was still a little excited. He forced himself to calm down, and then slightly lowered his head and said: "If your Majesty is in trouble, you can send someone from the Ministry of War to the coast to assist the prince. It doesn't have to be a subject..."

The little emperor glanced at Shen Yi, then slightly rolled his eyes: "Since I promised you, I won't break my word. Your errands in the south are indeed doing well. Those old fellows in Zhongshu will promote you to the military department. Those old fellows in the book can't say anything, just wait for the news when you go home, and it will take a day or two at the earliest, or three or four days at the slowest, and the imperial edict will be sent to your home."


The little emperor looked at Shen Yi, changed the subject, and said with a smile: "However, how you should arrange the errands of the newspaper office in your residence, whether to hand it over to others or to do it yourself, depends on Shen Qing and your own ideas."

Shen Yi's heart skipped a beat when he mentioned the Mansion Reporter, and then he lowered his eyebrows and said, "The Mansion Reporter is His Majesty's Mansion Reporter, and I obey His Majesty's arrangements in everything."

"What I mean is that you don't want to take the position of Sizheng of the Di Bao Si, otherwise you are not only in the Imperial Academy, but also in the Ministry of War, and you are also the Di Bao Si, and others will use this as an issue."

When the little emperor said this, he kept looking at Shen Yi's expression, and seeing Shen Yi's calm expression, he continued: "But I also understand that you have spent a lot of effort on the mansion, and the mansion It is also in the process of layout, and you will feel uncomfortable if you are taken out of the mansion office at this time."

"The newly-born Di Baodi may also come to an abrupt end."

The little emperor put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Besides, you probably cannot do without the Di Bao Si when you do things in the southeast."

"Therefore, what I mean is that the Secretary of the Dibao will leave it to Sun Jin to take care of it, but in fact, what happened in the past will remain the same in the future. Sun Jin is only responsible for the publication and distribution of the Dibao, and other things are still left to the public. Shen Qing, you are in charge until..."

Then, the emperor looked at Shen Yi, and said, "Until the anti-Japanese army completely wiped out the pirates along the coast, and after I have completed the completion of the Chen Coastal Defense Army, how about you hand over the errand of the residence newspaper department?"

Hearing these words, Shen Yi breathed a long sigh of relief.

To be honest, Di Baosi is still very important to him now.

What's more, he started the Mansion News Agency with one hand and arranged the Mansion News Agency with one hand. If he kicked him and kicked him out, then he would really feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the great leader, the emperor, was considered "understanding" and did not do such wicked things.

Shen Yi bowed his head respectfully to the emperor and said: "Chen, thank you for your majesty's kindness, I will definitely take care of the mansion and newspaper for your majesty!"


The emperor patted Shen Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The queen mother told me inside just now that she said that you and my monarch and minister are of the same age, and maybe we will spend a lifetime together."

"Good job."

The emperor smiled kindly: "I can't treat you badly."

It has to be said that the little emperor's professionalism is getting higher and higher now, and he is becoming more and more comfortable in the profession of emperor.

Because he has started to draw cakes habitually.

Master Shen hurriedly bowed and said, "I must do my best to serve the imperial court and Your Majesty!"

The little emperor stretched out his hand and yawned, then waved at Shen Yi: "Forget it, I'm here today, you go back and rest."

Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief, saluted and left.

After Shen Yi took several steps back, he turned and left.

And at this time, the emperor had already sat on his dragon chariot. His Majesty the emperor sat on the dragon chariot, looked in the direction Shen Yi left, and asked, "Gao Ming, what do you think of Shen Qi?"

Eunuch Gao stood on the right side of the dragon chariot, lowered his head slightly and said, "Return to Your Majesty, this servant feels that Shen Yi..."

"He's a scholar who doesn't look like a scholar."

The emperor glanced at him: "How do you say that?"

Eunuch Gao bowed his head and said, "What I mean by this servant is that although he studied and won a Jinshi, he doesn't have the sourness of other scholars."

"My servant has seen many scholars, and they are more or less sour."

Speaking of this, Gao Ming paused, and continued: "It seems that this Shen Yi went to study and take an exam purely because he wanted to be an official and do things..."

The little emperor pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "If you say that he is purely for being an official, it won't sound very good, but adding the word "doing things" makes it more pleasing to the ear."

Eunuch Gao also smiled.

"My servant once sent someone to investigate Shen Yi. He almost died in prison a few years ago. Maybe it was because of that unjust prison that the sourness on his body faded away, and he devoted himself to doing good things..."

The little emperor said "Hey" but didn't answer.

"Get up and drive back to the palace, and go to the queen's place later to have a look. Her belly is gradually getting bigger."

Gao Ming bowed his head respectfully and said yes.


On the other side, Shen Yi, after leaving the imperial palace, did not leave the imperial city, but went back to the mansion to take a look.

After staying in the Dibao Division until noon, Master Shen changed his official uniform in his class, put on plain clothes, and left the imperial city. He first wandered around Jiankang City, and then went to Liquan I took a stroll in the building to see if there were any new good books in Liquan Building that I could borrow.

After staying in Liquan Building for an afternoon, when Shen Yi returned to Shen's house, it was already afternoon and evening.

In the backyard of Shen's house, the cook has already started cooking.

Master Shen first went back to the backyard to see his daughter-in-law, and after staying with her for a while, he went to his study to write a letter.

It is mainly written to the branches of the Dibao Division in various places to inquire about the situation.

While Shen Yi was writing the letter, Qing'er pushed the door and came in with hot tea. She put the tea by Shen Yi's hand and said in a low voice, "My lord, Ding Man is here. He asked if he could come in to see you." one side."

Shen Yi stopped his brush and stretched his waist: "We are all acquaintances, how can we say this? Just bring him to the study."

Qing'er nodded and quickly brought Ding Man over.

I haven't seen him for a while, and Timon's body has become stronger, and he is no longer as thin as before.

After seeing Shen Yi, Ding Man bowed first and saluted. When Shen Yi asked what was the matter, the former Jiangdu beggar slightly lowered his head and looked at Shen Yi cautiously.

"Young master, elder brother wants to see you, let me ask you, is it convenient to see him..."

(End of this chapter)

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