marquis of jingan

Chapter 50 Reverse black and white!

Chapter 50 Reverse black and white!
After Zhang Yushi finished asking these grain merchants, he sat back in his seat and stopped talking. Dali Siyue on the other side stood up from his chair. Chen Zhifu, who was surrounded by old gods.

He coughed and asked: "Prefect Chen, I am asking you on behalf of the imperial court."

Chen Yu stood up from the chair, and slightly bowed to Yue Zheng: "The imperial envoy just ask."

Yue Zheng nodded and continued: "Just now, you heard what the grain merchants and Zhang Yushi said. Is what they said true?"

Chen Zhifu looked at the several grain merchants sitting opposite him, with a faint smile on his face: "It's true."

Hearing his words, everyone present was shocked and inexplicable.

This lord of Jiangdu's mansion actually...

Just admit it? !
Some people rolled their eyes straight, already pondering the meaning behind this incident in their hearts.

Could it be... Could it be that Mr. Yang in the capital has made up his mind to retire, began to shrink his power, hide his minions, and is no longer as domineering as before, even unable to protect his disciples...

Or is it that the young Emperor His Majesty secretly resorted to tricks, borrowing Chen Fuzun, to attack Yang Xiang's family, so that he can take over the court smoothly?

Even Master Lu couldn't help frowning, he stared at Chen Yu, and then subconsciously said to Shen Yi: "It's weird, Chen Yu isn't the kind of character to surrender..."

Shen Yi looked at Chen Fuzun thoughtfully, and then said in a low voice: "Sir, if Chen Fuzun has enough contacts in the court, he can solve this matter from the source. What he did in Jiangdu, Everything becomes legal and reasonable.”

Before Master Lu could understand the meaning of Shen Yi's words, he saw Yue Pingshi frowned, and continued to ask Chen Yu: "The prefect Chen means that you...or the Yamen of the prefect of Jiangdu, did buy food from the imperial court. I made a difference in the price during the work, and got greedy from the money of the household department!"

Chen Fuzun looked at Yue Zheng, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "The imperial envoy misunderstood, I did buy grain from these Jiangdu grain merchants at a low price, but I didn't make any difference from it."

Speaking of this, Chen Yu's face was calm, and he said lightly: "Half a month ago, Mr. Zhao from the Household Department came to Jiangdu to supervise the grain. After calculation, if you buy it from Jiangdu at the rate of two Wen per catty, you can buy a total of 5 shi of grain."

Having said that, Chen Yu looked at the grain merchants opposite him with a calm expression.

"Originally, there was no problem with these things. The price of two cents per catty is very generous. I, the magistrate of Jiangdu, buy grain at this price. Not only can I easily run the court and the errands assigned by the Ministry of Households, Jiangdu. The grain merchants will also take the initiative to send some benefits to me and other officials who are on official errands."

Speaking of this, Chen Yu looked towards the horseman, and said lightly: "Master Ma, is what I said right or not?"

At this moment, Ma Yuanwai seemed to have reached the point of what Chen Yu wanted to do. His face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But the Yamen of the prefect of Jiangdu didn't buy grain at this price!"

Hearing these words, Chen Fuzun's face suddenly darkened.

He looked towards the horseman with no expression on his face, and said coldly: "That's because the price of grain in Jiangdu is not that high. I, Mr. Chen, am an official of the imperial court. Buying at a high price, it is cheap for you profiteers who exploit the common people and buy and sell things!"

"When Mr. Zhao from the Household Department came to Jiangdu, I sent people to investigate the price of grain in Jiangdu. At that time, the price of grain in Jiangdu was about three Wen and two catties, and the price of some old rice was one penny per catty."

"Far beyond the price given by the imperial court."

Chen Zhifu narrowed his eyes, looked outside the horseman, and said calmly: "Master Ma, is what I said right or not?"

The horseman took a deep breath, and said, "Even if the price is three pennies and two catties, the magistrate's office didn't give it out. The price of the magistrate's office is one penny per catty, or even lower!"

Chen Fuzun smiled and continued: "At that time, after discussing with Mr. Zhao, in order to save money for His Majesty and the court, I decided not to buy grain at the price of the Ministry of Households, but at the real price of Jiangdu Mansion. Buy food."

After saying this, Chen Yu's face turned cold: "That day, my official was also here to convene you grain merchants in Jiangdu Prefecture to discuss matters. A dozen of you grain merchants were all present, and we sat together to discuss the price. The price of one penny and one catty is not given to you by me, but by you grain merchants."

With his hands behind his back, Chen Yu had a stern expression on his face.

"Ma Yuanwai, is it right?"

Hearing this sentence, Master Ma froze in place, unable to express his suffering.

That day, the magistrate's yamen did call these grain merchants to the magistrate's yamen for discussion, but the discussion process was not equal. Facing the officials and lords of Jiangdu Prefecture, how could these grain merchants have the qualifications to give the price?After being intimidated a few times, a low price was naturally quoted.

That's right, the price of one penny per catty was indeed given by these grain merchants, but at that time they were forced to do so, and after they left the magistrate's office, they gathered together to raise the price of Jiangdu's grain because of their dissatisfaction. He wanted to earn back the money lost at the court from the people of Jiangdu.

Originally, the magistrate's yamen or Jiangdu's government would turn a blind eye to this matter, and let the grain merchants in Jiangdu recover their blood. However, not long after the grain price rose, the heart-wrenching nursery rhyme came out !

There are tigers and wolves everywhere in Jiangdu!
After that, the incident continued to escalate, which attracted the attention of some people in the court. In the end, Ma Yuanwai and Chen Zhifu became the projection of the situation in the capital in Jiangdu, and they fought in Jiangdu.

The horseman blushed with anger and his neck was thick.

He stood up, glared at Chen Yu, and gritted his teeth: "That's because you people are intimidating by officials, and I didn't know the price given by the court in advance, so I was confused for a while and set this price that is far lower than the market price." !"

The horseman took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Chen Fuzun, we are ordinary people, and we have no intention of going against you, but how was the price of grain set at the beginning? The price given by your magistrate's yamen is nearly twice the price given by the Ministry of Households. How do you explain it!"

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yi, who was listening the whole time, had figured out the key to the matter.

He lowered his body slightly, approached Lu Anshi's ear, and said in a low voice: "Sir, the result has been decided..."

Mr. Lu glanced back at his young disciple, and asked, "What result?"

Shen Qilang whispered: "One loses money, the other loses family."

As soon as Shen Yi finished speaking, he saw a smile on the face of Chen Zhifu.

A very peaceful smile, with a hint of sinisterness in the peace.

He looked towards the horseman, and said slowly: "The government has just said that the reason why the government lowered the purchase price is to save money for the imperial court."

"Now, the 16 shi of grain requested by the Ministry of Household Affairs is being escorted to Beijing one after another. As for the money saved by the prefect's yamen for the court, it is naturally..."

Chen Fuzun looked calm: "Of course they were sent to the capital together."

"Master Zhao of the Household Department, the saved money should have been transferred to the Treasury of the Household Department by now."

As soon as Chen Fuzun finished speaking.

The horseman who was standing opposite him immediately turned pale. He stared at Chen Yu with a trembling voice.

" turned black and white..."

(End of this chapter)

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