Chapter 54

After hearing Tian Boping's words, Shen Yi twitched his eyebrows, and then turned his body slightly to signal Tian Boping to come in and speak. Only then did Tian Laoba clearly see that both of Shen Yi's hands were covered with batter, and this Jianghu man looked a little surprised.

he asked.

"My lord, is there a good cook on weekdays?"

In this era, men seldom cook, especially scholars, and it is even more impossible for them to cook. In Tian Laoba's view, it is too unsuitable for a scholar with a bright future like Shen Yi to cook.

Shen Yi shook his head nonchalantly, and said with a smile: "I'm just messing around with nothing to do, Brother Tian, ​​you find a place to sit in the yard, and I'll wash my hands."

Tian Boping didn't think too much, he found a stone pier in this small yard and sat down, and Shen Yi, who quickly washed his hands, walked back. He didn't have any pretensions, so he chose a grass to sit down and looked at Tian Boping. Bo Ping asked: "Brother Tian, ​​did the imperial envoys read out the decree in public?"

"Read out."

Tian Boping quickly said: "It is because I heard the order that I hurried to see the young master."

Speaking of this, Tian Laoba coughed and said in a low voice: "The imperial envoy first went to the magistrate's yamen, but I didn't have time to get to the scene at that time. Later, I heard from the onlookers that because of the lax rule of the Chen family, Jiangdu The price of rice has skyrocketed, and the reputation of the imperial court has been damaged. They should have been punished heavily, but thinking that the Chen family respected the country and worked sincerely for the country, then..."

"Change it to a one-year fine."

Hearing this, Shen Yi was stunned.

"Even Master Chen was punished..."


Tian Boping responded, and said: "I heard that the two imperial envoys of the imperial court a few days ago were old friends of Mr. Chen Fuzun. Fu Zun will definitely be safe and sound this time, and will even be rewarded by the court, I didn't expect..."

Shen Yi nodded, thinking secretly in his heart.

This time in Jiangdu's struggle, he "watched" from the beginning to the end. According to the final result of the struggle, Chen Fuzun's side must have won a complete victory, but now... Chen Fuzun has also received some punishment.

You know, this lord is now on the rise in his career, and a one-year fine is nothing to him, but when he takes the imperial examination next year, the Ministry of Officials will see the record of this fine, so don't say anything at that time. Giving him a rating of "upper" may be even more difficult than giving him a rating of "upper middle"!
The high probability is a "medium" word.

This is a very sad thing for Chen Zhifu, who is in the prime of his life. Even if his future promotion path is smooth, this Chinese character will at least allow him to serve one more term at the current level.

That is three years.

For rising officials, wasting three years is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable thing.

"Chen Yu's faction won, but Chen Yu himself was affected..."

Shen Yi thought to himself.

"Then there are only two cases."

Shen Qilang thought this way: "The first one is that Chen Yu or that Prime Minister Yang won, but they didn't win completely. The court decided to hit [-] boards each, not only to rectify the grain merchants, but also to beat this Chen Yu. Fu Zun, and the second situation..."

Shen Yi took a deep breath.

"The second situation is that Chen Fuzun, the disciple who caused trouble, made that Yang Xiangye in the capital a little unhappy, so he beat his own student by the way..."

Just as Shen was guessing about the situation in the capital, Tian Boping, who was sitting opposite him, cleared his throat and continued: "My lord, after the imperial envoy went to the government office, he immediately turned to the mansions of the grain merchants, starting from the horseman's house. When the villain rushed to inform the young master, the imperial envoy had already visited the houses of two grain merchants."

Shen Yi came back to his senses, looked at Tian Boping, and asked, "Confiscation and exile?"

Tian Boping nodded, and said, "The Ma family and the Zhao family's two grain companies were both exiled by the imperial court because they raised the market price and went on strike against the government. It's just strange..."

Tian Boping looked at Shen Yi and said: "If you just want to confiscate the property of these grain merchants, you usually issue an order directly to the Jiangdu magistrate's office or county magistrate's office, and the official office will execute it. But these imperial envoys did not give Jiangdu's local Instead, they rushed directly to the homes of these grain merchants to announce the decree."

"This is not difficult to understand."

There was a faint smile on Shen Yi's face, and he said: "It's nothing more than confiscating the ownership of the family property. Our Jiangdu is a wealthy and big city like Chen Guoyi. As the richest man in Jiangdu, the Ma family and the families of those grain merchants must have all of them. Not bad, if the local government in Jiangdu ransacked the house, even if it is handed over to the imperial court afterwards, no one can tell how much it can be handed over, but if the imperial court directly ransacked the house..."

"At the very least, there are two fewer people dealing with it, and more money that can go into the household department's treasury."

Shen Yi said softly: "In my opinion, this is probably the meaning of the Ministry of Households. The Ministry of Households wants to put more money and food into the warehouse."

Tian Boping nodded again and again, praising Shen Yi for his insight. After the two talked for a while, Tian Boping got up and said goodbye.

Speaking of this, Shen Yi looked at Tian Boping, said with a smile: "Brother Tian, ​​I will be here all day, you should keep an eye on the movement in the city, if there is any movement, come here and let me know."

Tian Boping nodded repeatedly, got up to say goodbye and left, while Shen Yi continued to stay in this small yard, teaching these children how to make snacks.

About an hour later, Tian Laoba came to Shen Yi again out of breath. He looked up at Shen Yi and swallowed. It wasn't until the boy Xu Fu went to bring him a ladle of water that he calmed down and looked at Shen Yi. Shen Yi.

"Young master, after the imperial envoy dealt with those grain merchants, he went to the county government again, the imperial court..."

Tian Boping coughed several times, and said: "The imperial court will demote Feng Xianzun!"

Hearing this, even Shen Yi was stunned.

Because it's totally unreasonable!

In this matter, the most implicated party is the Jiangdu government office, which has little to do with the Jiangdu county government office. Even if it is related to the Jiangdu county government office, the county government office is also under the order of the government government office!
There is no reason why Chen Fuzun just fined the salary, but Feng County Magistrate directly demoted the official!

Shen Yi frowned and asked, "What's the reason?"

Tian Laoba whispered: "It is said that the account transactions between Feng Xianzun and those grain merchants were found out, and it was found out that the Fuzun has accepted bribes of more than ten thousand taels of silver from Jiangdu merchants in the past few years..."

"What the imperial court means is that because County Magistrate Feng accepted bribes, he allowed these grain merchants to raise prices and just ignored them."

It has been more than four years and almost five years since County Magistrate Feng arrived in Jiangdu. In the past five years as a parent official in a rich place like Jiangdu, he only took 1 taels of silver...

To be honest, it is very rare.

According to common sense, to be able to be a magistrate in a place like Jiangdu, County Magistrate Feng has something to do with it. With such a small amount of money, he should not be demoted directly...

Shen Yi lowered his head and thought about the cause and effect carefully. He thought of the prefect Chen, the Ma family and other grain merchants, and suddenly...

There was a flash of inspiration in his mind!

Shen Yi slapped his thigh and suddenly realized.

Tian Boping didn't think about it, he looked at Shen Yi and asked, "My lord, what did you think of?"

Shen Yi squinted his eyes, and said: "Ma Yuanwai waited for these grain merchants to collapse, and the grain market in Jiangdu would be vacated all of a sudden. Some people in the capital are probably eyeing this piece of fat, so... "

Shen Yi said slowly.

"So they need someone of their own to come to Jiangdu to be the county magistrate."

(End of this chapter)

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