Chapter 666

After the prefect of Fuzhou was "suspended", the co-prefects of the prefect's yamen took over the affairs of the prefect's yamen for the time being.

Before taking office, this fellow prefect was called by the new governor, Cheng Tingzhi, to have a conversation. As soon as he returned to the magistrate's yamen, he approved a piece of land for the anti-Japanese army outside the city... or Fuzhou Wei, and it was more expensive than Shen Yi's original report. The land is much bigger.

This land is located in Langqi Town, Linhai, Fuzhou Prefecture.

On the second day after the approval of the land in Langqi, Shen Yi's three thousand-household battalions moved to the outside of Fuzhou one after another.

Shen Yi asked them to camp in Langqi Town and rest in place.

And here will also be the location of Fuzhou Wei in the future, and Fuzhou Shipping Department will probably be built here.

Although it is not too close to Fuzhou City, this is the diversion point of the Minjiang River estuary. It can be said that it is very suitable for the Shibo Department to be built here.

All ships entering the sea from the Minjiang River must pass through here, and they must also pass through the future Fuzhou Shipping Department.

Even Shen Yi went to Langqi to see it in person, and the three pieces of land he handed over to Fuzhou magistrate's yamen were all in Langqi Town.

Shen Yi rubbed his temples with his hand, and said, "Xue Wei will go out tomorrow. After he leaves, you will recruit new soldiers in Fuzhou to form the Fuzhou Guard."

Shen Yi patted Xue Wei on the shoulder, and said lightly: "Do you know why I use you?"

Liu Mingyuan was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "Mr. Shen, this subordinate turned from Linhaiwei to fight against the Japanese army back then in order to fight against the Japanese pirates. He didn't intend to get promoted and get rich, so there is no grievance."

"If you don't move, you will die."

Before, when his qualifications were not enough to serve as Qianhu, Shen Yi personally took him to Wusha Island to learn his military exploits, and abruptly lifted him to the position of Qianhu.

This pamphlet is part of Shen Yi's copy from General Zhao's "Navy Master's Essentials".

After walking for a while, Master Shen asked, "When are you planning to leave for the south?"

And send him to Quanzhou, then the commander of Quanzhou Wei...

Speaking of this, Shen Yi smiled: "It's too far away, let's talk about future things in the future."

Shen Yi is sitting on a rock in the corner of Daying right now, he pointed to the rock next to him, and said with a smile, "Sit down and talk."

To be honest, Xue Wei is not as good as Ling Su at this stage, but compared to Ling Su, Shen Yi is more optimistic about Xue Wei's growth. In just two years, Xue Wei has grown from a pawn who didn't know anything , and now he has become a deputy commander who is very qualified in leading and training troops.

Xue Wei bowed his head and said: "Two thousand-household battalions are enough. Mr. Shen, we are already very experienced in dealing with Japanese pirates. The two warships and a dozen small boats from Yueqing are already on their way to Guangdong... "


Moreover, Shen Yi treated him very well.

"Using you in the first place really meant buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars."

Because "promotion" was too fast, so Xue Wei's ability could not keep up with his promotion progress.

He knew in his heart that the Commander of Fuzhou Guard was basically Ling Su, and he couldn't beat Ling Su.

Xue Wei was very young, and his parents were gone. He grew up in Linhaiwei, and basically no one cared about him.

That is Ling Su.

Shen Yi waved his hand at him and said, "I've just told you this, you have to travel far tomorrow, so go down and rest."

Shen Yi took Xue Wei together to inspect the camp, and then Master Shen walked in front with his hands behind his back, and Xue Wei followed behind him with his hands down.

"This is some of the methods of training and employing soldiers that I copied from the predecessors. Now that you are more literate, you can use it to ponder and ponder it. Maybe it will be useful at critical times."


In other words, it was Shen Yi's own reading notes.

Shen Yi said "hmm" and yawned: "Go and call Liu Mingyuan, I have something to tell him."

Shen Yi patted Xue Wei on the shoulder, and said: "After the Japanese pirates in Guangdong are cleaned up, you will stay in Guangzhou and start recruiting troops to form the Guangzhou Guard. For the two thousand-household battalions under your command, one will stay in Guangzhou and the other will stay in Guangzhou." When I return to Fuzhou, I have another appointment, as for who goes and who stays, it depends on your own arrangements."

Shen Yi smiled and asked: "Xue Wei was a pawn in Linhaiwei back then, and you were a hundred households when you were in Linhaiwei, but now he climbed on top of you..."

Xue Wei answered yes, and strode away. Soon, Qianhu Liu Mingyuan trotted all the way to Shen Yi, cupped his fists respectfully and said to Shen Yi: "Mr. Shen..."

"I received information from the Dibao Division that there are only a lot more Japanese pirates in Guangdong than in Fujian. Don't be careless. Take this document with you."

The Guangzhou Guard was supposed to be established together with the Guangzhou Shipping Department, but Shen Yi worried that Xue Wei would suffer in Guangdong due to insufficient numbers. Although the newly recruited soldiers are far less useful than the old soldiers, it is always better to have more people than fewer. have advantage of.

Xue Wei took it with both hands, lowered his head and asked, "Mr. Shen, what is this?"

Xue Wei knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said: "If the subordinates have the ability of General Ling..."

"Right now, you should finish the errands in Guangdong first, and then I will tell you about the future."

It can be regarded as a simplified version of what the navy always wants.

"This time, the subordinates will not make the same mistakes as before."

Shen Yi touched his chin with a calm expression: "At that time, you should be the commander of the Guangzhou Guard."

Master Shen said slowly: "This brave word supported the later anti-Japanese army."


"The remaining commanders of the three guards can only choose someone from thousands of households to take charge of them."

Xue Wei took the booklet with both hands, took a deep breath, and with a plop, knelt down in front of Shen Yi, bowing his head deeply.

Xue Wei bowed his head deeply and said: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, if I can't complete the job in Guangdong, I will die in the south, and I will have no face to come back to see you!"

"This time in Guangdong to suppress the Japanese, I hope you can prove that you Xue Wei is not a dead horse bone, but a real horse with a thousand li."

Although Xue Wei's growth rate is still a bit slower than Shen Yi's requirements for him, but this is not because he is stupid, but because Shen Yi lifts him up too fast.

"This is my handwriting."

"Ling Su, he will be the Commander of the Fuzhou Guard."

Liu Mingyuan nodded and sat down silently.

"Are you wronged?"

Shen Yi nodded slightly and asked, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Do not…"

Master Shen narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "After this year, I may not be in the southeast. During the time I am not in the southeast, remember to find a wife and leave a descendant for the Xue family. In a few years..."

Now, the anti-Japanese army is cleaning up the Japanese pirates in Fujian...

In fact, there are better candidates.

After all, at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese Army, recruits went to the battlefield and trained while fighting.

"If nothing else..."

Xue Wei shook his head: "Mr. Shen loves you..."

Shen Yi took out a document from his arms, and handed it to Xue Wei.

"You can think so."

"This brave word..."

Xue Wei stood up, clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate will leave."

After handing over this document.Shen Yi took out another booklet from his arms and handed it in front of Xue Wei.

"He just gave you some experience."

And his personal growth rate is actually very amazing.

Xue Wei shook his head, his gaze was firm: "Mr. Shen, if General Ling can clean up the pirates in Fujian, his subordinates will definitely be able to clean up the pirates in Guangdong for Mr. Shen!"

"After the formation of Fuzhou Wei, in the second half of the year, I will give you another camp of one thousand households. You go to Quanzhou to form Quanzhou Wei."

Xue Wei bowed his head deeply and said: "Mr. Shen, this subordinate is willing to stay by your side and not to be any commander."

He lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. Shen, these two thousand-household camps are not in a hurry, and they are not too tired at the moment. They can go south to Guangdong directly after two days of rest. If the subordinates want to go south earlier, it is better to go earlier Learn about the situation in Guangdong."

This man who was born and died on the battlefield, his eyes were a little red at the moment, he lowered his head deeply, and his speech was a little choked up.

Shen Yi said indifferently: "When he attacked Fujian, he had three battalions of thousands of households under him, and you only had two."

"The subordinate is incompetent, let you bother..."

"Deputy Marshal Xue is indeed more capable than his subordinates..."

His current ability is more than enough to be a thousand households.

"If you are asked to be a commander, you will do it."

He finished copying this thing at the end of last year, and it should have been handed over to Xue Wei early, but there were too many things during this time, and he forgot about it.

The day after the anti-Japanese army arrived in Langqi Town, Shen Yi went to Langqi Town again, and met Xue Wei in the barracks of the anti-Japanese army in Langqi Town.

Ling Su was born as a general, and his family has thousands of households. He has learned the art of war, and he is from a "specialized class". If Ling Su is used, Shen Yi doesn't need to spend so much thought, just let Ling Su lead the troops to the south.

It's not that Shen Yi was so self-preserving that he didn't want to pass on the whole book of the Navy Master to Xue Wei. In fact, that book was what the former General Zhao had learned all his life. There were too many and too complicated. He was barely able to read all the characters, and it was impossible for him to accept the whole book in a short time.

Up to now, Shen Yi should be the person who cares about him the most.

Shen Yi helped him up, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Ling Su's ability may not be as powerful as you think, otherwise how could Linhai Guard's thousand soldiers and horses be defeated by two hundred Japanese pirates?"

At this time, Xue Wei had already begun to mobilize his two thousand-household camps, preparing to go south to Guangdong.

Liu Mingyuan is one of the three Qianhu battalions who went to Fuzhou this time, and he is also the Qianhu who will stay in Fuzhou.

Master Shen said calmly, "Perhaps you will set up the Guangzhou Guard while suppressing the Japanese in Guangdong, so that the problem of insufficient troops will no longer exist."

Shen Yi smiled, and said: "But later, I found that you are still useful, at least you listen to it and are willing to learn."

Xue Wei bowed his head respectfully: "This subordinate obeys!"

Hearing Shen Yi's words, Liu Mingyuan's eyes lit up.

"Because you were the bravest in the entire Linhai Guard when you faced Japanese pirates outside Linhai City."

He excerpted what he thought was useful for fighting against the Japanese army and suppressing the Japanese, and made this pamphlet.

Even if it's an acting commander...

It's already tempting enough.

Liu Mingyuan bowed his head deeply.

"Subordinates... obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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