marquis of jingan

Chapter 619 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 619 The Lion's Big Opening (Two Chapters in One)

There is nothing more "vicious" than this face-to-face provocation.

Because of human nature, it cannot stand any test.

They are all local noble families in Fuzhou, and they know each other well. When the pirates were rampant a few years ago, as long as the families went to sea to do business, they basically got along with the pirates.

Especially the speakers of the dozen or so families standing in front of Shen Yi today.

They can't wait to see Shen Yi, and they can't wait to stand here, which means...

They are the most guilty group of people.

No one can be sure that other families will not report themselves in order to protect themselves.

In order to prevent other families from doing so, these people are likely to act first.

Even if these Fuzhou gentry were united abnormally, let alone killing them, Shen Yi only needs to randomly pull a batch and fight another batch afterwards, and the mutual trust between these Fuzhou gentry will be wiped out immediately.

Being able to manage things in a family, basically there will be no fools.

So when Shen Yi said this, almost everyone present changed their faces.

But they don't have any means to break the situation.

This is a conspiracy, an unbreakable conspiracy.

The only and easiest way is to kill the person in charge, but Master Shen's status and strength are here, and they don't have any means to counter Shen Yi.

Everyone was silent and their faces were ugly.

Ye Chan, who was pale, trembled slightly. She stood up slowly, looked up at Shen Yi, and her voice trembled a little.

"Master Imperial Envoy, I heard that the anti-Japanese army has detained all members of the Feng family and the Tan family yesterday."

Her expression showed some determination: "I want to ask the imperial envoy, how will the imperial court... deal with these two families?"

"The two families not only communicated with Japanese pirates, but also funded Japanese pirates."

Master Shen was expressionless, and his heart was not softened by the weak-looking woman in front of him. He said lightly: "The anti-Japanese army has already posted the evidence of the two families' crimes. It is estimated that it will be posted in the mansion tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. report."

"Since the evidence of the crime has been confirmed, at least it will end up in the case of ransacking the house. The two families have been temporarily detained by the officials, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice is already on their way to Fuzhou. They will then be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

"Whether to be killed or cut, or exiled into the army, depends on how the Ministry of Punishment decides."

Ye Chan's face turned even paler. She stood where she was, without saying a word for a long time.

She is the eldest daughter in the family.

Although his father, Ye Huan, was not a mediocre man, and he was in charge of the family business, but three years ago, because of playing with women, although this Ye Huan was lucky enough to get his life back, he no longer had the ability to run things, so he could only lie down. On the hospital bed, rest and recuperate.

For this reason, Master Ye became the laughing stock of the Ye family and even the entire Fuzhou city.

At that time, Miss Ye's younger brother was only seven years old, and she herself had just turned [-].

In order to prevent the family business from falling from the main branch to the branch, the eldest girl of the Ye family voluntarily rejected the engagement that had already been made, and began to take over the family affairs from her father.

In this era, women are inherently at a disadvantage when they come out to do things, and there are all kinds of inconveniences.

But this Miss Ye managed to hold on and took good care of the Ye family. Last year, with the support of her uncle who was an official again, she finally secured her position as the speaker of the Ye family. In the Ye family, it can almost be said that one can say nothing.

However, although the Ye family that raised this girl Ye was very big, in front of this young imperial envoy from the imperial court, they seemed too small.

Small to the point of insignificance.

This made Ye Chan feel powerless from the deepest part of her heart.

She stood where she was, her lips were slightly pale. After a long time, she turned her head silently, looked at the dozen or so people present, and said slowly in Fuzhou local dialect: "Uncles, after leaving here, we are all If you can't trust the other party, why not..."

Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes: "Why don't you admit it here."

"However the court wants to deal with it, it will deal with it."

She just felt weak all over, her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't hear what she was saying clearly.

"Otherwise, if we leave this room, we may all turn against each other..."

After saying this, Ye Chan exhausted her last courage and looked back at the imperial envoy who was dressed in black and had no expression on his face.

She bit her lip, lowered her head and said, "Master Imperial Envoy, our Ye family has some tea business, and some cloth shops. For more than ten years, these two kinds of goods have gone to sea. The previous merchant ships were occasionally robbed by Japanese pirates." One or two ships, my father heard that in Fuzhou City, someone could contact the Japanese pirates, so he found someone and delivered a letter to the Japanese pirates..."

"Since then, the Ye family's merchant ships have rarely had accidents."

She knelt in front of Shen Yi, lowered her head and said: "My father is already seriously ill in bed, and all the affairs of the Ye family are decided by the little girl. The imperial envoy will punish you, but the little girl is..."

After saying this, she no longer had any strength, and knelt on the ground, unable to speak a word.

Master Shen raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the people present, and said lightly: "The Ye family voluntarily confessed and surrendered, I will forgive you as appropriate, and the rest of you..."

"Is there anyone who took the initiative to confess to the official?"

Master Shen was expressionless: "If you don't tell the truth here, and the evidence is found by the officials afterwards, you will be dealt with according to the Feng and Tan families, and the house will be ransacked for questioning."

As soon as Shen Yi said this, more than a dozen people looked at each other, stood up one after another, knelt down in front of Shen Yi, bowed their heads and kowtowed to Shen Yi: "Return to the imperial envoy, I am willing to confess..."

A smile finally appeared on Shen Yi's face. He stood up from his chair, glanced at the crowd, and said slowly: "Later, there will be a book office coming in. You can dictate, and the book office will take notes. After that, everyone will sign and pledge one by one."

"As long as you plead guilty here today, I will forgive you as appropriate afterwards, and I will also say some good things for you at the court."

Everyone immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Shen Yi to thank him.

Soon, several book offices came in from outside with pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

When the book office was recording the "confessions" of these people, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Miss Ye fainted!"

At this moment, Shen Yi was already standing on the threshold and was about to leave. Hearing this, he turned his head and saw that Miss Ye, who was kneeling on the ground just now, had passed out now, closed her eyes, and didn't know anything about her.

Shen Yi frowned slightly.

This Miss Ye was the first to let go, but now when the "statement" was about to be recorded, she passed out.

Regardless of whether it is pretending or not, others may not dare to record their statements.

Master Shen narrowed his eyes, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "What was said just now, I will record it now, if anyone goes back on their word..."

"I am an imperial envoy. If you deny it in front of the imperial envoy, you will end up no better than the Feng and Tan families in the future!"

Shen Yi's words are full of deterrence.

These people immediately put away their thoughts and continued to record statements and sign signatures.

Master Shen glanced at Ye Chan who fainted on the ground, hesitated for a while, and waved to the two anti-Japanese soldiers guarding outside, and asked them to carry Ye Chan out of here and to the next door. A room to rest.


When Ye Chan woke up, it was already afternoon.

She fell asleep for most of the day.

Ye Chan woke up with a splitting headache.She stumbled up from the bed she was unfamiliar with, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Jiang Sheng, the entourage of Imperial Envoy Shen, sitting at the door of the room, decocting medicine.

Seeing that Ye Chan woke up, Jiang Sheng immediately stood up. He looked at Ye Chan and breathed a sigh of relief: "Ms. Ye is definitely awake. At noon, your Ye family members were looking for you at the door, but there is no son. We did not let them in, as they were told."

Ye Chan rubbed her head, feeling weak and cold, she took a deep breath, lowered her head and said, "Brother Jiang, where is Mission Shen, I want to see him."

"My son is in the study."

Jiang Sheng glanced down at the heat of the medicine pot, then slightly lowered his head to Ye Chan: "Shall I take the girl?"


Ye Chan nodded slightly.

In this way, she followed behind Jiang Sheng, and soon came to the door of Shen Yi's study. Jiang Sheng reached out and knocked on the door, and bowed slightly: "Master, Miss Ye woke up and said she wanted to see you."


In the room, came a voice that was neither salty nor dull: "Let her in."


Jiang Sheng pushed open the door and made a gesture of invitation to Ye Chan.

Miss Ye took several deep breaths, trying not to be too nervous, and then cautiously entered Shen Yi's study.

As soon as she walked into the study, she saw the unsmiling young man in black in the morning, sitting behind the desk writing something.

When she was still in a daze, she saw the young man looked up at herself, and then said lightly: "At noon, the doctor came to see you and said that you fainted because of the cold and didn't eat. past."

The young imperial envoy paused, and continued, "So you shouldn't be pretending."

Ye Chan was a little angry.

She stayed outside for a whole night last night, never leaving her. She didn't eat much all day and night. This young man from the court actually said that he was just pretending?

But she really didn't dare to get angry, so she could only lower her head and whispered, "I dare not lie to the imperial envoy."

"It's not as good as pretending."

Shen Yi took the piece of paper he had just written in his hand, dried the ink, pushed it to Ye Chan, and said lightly: "You passed out this morning, and there is no book office to record your statement. I wrote it down, it should be a big difference." It’s not bad, you can read it once, if there is no problem, just sign and make a deposit.”

The Imperial Envoy spoke calmly: "After you have been charged, you can go home. People from your Ye family are waiting for you outside."

Ye Chan took the "confession" handed over by Shen Yi and read it.

The handwriting is elegant and handsome, and the content is almost exactly the same as what I said in the morning.

She couldn't help but look up at Shen Yi, feeling emotional in her heart.

As expected of a young Jinshi...

After reading it carefully, Ye Chan lowered her head slightly and said, "Return to the Imperial Envoy, there is no problem..."

"Then sign it and put it on paper."

Shen Yi handed over the pen in his hand, and put the red clay prepared in advance by the woman's hand.

Ye Chan took the warm writing brush and lowered her head slightly. Just as she was about to write her name on the paper, she suddenly looked up at Shen Yi and asked cautiously.

"Master Imperial Envoy, concubine..."

"What crime will the concubine be asked by the court? Will he be exiled to the army?"

"Still, still..."

She bit her lip, with tears in her eyes: "I still want to join the Jiaofang Division..."

Seeing that she was about to cry in front of him again, Shen Yi frowned slightly: "You sign first."

Ye Chan was afraid of this young imperial envoy from the bottom of her heart, so she almost subconsciously wrote her name, and then pressed her handprint on the paper.

Only then did Shen Yi take back the "confession" and put it on the thick confession aside, then looked up at Ye Chan, and said lightly: "Here, there are fifteen confessions in total, you ten confessions For the five families, I will keep my promise and consider amnesty as appropriate."

"Jiaofang Secretary, you definitely don't need to join."

Shen Yi's expression was calm: "However, the fifteen families of yours all have to pay, a lot of money."

"Not only the cash, but also your family's property, shops, and corresponding businesses. Except for the ancestral house, everything else must be handed over to the imperial court."

Ye Chan's breathing immediately became short of breath. She looked at Shen Yi and asked, "Master Imperial Envoy, how much do you want from the imperial court?"

Shen Yi hadn't thought about this question yet.

He glanced at Ye Chan, and tentatively gave a number: "Seventy percent?"

Hearing these two words, Ye Chan knew very clearly that the young imperial envoy in front of him was definitely not asking for bribes for himself.

Instead, they are indeed asking for money for the court.

Because no matter which corrupt officials they are, they will not open their mouths to demand [-]% of the family property from other families until they have wiped out their families.

Because people can't agree with you, they will definitely entangle with you to the end.

She stared at Shen Yi with wide eyes, her voice trembling: "Master Shen, [-]%!"

"It's no different from ransacking the house. There may be hundreds of people in each ancestral house, including the descendants of the descendants and tenants. If they are fined and confiscated [-]% of their property, at most one or two years, I am afraid that they will be in dire straits. Already!"

"Then sixty percent."

Shen Yi glanced at the woman, and said lightly: "Miss Ye seems to be very useful in speaking among the nobles in Fuzhou. Go back and ask them if [-]% of them can work. If it works, I will report it to the court and let the court send it The people received the inheritance of each family."

"Maximum [-]%..."

Ye Chan lowered her head, because of the cold, she felt cold all over, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

"No matter how much... I can't open my mouth to them..."


Shen Yi lowered his head and thought for a while.

There are far more than these fifteen gentry families in Fuzhou, but as the year approaches, Shen Yi doesn't have the energy to keep entangled with them. His current idea is to let Xu Fu's tea shop in Fuzhou take over the property of these gentry families.

Anyway, Xu Fu is an imperial businessman, the emperor's manager outside, and Xu Fu's management is actually handed over to the emperor.

When the time comes to report it, the emperor will not say anything.

As for the Fuzhou gentry's communication with the Japanese.

It will take time to get rid of the cocoons. Next year, the Fuzhou Shipbuilding Department will be established, and the anti-Japanese army will be stationed in Fuzhou. There is still a lot of time to investigate slowly.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Ye Chan, and said lightly: "Well, Miss Ye, go back and discuss with those gentry, and I will seriously consider it for a few days. After three days, when you come here again, we will agree on a suitable one. Number of."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi raised his eyebrows: "But [-]% is the minimum amount, and it can't be less."

"In this city of Fuzhou, apart from the fifteen families of yours, any other family will definitely search their homes as long as they find out that they have a connection with the Japanese."

"That's not fifty percent."

Ye Chan nodded slightly.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked at the confession in Shen Yi's hand, and said, "Master Shen, can you help me write another confession?"

Shen Yi frowned: "What are you doing writing this?"

"This morning, they signed the pledge in the living room, but the concubine passed out. They didn't see the concubine signed the pledge. Without this, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe what the concubine said."

Shen Yi thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, so he dipped in the ink and wrote another confession to Ye Chan, dried the ink, and handed it to her.

Ye Chan took it with both hands, bowed her head to Shen Yi and said, "Thank you, my lord..."

Shen Yi waved his hand.

"If Ms. Ye can handle this matter well, then Shen should thank Ms. Ye."

Ye Chan put this confession in front of her, signed it again, folded it up, carefully held it in her hand, and said a blessing to Shen Yi.

"Master Shen, you are busy, my concubine has resigned."


After Shen Yi said "um", there was no movement.

Only then did Ye Chan back out cautiously.

As soon as she left Shen Yi's study, she saw Jiang Sheng outside the study holding a bowl of soup. Jiang Sheng handed the soup to Ye Chan and said, "Miss Ye, this is the medicine that the doctor came over at noon. It’s for repelling cold and nourishing qi, it’s just boiled, you can drink it.”

Ye Chan thanked her, took the soup, frowned slightly, and drank it slowly.

Seeing that she finished drinking, Jiang Sheng took out another prescription from his sleeve, handed it in front of Ye Chan, and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, take back the prescription prescribed by this doctor."

Miss Ye hesitated for a moment, but reached out to take it.

She looked at Jiang Sheng and asked, "Is this the doctor Mr. Shen is looking for?"

Jiang Sheng scratched his head.

Soon, he nodded again and said yes.

Miss Ye took a deep breath, held the prescription tightly, and thanked Jiang Sheng.

Then, she left Shen Yi's residence in a hurry.

Outside, there were about a dozen people from the Ye family waiting. Seeing that Ye Chan came out safely, everyone stepped forward and asked questions.

Miss Ye took a deep breath and said slowly, "I'm fine..."

"Go back... go home."

So, the Ye family's carriage left slowly.

And Jiang Sheng watched the Ye family's carriage going away slowly, and scratched his head again.

In the morning, it was indeed his son who asked him to go outside to find a doctor.

That should be regarded as...Young Master is looking for it?

Jiang Sheng thought so.

 This chapter is getting more and more written, and I wrote [-] words, but I can't divide it, so I posted it together... Well, it's finally the third update today...

(End of this chapter)

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