Chapter 579
After staying at home for another two days, seeing that the day of departure was getting closer, Shen Yi had no choice but to crawl out of the gentle village. On the day before departure, Shen Yi was served by his wife and changed into a suit of official clothes. The five-rank new official uniform issued, went to the palace to meet the saint.

This trip to the palace was mainly to say goodbye to the emperor, and to see if the emperor had any specific explanations.

Because he is already a fifth-rank official, it is much less difficult to enter the palace than before. Shen Yi set off from home early in the morning. When he first arrived in Si, he successfully entered the Ganlu Palace, and under the leadership of the little eunuch, he headed towards the palace where the emperor was. to the inner sanctum.

But this time Shen Yi was different from usual, because when Shen Yi just stepped into the inner hall of Ganlu Hall, he happened to see a well-groomed woman, accompanied by several eunuchs, coming out of Ganlu Hall. People, after seeing this woman, all knelt down and called her queen.

Obviously, this is the empress dowager's cousin, the queen empress of this dynasty, Empress Sun.

At this time, the queen's belly was slightly bulging, and she should be pregnant again.

Shen Yi met her face to face, and couldn't help but glance at the little eunuch leading the way with some complaints, but he could only bite the bullet and stand sideways, bowing to the woman and saying: "Chen Yi of the Imperial Academy, see the empress .”

After hearing Shen Yi's words, Empress Sun, who didn't care much at first, stopped and glanced at Shen Yi who was standing aside. She looked him up and down, and then said softly: "You are Shen Yi?"

Shen Yi nodded helplessly: "Yes, the subject is Shen Yi..."

"I heard from Concubine Shu's sister mentioned you."

Empress Sun just said something lightly, and then said lightly: "She said that Shen Hanlin is a very powerful person."

The Concubine Shu she was talking about was the Princess Izumo who married over from Northern Qi, who had dealt with Shen Yi and was splashed with tea by Master Shen.

After saying this, Empress Sun had already followed Shen Yi and headed towards the gate of Ganlu Palace.

Seeing that she didn't make things difficult for him, Shen Yi was also relieved, followed the little eunuch who led the way, continued into the inner hall, and met His Majesty the Emperor.

Because there were no outsiders, Shen Yi didn't kowtow, and after bowing and saluting, he was given a seat by the emperor.

After taking his seat, the emperor put down the scroll in his hand and asked, "Listen to the movement outside, you bumped into the queen, didn't you?"

Shen Yi bowed his head and said, "Yes, I was lucky enough to meet Feng Jia."

The emperor sneered, turned his head and glanced at eunuch Gao: "Gao Ming, why are the people you brought out so unruly? Before the empress left the Ganlu Palace, he went to invite Shen Qing?"

Gao Ming also noticed that there was something tricky in it, so he knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, this servant will go and investigate immediately."

The emperor snorted and didn't continue talking.

But in Shen Yi's heart, there was something he didn't understand.

He always thought that meeting the queen just now was an accident, but now it sounds like someone deliberately arranged it?
However, what's the use of letting the empress see me without saying a word?
After typing Gao Ming's sentence, the emperor looked at Shen Yi and changed the subject: "Shen Qing, you also know that I had a very unpleasant fight with the queen mother a few days ago, and I rarely go to the queen's place with me."

"Isn't it? Come and make trouble early in the morning."

The emperor sighed: "Recently, I have been living in the Ganlu Palace and haven't gone anywhere."

Having said that, the emperor couldn't help but add another sentence.

"As a queen, I really don't know how to handle it!"

Shen Yi smiled awkwardly and didn't answer.

He can't answer the phone either.

After casually complaining to Shen Yi, the emperor looked at Master Shen and asked with a smile: "Shen Qing came to see me today, probably has to leave?"


Shen Yi nodded and said: "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to go back to Yueqing."

The emperor nodded and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

The emperor's words sounded a bit like a scene.

Because His Majesty the Emperor didn't have much money, or in other words, it was difficult for him to squeeze out money from the household department to give to Shen Yi, and apart from money, he really didn't have much to help Shen Yi.

Master Shen lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "Return to Your Majesty, after I return to Yueqing, I will immediately deploy an operation to suppress the Japanese. At that time, I will need the full cooperation of the Mansion News Agency. I hope Your Majesty will inform the Mansion News Agency ..."

The emperor touched his chin with his hand, and then said: "Well, I will let Sun Jin, with those people from the Di Baosi, go south to Yueqing with you."

"Except for those who print the Dibao and stay in Jiankang, the Dibao Department will go with you and arrange it as you like."

Shen Yi was taken aback for a moment, then blinked: "Your Majesty, this..."

The emperor smiled and said: "I know, what you need are the local divisions set up by the Dibao Division. It is useless to ask Sun Jin and the others, but after all, it can make things easier, and then there is..."

"I'm ready to try the Shibo Secretary you proposed earlier."

Shen Yi was stunned.

It turned out that Sun Jin was asked to go down and set up the Shibo Department.

From this point of view, eunuch Sun Jinsun has indeed won the sacred heart. As long as he does well in the next period of time, he may be able to replace Gao Ming and become the top leader of the inner court in the future!

Shen Yi thought for a while and asked, "Where is your Majesty planning to send Eunuch Sun?"

"Of course it's Wenzhou Prefecture."

The emperor seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, and said without hesitation: "At present, the anti-Japanese army is stationed in Yueqing County, Wenzhou Prefecture. There shouldn't be any trouble there."

"If this city ship company can operate well."

The emperor's expression was a little excited: "By next year, I will be able to prepare four other city ship divisions."

He looked at Shen Yi, and said with a smile: "At that time, Shen Qing, you can also prepare four other anti-Japanese troops to come out, together with the current one, and form a capital for me."

"I have already thought about the name."

The emperor looked excited: "Just call the commander of the coastal capital!"

That is to say, the emperor basically agreed with Shen Yi's previous idea.

And the model that Shen Yi conceived, using the coastal defense force to defend the city ship department and the maritime trade routes, is actually somewhat similar to the navy.

Of course, the emperor did not have the concept of the navy in mind.

He didn't engage in this set of things entirely for the purpose of defending the coast.

At the beginning, he just wanted to secretly create an army that could replace the Huaihe Navy when necessary in the future...

And even now, the reason why the emperor is so motivated is because he ate the big cake painted by Master Shen, and wanted to open up money for the court and earn some money for himself.

As for the change of the name of the capital, it is also a matter of course. After all, the anti-Japanese army with only one guard can already sweep the Japanese pirates. If the capital is established in the future, it is still called the anti-Japanese capital.

Ever since, Shen Yi stood up and bowed to the emperor, "Your Majesty is wise."

The emperor smiled.

"This is all your idea, how can I be so wise?"

Shen Yi also said with a smile: "Your Majesty can accept the humble opinion of the minister, it is naturally wise."

The emperor chuckled: "So, if I don't adopt your ideas, I will be an unsage and foolish king?"

"I dare not."

Shen Yi coughed: "Your Majesty is wise at all times."

"Come on."

The emperor glanced at Shen Yi, with a smile that was not a smile: "You are a smart person, if I reject you, you may not scold me in your heart."

As he spoke, he patted Master Shen on the shoulder behind him.

"Don't leave at noon today, stay in the palace."

The emperor's tone was mild.

"Have a meal with me."

(End of this chapter)

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