marquis of jingan

Chapter 611 The tacit understanding between the ruler and the minister

Chapter 611 The tacit understanding between the ruler and the minister
Perhaps it was because the Fuzhou gentry were not as courageous as Shen Yi thought, or maybe they felt that there was room for them to continue negotiating conditions.

In short, that night, Shen Yi's residence was calm and peaceful, and no one came to disturb him, let alone the bad incident of being almost burned to death in Yueqing.

The next morning, after Master Shen got up, he first read a few letters sent from other places, and then went to the study to reply to Yueqing and Jiankang.

After Feng finished writing the reply, Shen Yi called Ling Su to his study, and then said, "I won't go to today's supervision and execution, you will supervise and execute those Japanese pirates for me."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi paused, and continued: "Remember, the Japanese pirates are killed here, and the interrogation of the Japanese pirates outside the city cannot be stopped. Try to find out some useful things."

Ling Su answered yes first, then lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. Shen, aren't those letters enough to condemn these families?"


With a calm face, Shen Yi smiled and said, "I came to Fuzhou because of enough evidence."

"I have come here, which means that the court's sword has been raised."

Master Shen's face was calm, and he said lightly: "However, how this knife will be used and how many people will be killed still need to be considered."

Ling Su stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

He couldn't understand what Shen Yi meant, but he nodded obediently and went down to do business.

After Ling Su left, he stretched in his study, then silently looked to the north, towards Jiankang.

If Shen Yi wanted to kill people, or to kill people like Li Mu did, then on the first day he came to Fuzhou, he could use the letter he got from the Japanese pirates to do it directly and seize people.

With three thousand elite soldiers in hand, no one in Fuzhou City can stop him.

But there is a price to pay for being so happy.

These noble families in Fuzhou have their own influence in the court, and these local officials in Fuzhou have almost expressed their attitude towards Shen Yi.

They are not very willing to see Shen Yi set off a major case of alleged corruption in Fuzhou.

They wanted to kill all the Japanese captives as soon as possible, and then pretended that no one in Fuzhou city knew about Japanese, and then they invited the anti-Japanese soldiers to have a meal, and the matter passed peacefully .

This is the attitude of the Fuzhou government office towards Shen Yi.

However, what is more subtle is the attitude of the governor's office in Fujian, as well as the vassal office, the standard office, and the capital office, towards Shen Yi.

The so-called three yamen are the envoys for the announcement of the government, the envoys for the execution of punishments, and the envoys for the command.

They are in charge of political affairs, criminal names and military affairs respectively.

With Shen Yi's current status, after he arrives in Fuzhou City, not to mention whether the governor of Fujian will come to see him, the chief officials of the third department under the governor's yamen, that is, several bigwigs at the provincial level, should come to see him no matter what One side is.

After all, those provincial bosses in Zhejiang ran eagerly from Lin'an Mansion to Yueqing to see him.

It has been more than two days since Shen Yi arrived in Fuzhou.

From the beginning to the end, only officials from the Fuzhou government came out to meet Shen Yi, and even made some unpleasant noises with Shen Yi.

As for several provincial officials, none of them have shown up so far.

This made Shen Yi have to doubt the attitude of these officials of the Fujian Provincial Government.

Therefore, although he raised the knife, he didn't drop it directly.

After all, he is not Li Mu.

If he is also the emperor's cousin, and there is a prince and father in his family, Shen Yi doesn't need to think about these bullshit things at all, he just lands a heavy fist, and immediately beats the city of Fuzhou into a clean world!
Unfortunately, his foundation is too shallow.

Once he starts, there may be an unknown number of people waiting to join him, including these provincial, second and third rank officials.

Therefore, before Shen Yi came to Fuzhou, he had already sent a secret letter to Jiankang.

He first had to obtain authorization to act from the emperor.

In this way, even if someone stabbed Lou Zi later, as long as the matter is not too big, the emperor should not be ashamed to let Shen Yi handle it by himself...

Thinking of this, Master Shen thought of another memorial that he sent out overnight last night.

In the memorial, the specific situation of the Fuzhou gentry was also reported.

It is a supplement to the last secret letter.

Thinking of this, Master Shen stretched out his hand and yawned again because he didn't sleep well last night, and then he muttered in a low voice in his study: "The official position is not high, the authority is not heavy, it is troublesome, and you are tied up in everything."

"If I were the Governor of the Southeast..."

Master Shen snorted and did not continue.

But the meaning of his words is already very obvious.

If he, Shen Yi, were the governor of the southeast, then the people in Fuzhou would have already been crushed by his fist.


Shen Yi is now regarded as an imperial envoy in the southeast. Although he is a full-time imperial envoy and his scope of power is not very large, he is still an imperial envoy after all.

Therefore, the secret letter he reported was of a very high level.

The post stations along the way are sent to Jiankang by express delivery for six hundred miles.

So Master Shen's letter to the imperial court was delivered to eunuch Gao Minggao three days later.

Right now, the weather in Jiankang is already very cold.

Eunuch Gao stuffed Shen Yi's secret report into his sleeves, then put on a thick fur, left the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and went all the way to the Ganlu Hall.

After arriving at the entrance of Ganlu Hall, Gao Ming took off his fur coat and handed it to the eunuch beside him, then he entered the Ganlu Hall carefully, and when he walked up to the emperor, he kowtowed first, then got up and knelt beside the emperor Beside the stove, a piece of fresh coal was thrown into the stove.

The emperor was flipping through a miscellaneous book handed down from the Northern Qi Dynasty. He took a moment to glance at Gao Ming, as if thinking of something, and asked, "Have you been to the Queen's place?"

Eunuch Gao bowed his head respectfully and said: "Go back to Your Majesty, the maidservant left in the morning and brought the imperial physician there, the imperial physician asked the Empress for pulse, the empress' pulse is normal, there is nothing serious."

The emperor's face brightened a little, and then he said slowly: "Those maids in the empress's palace should be killed. The empress has a big belly, and they can make the empress fall!"

"Yes, the servant understands."

Eunuch Gao hurriedly lowered his head and said, "The servants and servants in the empress's palace have already arranged to replace them all. The replacements are all careful people who will definitely take good care of the empress..."

A submissive smile appeared on his face: "Since the empress is fine, don't worry too much, Your Majesty."


The emperor gave an indifferent "hmm" and continued to flip through the idle books in his hand.

Eunuch Gao hesitated for a moment, but still took Shen Yi's memorandum out of his sleeve, and held it in front of the emperor with both hands: "Your Majesty, urgent report from Fuzhou."

Only then did the emperor put down the miscellaneous books in his hand, and while taking the memorial book from Gao Ming, he asked, "Fuzhou? Did Shen Qi send it back?"


Eunuch Gao forced a smile on his face: "Probably I have something to ask His Majesty for instructions."

"What are you asking for?"

While unfolding the memorial, the emperor snorted and said, "Didn't he already hand in a memorial a few days ago? I also gave him a reply and let him do it freely. The anti-Japanese army fought in Fujian like this." Well, I have also given him the title of imperial envoy, how can I still be timid about what to do?"

Mrs. Gao heard that the emperor's mood improved a lot, so she also smiled on her face, and said with a smile: "Fujian is not too close to Jiankang. It is estimated that the local forces are deeply rooted. After all, Shen Shidu has a shallow foundation. I can't make up my mind..."

At this moment, the emperor has already unfolded the memorial book in his hand.

The contents of the playing book are very clear.

It is roughly the general situation of several gentry in Fuzhou who communicated with the Japanese, and the conditions that the Fuzhou gentry imposed on the court.

20 cash, [-]% dry shares.

Since Shen Yi mentioned this matter in the memorial, it means that even if he accepts most of the income, he will enter the court for most of it.

After the emperor finished reading it, he threw the memorial to Gao Ming, and said flatly, "You can read it too."

Eunuch Gao quickly took it over, and after reading it carefully, he sighed softly: "Shi Shen's reading is really true, and he has truthfully reported all the benefits that others have given him..."


The emperor pursed his lips in disdain, and snorted softly: "He has my inner guards by his side, as well as the mansion secretary, and nothing can be hidden from the eyes and ears of the court. Does he dare to be untrue?"

"Shen Qi is a person with a lot of eyes."

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "In fact, these two words have nothing to do with him anyway."

"Even these two memorials."

The emperor lowered his eyebrows and said: "He also wants me to help him take the responsibility, so that even if someone in the court wants to make trouble for him, I won't help him."

Gao Ming was taken aback for a moment, then bowed his head and said, "Then, how should you reply to Shen Shidu, Your Majesty?"

"Write to him and ask him, the imperial envoy, to handle it on the fly and do it cheaply."

Looking at the memorandum sent by Shen Yi, he said in a muffled voice: "It's just a city of Fuzhou, no matter how hard it is, it can't turn the sky around. If something really happened, I will support him."

Eunuch Gao responded, and quickly lowered his head: "Your maidservant is going to draw up the document now..."


The emperor nodded, then walked around the Ganlu Hall, and finally asked a palace official to open the south window.

As soon as the window was opened, cold air invaded immediately.

The emperor looked to the south and whispered to himself.

"I think you should be able to figure it out."

His Majesty the Emperor had a faint smile on his face.

"Ten percent of the family property is much more than [-] percent..."

(End of this chapter)

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