marquis of jingan

Chapter 488 Fuck you!

Chapter 488 Fuck you!
At this time, Shen Yi felt an unknown fire in his heart.

Although he refrained from showing any expression on his face, he wished he could hang up the little widow in front of him and beat him up.

He doesn't have the so-called concept of heaven, earth, ruler, relatives and teachers in this world, nor does he have any foolish and loyal thoughts of loyalty to the emperor.

To be honest, if he did not go well with the emperor, he would try to escape, not to mention the "lady boss" in front of him.

What made Shen Yi angry was that the Empress Dowager Sun's suggestion was very vicious to him.

Because the matter of supporting Gu Hengbo outside, for the emperor, although it may cause some criticism from the outside world, it will not hurt His Majesty's reputation very much, because in this era, a man with a golden house hides his beauty, and if it is spread out, it will make people People envy, and can be passed down as an elegant thing.

But as a scholar, keeping prostitutes outside for the emperor is a real moral issue.

If it gets out, others will poke Shen Yi's spine.

For Shen Yi, this is a real sore spot. If the truth is spread, no matter how smooth his official career in the imperial court is, no matter how smooth his career is, in the future, someone will point at his back and scold him. Xingchen.

If that kind of mouth is poisonous, maybe he will swear a few words like "Guigong" to disgust people.

What's more terrible is that this kind of reputation stain will accompany Shen Yi for the rest of his life. As Queen Mother Sun said, even if he resigns from office and hangs his seal and goes home to teach, this kind of moral problem will make him unable to teach in his hometown.

But what really made Shen Yi angry was not someone talking about it, but the Empress Dowager Sun threatening Shen Yi with it.

Damn it!
Obviously it was your son who insisted on taking care of someone else, but I was forced by Huang Wei to have no other choice, so I took a hand in it, and I didn't even handle it myself!

Not only that, in order to be concerned about your son's reputation, I tried every means to cover it up for him, and I planned to let everyone escape by feigning death, so that this matter was done seamlessly.

In the end, you motherfucker not only didn't say anything, but also used this matter to make trouble for me?
The above are Shen Yi's thoughts now.

Shen Yi stood silently in the Kunde Palace. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, then he raised his head silently, looked at Queen Mother Sun, and tried to calm down his tone: "I would like to ask the Queen Mother, do you need your help?" doing what?"

The Empress Dowager Sun had obviously already thought about the process of the matter. Seeing Shen Yi "bow her head and submit softly", she showed a smile on her face, and said lightly: "The Ai family has two nephews, both of whom have the rank of fifth-rank official. Anti-Japanese Army, why not take them to the Anti-Japanese Army and serve as a thousand households."

Speaking of this, the empress dowager paused, and continued: "The two juniors of the Ai family, although they are military officers, have never been on the battlefield, let alone led soldiers. Therefore, after joining the Anti-Japanese Army, Master Shen It doesn’t have to be necessary for them to actually lead their troops, let them follow the army and do their best for the imperial court.”

What this means is that although these two sons of the Sun family are active with the army, they only receive credit and do not work.

Although it may be better for them not to work against the Japanese army, the credit of the anti-Japanese army soldiers fighting hard on the battlefield may not be their own credit at that time, and may be divided by the two descendants !

Even divided into more than half.

Shen Yi was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I am the head of the Armory Department of the Ministry of War, not the head of the Military Selection Department. Besides, even if you are the head of the Wu Xuan Department, you have no right to appoint five ranks of thousands of households. What the Empress Dowager said , The minister has written it down, and after the minister returns, he will write a memorial to His Majesty, recommending the two young masters to join the Anti-Japanese Army as Qianhu."

"As long as His Majesty issues the imperial decree, I will immediately take the imperial decree and go to the military election department to approve the documents."

"It's a trivial matter, don't rush to tell His Majesty."

Empress Dowager Sun said softly: "As long as Mr. Shen nods, the two of them will go south with you to do things at the beginning of next year. As for the documents from the Ministry of War, the Ai family will send someone to ask for one."

"Your Majesty, Aijia will find time to mention it to him."

Shen Yi was expressionless, and whispered: "Madam, I don't understand, the two sons of the Sun family should have enjoyed inexhaustible glory and wealth in Jiankang, and they have spent their entire lives, even generations , since the wealth is so high, why do you want to take credit from those soldiers who risked their lives?"

Empress Dowager Sun looked calm.

"The Ai family has already said that it is not for them to take credit, but for them to do something for the country."

Shen Yi gritted his teeth secretly and said, "Ma'am, the southeast Japanese plague has been infested for decades, why has it continued?"

"Why did the anti-Japanese army defeat the bandit army several times in less than a year?"

Shen Yi raised his head, looked directly at Queen Mother Sun, and gritted his teeth: "Because it's fair!"

"Because in the Anti-Japanese Army, meritorious service must be rewarded!"

Director Shen couldn't hold back his expression any longer, and his expression became a little angry: "Is your lady trying to destroy the foundation of this southeast coast defense army?"

"How can it be so serious?"

Empress Dowager Sun frowned, her tone a little impatient.

"In Aijia's daily life, even if he asks Zhongshu's gentlemen to do something, they have never procrastinated like you. There are two thousand households in a district, and it doesn't affect your anti-Japanese army's marching and fighting. What foundation is ruined? "

She glanced at Shen Yi, seeing Shen Yi's face was ugly, the empress dowager waved her hand lazily.

"Forget it, sometimes this young man just can't turn his head around. For the sake of your talent, Aijia will not make things difficult for you."

"You can go back and think about it for a while, um..."

"Three days."

The Empress Dowager yawned and said, "Reply a letter to Ai's family within three days."

Speaking of this, she slowly sat back in her seat, looked at Shen Yi lightly and said: "Master Shen, when doing things in the court, sometimes you need to be more active in your mind, and don't be so dead-headed."

Shen Yi silently raised his head and glanced at the "Madam Boss", and then bowed to the Empress Dowager, with no emotion in his tone: "Thank you, Madam, for your reminder, I have been educated."

After saying this, he silently took two steps back, and then left Kunde Palace.

After walking out of Kunde Palace, Master Shen walked alone in this huge imperial city.

At this moment, his heart is full of thoughts.

He thought of his hometown, Jiangdu, and the prosperity by the Yudai Lake in Jiangdu.

He also thought of Jiankang, and the banks of the Qinhuai River where Jiankang people came and went.

These are all prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River.

He also thought of Taizhou Prefecture, Taozhu Town, Taizhou Prefecture, which had been looted by Japanese pirates.

Tragedy everywhere.

To be honest, he, Shen Yi, has feelings for this land, and he also wants to try his best to protect this land. He even thought that one day he would raise his troops to look north and restore the rivers and mountains.


It's useless for Shen Yi to think about this kind of thing alone.

It needs the people in the entire court to be of the same mind, even if they don't have the same heart, no one can hold him back.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi raised his head and glanced in the direction of Deqing Palace.

That is the residence of the Son of Heaven.

Shen Yi only hesitated for a moment, then changed direction and strode towards Deqing Palace.

At this moment, he felt a little resentful, and there was only one thought in his mind.

If the little emperor is also the queen mother, she would have that kind of thinking and attitude.

Then fuck you.

I've been doing badly since today, and I won't help your Li family anymore!
Ever since, at the gate of Deqing Palace, a man wearing a sixth-rank official uniform knelt on the ground, his voice was very forceful.

"Chen, Shen Yi, the head of the Ministry of War, please see Sheng Jia!"

(End of this chapter)

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