Chapter 589

Shen Yi didn't give the prefect of Lin'an any face.

He had enough bargaining chips in his hand, and he just took this opportunity to discuss the conditions with the governor of Zhejiang, so that the establishment of the Wenzhou Municipal Shipping Department will go much smoother.

Of course, the more important thing before Shen Yi now is...

Meet foreigners.

Zheng Hu, the team leader of the Mansion Reporting Department, had already arranged for Shen Yi to meet the foreigners. Shen Yi slept in the inn, changed into white clothes the next morning, and led by Zheng Hu, came to the In a restaurant by the West Lake.

In comparison, Shen Yi's status is naturally higher, so he has to be there at the end. It was almost noon, and Shen Yi came to the downstairs of this restaurant under the leadership of Zheng Hu.

At this moment, Zheng Hu had been waiting downstairs for quite a while, seeing Shen Yi approaching, Zheng Hu hurriedly approached, bowed his head slightly to Shen Yi and said: "Si Zheng, those foreigners are already waiting upstairs. "


Shen Yi nodded slightly and said, "How many people are here?"


Zheng Hu bowed his head and said: "According to the rules, all their weapons have been disarmed to ensure your safety, Si Zheng."

Shen Yi smiled: "In our territory, don't worry about what waves they can make."

After Zheng Hu hesitated for a moment, he lowered his head again: "Sizheng, I heard that these Frangji people have some weird witchcrafts that are different from those in the Central Plains. What kind of magic are they called? When you meet them, talk to them. It’s fine, you don’t need to eat with them.”

Shen Yi nodded and asked, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

As Shen Yi went upstairs, he asked, "Can these people speak Chinese?"

"The three people who come will know."

Zheng Hu smiled and said: "It's just that the tone of the speech is very strange. It is difficult for a group of people who are not educated to be educated."

Shen Yi didn't say anything more, the two of them went upstairs all the way, and arrived at the room that Zheng Hu had prepared in advance. After Zheng Hu coughed outside the door, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

In the room, there were three blond and blue-eyed Westerners. All three had curly hair, and their clothes were incompatible with Han people.

Zheng Hu led Shen Yi in, and then introduced to the three people: "Three, this is the imperial envoy of Da Chen from our Mansion News Agency, and also the current person in charge of our Mansion News Agency."

"Master Shen Yi Shen."

After introducing Shen Yi, Zheng Hu pointed to the head of the three foreigners, who looked about 40 years old, and said, "Si Zheng, this person is called Vedel."

This middle-aged foreigner carefully looked at Shen Yi several times, then with a warm smile on his face, he stretched out his right hand to Shen Yi.

"Hello my lord, I'm Fidel Lopez de Cavo."

Shen Yi smiled, shook his right hand deeply, and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

After saying hello, people on both sides took their seats, and Shen Yi took the main seat as a matter of course. After sitting down, this Fidel looked at Shen Yi again, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "Master Shen, are you The youngest officials I have seen in this land, I have seen many of your officials before, most of them have long beards, and they are very old."

Shen Yi glanced at the three people, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and asked, "Which country are you from?"

Franjiren is just a collective term for Westerners in Chen Guo. This name was originally used to address French people. Later, as long as they came from Europe, they were all called Franjiren.

Fidel showed joy on his face. He no longer used Chinese, but chatted a lot with Shen Yi in his own language to show his origin.

It's a pity that Master Shen couldn't understand.

Although I don't know what language it is, it is clear whether it is English.

At this time, the British Empire is obviously not yet strong.

After listening for a long time, Shen Yi barely figured out that it should be in Spanish.

It can be said that he knew nothing about European history, let alone whether Europe in this world and Europe in another world are the same Europe, so he tentatively asked, "Spain?"

If the timeline of the two worlds can be pushed forward, this should be the time when Spain dominates Europe.

Fidel was even happier. He stood up directly and looked at Shen Yi excitedly: "Do you know my country?"

Shen Yi waved his hand in embarrassment, coughed, and said, "Okay, Mr. Fidel, let's start talking about business."

After Shen Yi let the Frang machine sit down, he sorted out his language a bit, and then said: "I need to know what kind of business you are here for, and what do you want me to do for you when you come to see me? "

"We need to buy so much from this land."

Fidel's eyes lit up, and he said, "Master Shen, we need precious silk, tea, porcelain, and too many other exquisite utensils."

"It's been a long time since anyone has been able to take these from the land."

Hearing this, Master Shen reached out and touched his nose.

He knew in his heart that the reason for this situation was that the Japanese pirates had been rampant for more than 20 years, so that the sea route was impassable.

Fidel's eyes were fiery: "We want to establish a stable trade route, and then run this trade route for a long time."

"no problem."

A smile appeared on Shen Yi's face: "I know a big businessman who can provide you with everything you need, and I can also provide you with discounts."

"Sixty percent..."

Shen Yi squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "[-]% tariff preference."


Fidel was stunned: "Master Shen, I haven't heard of any tariffs in your country..."

"It's coming soon."

Shen Yi just said this lightly, and didn't say anything more.

"As long as the goods can be shipped back, there is nothing to pay customs duties."

Fidel stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Master Shen, we know that you are the owner of this newspaper. We have come to ask to see you, and there is one more request..."

He slightly lowered his head and said: "We have fumbled all the way here, and the money we have on us is almost used up, and the remaining money is probably only enough to buy half a ship of goods to go back. I hope that the Lord can provide us with a batch of loans so that we can Make the first business..."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yi glanced at Zheng Hu standing beside him.

The information Zheng Hu gave was too unreliable. Yesterday he said that this group of people was very rich.

Zheng Hu was also a little embarrassed, he lowered his head slightly and did not speak.

Shen Yi glanced at this person, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head slightly: "No."

These foreigners want to whore for free, and want to eat farts!

"If you don't have any money, then stay and do things for me. I will organize a few merchant ships to follow you back to your hometown. I can give you [-]% of the proceeds from this money. However, I need you to help me I do something."

Shen Yi glanced at these foreigners.

"I want you to recruit a group of people from the West to come here."

Shen Yi snapped his fingers and counted them one by one.

"A scholar who studies physics and mathematics."

"A gunsmith who can make guns, a blacksmith who can make cannons, and..."

Master Shen thought for a while, then continued: "Those who can make glass..."

He looked at Fidel and asked, "What's your name over there?"

Fidel was stunned for a moment, then cautiously replied: "Alchemist?"

"Well, then the alchemist."

Shen Yi looked at Fidel and said lightly: "If you agree, a big businessman will come over within ten days at most to discuss specific cooperation matters with you."

"When you come back from the Western Ocean this time, this trade route will still be unimpeded, enough for you and the families behind you to get rich for several generations through this trade route."

Fidel lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked, "Master Shen, the [-]% tariff you mentioned..."

Shen Yi also thought about this question, and then replied: "It is valid within ten years, and we will talk about it after ten years."

"it is good……"

Fidel's eyes lit up, and he tried to take a deep breath.

"Master Shen, I want to sign a ten-year contract with you."

"it is good."

A smile appeared on Shen Yi's face.

Things went better than he thought.

"I'll sign with you."

(End of this chapter)

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