marquis of jingan

Chapter 500 An Unknown Gift

Chapter 500 An Unknown Gift

Speaking of this marriage, Shen Yi still felt a little emotional.

Because in his opinion, the little emperor probably wouldn't have the guts to do something like this...

Playing hard to get thing.

Because the vertical is a bit too much.

The Huaihe navy was already too big to lose, and it seemed to be self-reliant. It's just that the Zhao family's name was not right, and even if they rebelled, they would come out of no name, and no one would support them.

And now, the emperor sent a son of the first emperor to their family as a son-in-law.

This operation is too dangerous.

If one fails, the Zhao family may rebel in the name of their son-in-law. Even if the emperor has the ability to quell the rebellion, Chen Guo will definitely suffer from it. Maybe the Qi people will take advantage of this opportunity to fight in. The Li Chen Dynasty was destroyed.

However, the emperor's actions are not completely useless. Firstly, this kind of connivance will definitely make the Zhao family feel terrified.


One day in the future, when the emperor wants to overthrow the Zhao family, the reason will be much easier to find. He only needs to use the word "rebellion" lightly, and he can drive the Zhao family together with the new His Royal Highness, the King of Yue, into the dust. Never turn over.

how to say.

Just like the Yang family was reactivated.

Crisis and opportunity coexist.

After hearing Shen Yi's words, Master Lu reached out to take the two invitations and glanced at the cover.

Two invitations are a marriage.

It's just that one is in the Marquis' Mansion of Anping, and the other is in the Yuewang Mansion just built by the Ministry of Industry.

That is to say, both the man and the woman will set up tables to handle affairs.

It is not uncommon for the Zhao family to hand over invitations to Shen Yi, because they have already fixed their eyes on Shen Yi now, and in their eyes, Shen Yi, the head of the sixth rank, is a very important person.

No matter whether Shen Yi goes or not, their posts will be handed over.

After all, after Shen Yi passes through the house, the Zhao family can let more Zhao family members recognize what Shen Yi looks like, so that they can kill Master Shen better and more accurately in the future.

And this invitation from Yue Palace...

It's a bit intriguing.

Because Shen Yi didn't know His Royal Highness Yue Wang, after thinking about it carefully, he didn't even recognize His Royal Highness Yue Wang's mother and concubine, nor did he know anyone from his mother's clan.

To say that Yue Wang's mansion issued invitations widely and entertained civil and military officials, it was actually very difficult to invite him, the head of the military department.

After reading it carefully, Master Lu put the invitation back to Shen Yi's hand, and frowned subconsciously: "His Royal Highness King marry Zhao Lu's young daughter?"

He looked up at Shen Yi and asked, "A marriage from His Majesty?"

My old Taishan is an old angry youth, Shen Yi is naturally clear, and also understands that Mr. Lu is very displeased with the Zhao family, so he immediately smiled and said: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I guess it is to appease the Zhao family, after all, His Majesty has been in power for more than two years. Now, no matter what, we should give some benefits to the Zhao family, the emperors of all generations came here like this."

After the emperor newly ascended the throne, he usually gave amnesty to the world first, and then rewarded all the officials.

This is kindness first, after all, the new leader has just come up and needs the support of these subordinates.

But Shen Yi's words are untenable.

Because although His Majesty the Emperor has not been in power for a long time, he has been on the throne for eight or nine years. When he took the throne, the court must have rewarded the Zhao family.

Master Lu sighed for a long time, and lost the interest in playing chess: "You are right, the previous emperors of all generations wanted to reward the Zhao family, but if we continue to do so..."

He stood up from the opposite side of Shen Yi, feeling less interested: "Forget it, I'm going down here today, the old man is a little tired."

After finishing speaking, Master Lu got up and left.

Shen Yi got up quickly and sent him back to his room to rest.

After seeing off his father-in-law, Shen Yi was idle and bored, so he went out for a walk, because he offended someone, so he didn't dare to go too far, after a couple of walks, he went home.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw a cart parked in front of his house, and a cart of charcoal was neatly placed on the bus.

The charcoal was not unusual at first glance, and Shen Yi didn't pay much attention to it, but with a casual glance, he found that there was a faint layer of hoarfrost floating on the charcoal...

And the charcoal blocks are very neat.

Silver Bone Charcoal…

This kind of charcoal was burned by Shen Yi. When winter was approaching last year, Xu Fu sent someone to send a small car over, but there was not much of it, only forty to fifty catties, and the rest were ordinary charcoal.

But look at this cart of silver bone charcoal...

At least two or three hundred catties or even four or five hundred catties.

This kind of charcoal comes from a mountain kiln near Yanjing. It has no smoke and is flame-resistant, so it has been used as tribute charcoal for a long time, and it has been used as a tribute to the palace.

When the imperial capital was still in the north more than 60 years ago, this kind of charcoal was not particularly rare, but after Sejong traveled to the south, this kind of silver bone charcoal was not so easy to deal with, and sometimes it had to be "imported" from the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Shen Yi looked curiously at Qing'er, the maid who was directing his subordinates to carry the silver and bone charcoal, and asked, "Qing'er, how did this charcoal come from? Xiao Xu sent someone to send it?"

Qing'er shook her head in a daze and said, "I don't know, my lord, the charcoal delivery person said it was from Mr. Shen's house in the military department, and he didn't say who sent it."

Shen Yi frowned slightly. He glanced at the carload of valuable silver bone charcoal, and then ordered: "After unloading, it will be piled up in the front yard, and no one will burn it."

After thinking about it, he looked at Qing'er and continued, "Send someone to Xiao Xu to ask if he has bought silver bone charcoal and sent it."

"and also…"

Shen Yi frowned, and asked: "Recently, is there anything unknown at home?"

"Yes... yes."

Qing'er thought for a while, and said, "Young master will be full moon soon. Recently, many people have come to give gifts, saying that it is a full moon gift, but when the servants checked the gift list, there were some gifts that were not well-known... "

She looked at Shen Yi with wide eyes, and said cautiously: "My lord, is there any problem?"

Shen Yi's son, Shen Yuan, is going to hold a full moon wine these two days, but he is not planning to make a fuss, but is planning to set up two or three tables at home and invite some acquaintances over for a meal.

The child is full moon, so it is natural that someone will give it a gift.

But Shen Yi didn't bother to ask about these chores, and left them to his wife and a few maids.

Hearing what Qing'er said, Shen Yi faintly felt something was wrong. He looked at Qing'er and said in a deep voice, "How many unsigned gifts are there?"

"Four or five..."

Qing'er said with some uncertainty: "The gift list is with Madam, I will ask you later..."

Shen Yi shook his head: "I'll ask in person later."

After that, he looked at the cart of silver bone charcoal placed at the door, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, if there are any things of unknown origin, we will refuse to accept them..."

"Do not."

Shen Yi rejected this sentence, and said: "Regardless of the signature or not, I will not accept it."

After that, he turned around and went back to the inner courtyard, and asked Lu Ruoxi about the situation. Lu Ruoxi was a little surprised, and then said softly: "Husband, those unsigned gift lists are all worthless things. I thought it was Madam who was in Hanlin. Friends of the hospital, or colleagues of the military department of the Dibao, so I accepted it..."

"Husband, wait a moment, I'll go find the gift list."

Things like gift lists are usually collected. After all, it is human nature to come and go.

Soon, several unsigned lists were placed in front of Shen Yi.

After Master Shen took a look, he frowned again.

He faintly felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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