marquis of jingan

Chapter 605 Am I Young?

Chapter 605 Am I Young?

The next day, [-] soldiers and horses of the anti-Japanese army arrived at the city of Fuzhou with nearly [-] Japanese captives.

The prefect of Fuzhou, together with a group of officials from the prefect's yamen, went out of the city three miles to greet him. The leader, Du Zhong, the prefect of Fuzhou, saw Ling Su riding a horse, and stepped forward with a smile.

But he just stepped forward, didn't speak, let alone salute.

Because Ling Su hadn't dismounted yet.

Without Ling Su on the horse, Du Zhifu wanted to give him a reason to salute.

After all, Ling Su came from a military officer's family, and he knew some principles in the officialdom. He simply jumped off his mount, clasped his fists at Du Zhifu, and said, "Ling Su, the anti-Japanese army, may I ask who you are?"

Only then did Prefect Du show a smile. After cupping his hands symbolically, he said with a smile, "The prefect of Fuzhou, Du Zhong, brought the officials of Fuzhou with him to welcome General Ling back in triumph."

Compared with the young Lin'an prefect, this Fuzhou prefect is much older. Judging from his white hair and appearance, he is estimated to be in his early 50s.

This age, this position.

At most, it would go a step further and go to the province to be an inspector or a chief envoy.

That's it.

Unless the emperor gave God a special favor, he might not even be a governor. During the assessment by the Ministry of Officials, it was impossible to promote an official of his age.

It is even more likely that he will stop at the level of the provincial magistrate, and it will be difficult for him to go any further.

However, at this level of civil servants, they can no longer be considered very low. At least in the territory of Fujian, the status of Du Zhifu is already very high.

Because of his high status, Du Zhifu was somewhat absent-minded when facing Ling Su, a general.

To be honest, if several adults in the province hadn't asked him to go out of the city to meet them, he wouldn't have been able to go out of the city to meet these stinky mounds.

Ling Su cupped his fists politely, lowered his head slightly and said, "I've seen Du Fuzun."

Du Zhifu nodded slightly, then glanced at the anti-Japanese army behind Ling Su, and said with a smile: "I heard that General Ling won a complete victory in the suppression of Japanese this time, and all the officials in the Fuzhou government were very happy when they found out."

"The Japanese plague that has plagued Fujian for many years has finally been solved by the general."

Speaking of this, before Ling Su could reply, Du Zhifu asked with a smile: "General Ling's suppression of the Japanese this time, are there not too many casualties?"

"Not much."

Ling Su also felt that there was something wrong in the tone of the prefect Du. He hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "This time, our army has wiped out more than [-] Japanese pirates on several islands along the coast of Fuzhou, and rescued the Japanese pirates. Thousands of people were taken captive, and nearly a thousand Japanese pirates were captured alive.”

"Our army suffered less than 50 casualties in this battle."


Prefect Du let out an indifferent "Oh", and then smiled relievedly: "I heard earlier that the anti-Japanese army was ambushed and severely injured by Japanese pirates when they first entered Fujian, and I was worried about it and didn't sleep well for several days. "

He smiled at Ling Su: "It seems that the old man misunderstood and believed."

Ling Su's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

Although he was a general and hadn't read many books, he could still hear that there was some insinuation in Du Zhifu's words.

Ling Su's complexion darkened, and he said coldly: "It was General Xue who led the team and was besieged by Japanese pirates in Funing Prefecture, Fujian Province. General Xue fought the enemy bravely. More than [-] people in our army were killed, and the enemy was killed more than ten times!"

"That's amazing."

Du Zhifu clapped his hands, still with a polite smile on his face, he glanced at Ling Su, and then at the nearly thousand Japanese pirates prisoners behind Ling Su who were suppressed by the anti-Japanese army, with an indifferent smile on his face: "General Ling, these pirates are all bandits who have been doing harm to the coast for many years. Since they are caught, they will be executed immediately. Why did General Ling bring them to Fuzhou, wasting so many days of food for nothing?"

Ling Su took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "According to the orders of the imperial envoy, the Japanese pirates captured in various provinces must be publicly beheaded in the provincial capitals or prefectures of the provinces, so as to warn the hearts of the people and prevent people from committing crimes along the coast."

He frowned slightly, took a step forward, and then looked up at Du Zhifu: "Master Du doesn't agree with us escorting Japanese pirate prisoners into the city and beheading?"

"Consent naturally means consent."

Prefect Du frowned slightly, and then took half a step back calmly, as if he disliked Ling Su who suddenly approached, but this Prefect Du still had a polite smile on his face: "But more than 1000 people , Even if you kill a hundred people every day, how long will you have to kill them? Besides, beheading in the city is bloody, and it is easy to scare the people in the city. What I mean is..."

Du Zhifu smiled and said: "Otherwise, please station your army outside the city for a day, and kill all these Japanese pirates in front of the camp tomorrow. At that time, I will definitely bring all the officials from Fuzhou Mansion to watch the beheading."

Ling Su took a deep breath, frowned again and said, "Master Du, my imperial envoy's order is that no matter how many Japanese pirates captives, 50 people will be beheaded every day, and they must be beheaded in the city. For the team."

"When we were in Zhejiang, we had beheaded people like this in Wenzhou Fucheng and Lin'an City."

Ling Su looked at Du Zhifu, and said in a deep voice: "If Du Fuzun does not agree to take these captives to the city and behead them, then I will not enter the city until the anti-Japanese army will stay outside the city, waiting for the imperial envoy's orders." .”

"Out of the thousand captives, fifty are killed every day."

Du Zhifu lowered his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "That is to say, in my city of Fuzhou, blood will be seen every day for 20 days."

"General Ling."

Du Zhifu sighed pretentiously, and said: "You may not know that this old man is a Buddhist believer, so I really can't stand it."

Speaking of this, Du Zhifu took a look at Ling Su, coughed, and said: "Since General Ling said, wait... um... wait for the imperial envoy to come to Fuzhou, then please temporarily station your army outside the city. When the imperial envoy arrives at the Fuzhou mansion, the old man will talk to him slowly."

As he said that, Prefect Du turned his body slightly, made a gesture of invitation to Ling Su, and then smiled and said: "It is difficult for more than 3000 people in your army to enter the city at once, but General Ling still has a few thousand households. But it is possible to enter the city, the old man has set up a celebration banquet in the city, and I invite all the generals to show you the honor, let's go together."

At this moment, no matter it is Ling Su, or the three thousand households behind Ling Su, their faces are more or less ugly.

Because they all clearly felt that the "Master Civilian" in front of him didn't respect him.

In other words, disrespect for the Anti-Japanese Army and the battle results of the Anti-Japanese Army.

But the three thousand households were all standing behind Ling Su, and Ling Su didn't speak, so they could only grit their teeth and remain silent.

Ling Su took several deep breaths, and was about to refuse to enter the city with Du Zhifu, when suddenly he looked up and saw a familiar figure among the crowd.

Ling Su's eyes lit up immediately.

He waved to the three thousand households behind him, signaling them to follow behind him, and then the four of them strode forward and walked towards Du Zhifu.

Du Zhifu stood on the spot, standing still, with a slightly disdainful smile on his face.

He was not afraid in his heart, because he didn't believe that these stinky people dared to do anything to him.

However, Ling Su and the other four people ignored him, instead, they passed the four of them and walked towards a young man among the audience.

When they got closer, the four of them knelt down in unison, bowed their heads and cupped their hands to the official Shen Master in the crowd, with unison.

"Subordinates, pay homage to the Imperial Envoy!"

At this moment, Shen Yi has been surrounded by the crowd for a long time under the protection of a group of guards.

Therefore, Master Shen's face at this time is not very good-looking.

He gave a faint "hmm", then stepped forward and said "get up".

Only then did the four stand up, and followed behind Shen Yi obediently, without saying a word.

Shen Yi led the four people, hands behind their backs, and walked towards Prefect Du who was in a daze.

When he got closer, Shen Yi still held his hands behind his back, and looked Du Zhifu up and down.

He didn't say a word, just looked at Du Zhong quietly.

In the end, Du Fuzun was discouraged first. He bowed his hands to Shen Yi and said, "Fuzhou prefect Du Zhong, may I ask you?"

Only then did Shen Yi put his two hands in front of him, and arched his hands symbolically. After raising both hands for less than half a second, they fell down.

"Shen Yi from the Imperial Academy."

With just these five words, the prefect of Du Zhifu, who was born in the top three, has been blasted.

Du Fuzun froze in place at first, and after he was silent for a while, he squeezed out a formulaic smile on his face, and saluted Shen Yi again.

"It turns out that Mr. Shen has arrived in Fuzhou. When did Mr. Shen come? Why didn't you know that I would wait?"

Shen Yi looked at the prefect of Fuzhou with a half-smile.

"Prefect Du, of course Shen can't afford the word Xianggong, but where does the word "little" come from?"

"Does Prefect Du think so?"

He looked at Du Zhong quietly, and spit out the second half of the sentence word by word.

"Is my imperial envoy very small?"

(End of this chapter)

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