Chapter 493

The next day, the edict drafted by the Son of Heaven concerning the two sons of the Sun family was issued to the Zhongshu Province, and several prime ministers of the Zhongshu Province looked at each other after reading it.

Because the imperial edict clearly stated that Sun Yuanliang and Sun Yuanfu of the Sun family were to be appointed as the Huaihe Navy Qianhu, and they would leave Beijing immediately to take up their posts.

It doesn't take a few prime ministers, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the emperor is angry with the empress dowager.

After all, everyone knows what is going on with the Huaihe Navy. If the emperor's two cousins ​​were really stuffed in, that General Zhao would not dare to say anything on the face of it. Sent to the battlefield to be a thousand households.

If these two nephews of the Empress Dowager died on the battlefield, then things would really end badly.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the emperor's edict is not too outrageous, the Ministry of the Central Secretariat will not reject the edict, but this time it is a bit of a nonsense. Several prime ministers discussed it, and in the end it was Wang Dan, the prime minister who is currently in the palm of the Zhongshu. , Assuming the responsibility, he took this edict alone and came to the Ganlu Palace to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

As the Prime Minister of Zhongshu, Wang Dan saw that the emperor did not obstruct him. Basically, he was invited in by the eunuchs of the Ganlu Hall as soon as he arrived at the Ganlu Hall. After seeing the emperor, the old man was just about to kneel down to salute, when the emperor frowned and said : "Forget it, Wang Xiang just talk about it."

The little old man with a slightly stooped back held the edict in both hands, bowed his head deeply and said: "Your Majesty, the edict sent to Zhongshu today has been discussed by the minister and five others. There seems to be something inappropriate, so the old minister came here to see His Majesty..."

"Will it be issued according to this edict?"

Sitting on the throne, the little emperor glanced at the Xiangguo who already had a lot of gray hair in front of him, and said calmly: "Then what does the king mean?"

Wang Dan lowered his head and was silent for a moment.

At this moment, he really wanted to ask if he had asked the Empress Dowager for her opinion first, but now everyone in Jiankang City knows that the emperor had a conflict with the Empress Dowager yesterday, and this edict was probably made out of anger It is obviously unreasonable to mention the Queen Mother at this time.

Ever since, the old man lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Huaihe Navy is my northern fan screen of Dachen. It is very important for Dachen to defend the country and the land. The appointment of thousands of households of the Huaihe Navy is also very important. It's a trivial matter, the veteran thinks, should the Ministry of War send a letter to ask the Huaihe Navy for their opinions, or call several chief officers of the Ministry of War to discuss this matter together..."

The little emperor narrowed his eyes: "What Wang Xiang means is that I still can't appoint Qianhu who is not allowed in the Huaihe Navy?"

Wang Lian quickly shook his head: "This old minister definitely doesn't mean that..."

Wang Dan gritted his teeth, and said, "If your Majesty insists on issuing it, the old minister will go back and seal it and issue it..."

His Majesty the Emperor reached out and knocked on the table. After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "Well, let the Ministry of War send someone to the Sun's family and ask if the Sun family is willing to go north to join the army. willing…"

The emperor snorted coldly: "If they don't want to, let's discuss it later."

"As for the Huaihe Navy, I don't think there is any need to ask."

He looked at Wang Dan, and said slowly, "The Huaihe Navy is the court's Huaihe Navy, and my Huaihe Navy. I appoint a thousand households, so I don't need to ask the Huaihe Navy's opinion."

Although the prime ministers present and the emperor himself knew in their hearts that these words were just words of the occasion, but this kind of words were the words of the occasion that had to be said. The king bowed his head respectfully and said: "Your Majesty's words are very true. I will go back immediately." , arrange for the Ministry of War to go to Changningbo Mansion and inquire about this matter with Changningbo Mansion."

Uncle Changning's grandson Yanchang is the younger brother of the current Empress Dowager Sun and the emperor's uncle.

This uncle has been an earl for more than ten years.

As for the emperor's current father-in-law, he is his cousin, who has not been conferred a title yet.


The emperor waved his hand and said lightly: "Your Majesty, please take this trip, Gao Ming, prepare a carload of silver bone charcoal, and send it to Wang Xiang's mansion later. This winter seems to be colder than usual, so don't freeze it." Wang Xiang."

It should be wise and respectful.

This time, Wang Dan knelt on the ground respectfully, kowtowed to the emperor and said, "Old minister, thank you for your generosity."

The emperor glanced at the grateful old gentleman with a half-smile, and said lightly: "I will also take this edict to the Ministry of War, show it to the people in the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, discuss it, and then go to the Ministry of War to discuss it." Go see my uncle."

The emperor's words were no longer a hint, but an explicit statement.

It means that he may not issue this edict, or he may not do it, but he must publicize it and tell everyone in the court and the public that the emperor wants the Sun family to join the army, but the Sun family does not want to go.

This is to show the emperor's strong attitude towards the descendants.

Of course, it is also to reflect the emperor's strong attitude towards the empress dowager.

If this matter is carried out according to the emperor's plan, then from now on, it will be clear who is in charge of the Tian family and who is talking about things.

The empress dowager's right to speak in the future court affairs will also plummet accordingly.

The civil servants who can worship the prime minister in Zhongshu are basically the best of the best, and the prime minister who can be in the palm of Zhongshu is the head of all officials and the ultimate minister. A boss of this level, in fact, It doesn't need to be explicit, just give a little hint.

After all, the emperor was young, so he was still a little impatient.

Wang Dan naturally heard the meaning of the emperor's words.

The Prime Minister of Zhongshu hesitated for a moment, then bowed his head respectfully and said, "I...obey."


Because it was a matter personally explained by the emperor, the Ministry of Zhongshu was very careful about it. That afternoon, the matter was sent from the Zhongshu to the Ministry of War. Yao, go to Changningbo Mansion and ask Changningbo Mansion about this matter.

Wuxuansi Langzhong is almost the No. [-] figure in the Ministry of War. He is very powerful. Wuxuansi Langzhong came to the door in person. Even the descendants attach great importance to it. Uncle Changning Sun Yanchang personally received this military doctor. He just went in and had a drink. Without a few cups of tea, Langzhong Zhou explained his purpose to Uncle Changning.

After Sun Yanchang listened, he froze in place.

Because Sun Yuanliang in the emperor's edict was his eldest son, and Sun Yuanfu was the eldest son of his cousin Sun Yanli.

This Uncle Changning had many thoughts in his heart, but he still received Zhou Langzhong, and told Zhou Langzhong that he would think about it for a few days, and after a few days, he would go to the Ministry of War in person to explain the situation to the Ministry of War.

Facing the emperor's own uncle, Zhou Langzhong naturally couldn't force him. After a few words of politeness, he got up and left.

To be honest, no one wants to have a close relationship with the descendants now.

After all, the emperor's attitude is already very clear.

Uncle Guo personally sent Zhou Langzhong out of the house. After sending Zhou Yao away, he returned to his home with a serious face. After changing into an official uniform, he went straight into the palace and came all the way to Kunde Palace. the door.

After arriving at the entrance of the Kunde Palace, Sun Yanchang waited for the Queen Mother to summon him, but after waiting for a whole stick of incense, the Queen Mother did not summon his younger brother, only the female officer in charge of the Kunde Palace walked over. In front of Uncle Guo, he sighed at him, bowed his head and said: "Uncle Guo, you should go back today, the empress is in a bad mood and doesn't want to see guests..."

"Order Rong..."

Uncle Chang Ning glanced at Aunt Rong anxiously, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'll leave as soon as I see Madam, I'll let Madam make up her mind..."

Aunt Rong glanced at the middle-aged man in front of her, and said helplessly, "Your Majesty told me to let Uncle Guo go directly to Deqing Palace..."

"To see His Majesty..."

(End of this chapter)

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