Chapter 713 Retrieving the Mansion Reporting Department

The emperor nodded happily. He stroked his chin and thought for a while, then said: "I also see the merits of Di Baosi, and now Di Baosi is still a seventh-rank yamen, which is a bit inappropriate." gone."

His Majesty the Emperor thought about it for a while, and then continued: "I will discuss with the people in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Rites, and upgrade the Dibao Division to a sixth-rank or fifth-rank yamen."

"As for the group leaders Shen Qing mentioned..."


The emperor frowned, and said: "This name is too weird, I will change the name with you. Duan Chong and Zheng Hu you mentioned should be in charge of the local newspaper department, right?"

Shen Yi nodded: "Yes, at that time the mansion was about to go out, and these people didn't have official positions, so the minister gave them a false title."

"Just call it Siwu."

After all, the emperor often came into contact with these official positions, so he quickly figured out a name for himself, and said, "This position is tentatively designated as the eighth rank. Those who have made meritorious service like Duan Chong Zheng Hu can be treated with the seventh rank salary."

Shen Yi bowed his head respectfully.

"On behalf of them, thank you, Your Majesty!"

The emperor looked calm, and asked: "These are you asking for rewards for others, and Shen Qing herself has nothing to ask for?"

Shen Yi lowered his head and thought carefully, then said: "Return to Your Majesty, I... want to report to the mansion."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, then looked at Shen Yi with great interest, and smiled dumbly: "You have such a big appetite."

"You are now the Langzhong of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, and there are more than 2 people from the capital in the southeast who recognize you. I will report the mansion to you again. Doesn't it mean that you, Shen Qi, can do whatever you want? "

The Military Selection Department is actually the personnel department of General Chen.

And Shen Yi, the Minister of Personnel, can appoint and place a large number of his own people within the scope of his authority. In addition, he has people in his hands, money, and an intelligence agency such as the Di Baodi. Whatever you do, you can do.

Shen Yi calmly lowered his head slightly and said, "Your Majesty should still remember that when I and Your Majesty decided on the matter of suppressing the Japanese, I sent out the Mansion Reporter half a year in advance. I feel that now is the time to do it again." Spread the Dibaosi out."

The emperor asked calmly, "Where are you going to sprinkle it?"

"Northern Qi Dynasty."

Shen Yi said in a low voice: "Know yourself and the enemy, and only then can you defeat the enemy..."

"Easy to say."

The emperor snorted: "The people of Qi will not allow you to establish mansions and newspapers in various places, not to mention you, the people I send out every year..."

The emperor paused at this point, and then did not continue. He just looked at Shen Yi and said, "Forget it, tell me what you think."

Shen Yi nodded and continued: "Your Majesty, I know that the layout of the Northern Qi Dynasty is quite difficult, but because of the difficulty of this matter, it is even more important to do it in advance to prepare for the future."

The emperor was expressionless: "The two sides have sent spies to each other for more than 60 years, and the court has also done it for more than 60 years. How can you, Shen Qi, do better than the inner guard?"

"Focus on the difference."

Shen Yi said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the people sent out by the imperial court are nothing more than to monitor the senior officials of the Qi people, and to keep an eye on their important affairs in the imperial court, while the humble officials spread the report to the mansion..."

"It is to be sent to their place to survey their local mountains and rivers, to get familiar with the local customs, and to strengthen the local scholars, farmers, businessmen..."

"In the north, after all, there are many Han people."

Shen Yi said slowly: "If these people are used well, they can even instigate rebellion in the future..."

Hearing this, the emperor finally felt a little moved. He looked at Shen Yi silently, and asked, "The north cannot print and distribute the residence newspaper for you. What is Shen Qing going to do?"

"Printing and distributing the residence newspaper is naturally impossible."

Shen Yi bowed his head silently, took out a pamphlet from his sleeve, and said, "Your Majesty, these are some self-made gadgets that I have nothing to do in my spare time. Maybe these things can be spread among the people in the north."

The emperor gave it a color, Gao Ming immediately understood, went to Shen Yi and took the booklet, and after flipping through a few pages in his hand, he found that there were a few short stories written on it.

These short stories are also accompanied by illustrations.

The short stories are very short, and the booklet is naturally not too long. It didn't take long for the emperor to read it from beginning to end, then put the booklet on his desk, and glanced at this whimsical The same age asked: "This kind of storybook...not to mention whether it is troublesome to print it out, even if it is really circulated among the people in the north, if it can't publish current events, it may not be of much use."

"Current events in the Northern Dynasties must not be published in the first one or two years."

Shen Yi bowed his head and said: "But after a long time, you can slowly write some anecdotes about the ministers or clans of the Northern Dynasty, or write some unofficial histories."

"This thing is not intended for widespread dissemination, it's just to allow our people to integrate into the local area as soon as possible after they get there..."

"It's better if it's useful. If it's not useful, just give it a try."

The emperor said "hmm", he closed his eyes and thought about it, and then asked, "If you have any other thoughts, you might as well finish it in one breath."

"Returning to Your Majesty, after Wei Chen was targeted by the Purification Department of the Northern Dynasty, he also checked a lot of information about Qi people in the past two years. As far as Wei Chen knows..."

"The Northern Dynasty...has become corrupt to a certain extent."

"Thus, it is not easy for the people sent out to break into their high-level, but as long as they have some means and spend some money, it is not difficult to integrate into the local area. Therefore, this method of spreading the newspapers..."

"I guess it will cost a lot of money."

When mentioning the money, the emperor subconsciously reached out and knocked on the table, and said, "How much will it cost?"

"When Weichen was in Fuzhou, I thought about this matter. During the one month or so in Fuzhou, I made a rough estimate."

"If you want to have obvious effects, I am afraid that you will spend more than 200 million taels of silver a year."

The emperor frowned: "So many?"

Shen Yi bowed his head silently and said: "Your Majesty, I have calculated that if the two Fuzhou Shipbuilding Departments plus the Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce and Xu Fu's income are all spent here, it should be enough."

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help clapping his hands and clapping his hands.

He looked at Shen Yi and said with a smile: "I thought that Shen Qing was in Fuzhou and was indulging in the gentleness of the country. I didn't expect Shen Qing to be in Fuzhou and thinking about national affairs."

When Master Shen heard the words, his expression froze and he didn't reply.

The emperor opened the booklet in his hand again, read it again, and asked, "Did the illustrations on this booklet be drawn by you, Shen Qing, or by Miss Ye from Fuzhou?"

Shen Yi shook his head, and said, "It was painted by my wife after I returned to Jiankang. My wife has been painting since elementary school, and she is quite good at it."


The emperor nodded: "I almost forgot, Shen Qing's wife is also from a scholarly family."

The young emperor thought seriously for a long time, then looked at Shen Yi, and said: "Shen Qing, I will have to think about it for a few days before I can give you an answer, but there is one thing that I have to tell you in advance. say clearly."

Shen Yi immediately lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty has instructed."

The emperor looked calm, and said: "Even if you manage this newspaper department, you can only give you half of it at most. The newspaper department that prints and distributes newspapers in the imperial court and in various places must be in the hands of the imperial court."

As we all know, there are two Dibao Divisions.

One is the Di Bao Department, which distributes newspapers, which can be regarded as the public opinion department.

The other one is the intelligence department that Shen Yi single-handedly created back then. The intelligence department was established relying on the branches of the Dibao Division in various places, and it has already reached a considerable scale.

What the emperor meant was that even if Shen Yi was handed over to the mansion newspaper department, he, the emperor, had the final say on what content would be printed on the mansion newspaper that was distributed nationwide.

Obviously, during the past few years of the Mansion Newspaper's operation, His Majesty the Emperor has clearly felt the power of public opinion methods. Up to now, he has firmly held public opinion in his own hands.

Shen Yi bowed his head respectfully and said, "Yes, I understand."

The emperor just nodded, he stood up from the soft couch, thumped his sore back, and said: "There is one more thing, I want to tell you."

The emperor looked at Shen Yi and said slowly: "The Military Selection Department is a key position of the imperial court. I put you in this position, which puts a lot of pressure on you. After you take up the position of the Military Selection Department next year, you must work hard with the Ministry of War. A few hall officials ask for advice, if there is something they don’t understand, you should feel free to ask the subordinates, Yuanwailang and other officials.”

"Anyway, you can't mess up my military selection department."

Shen Yi quickly got up, bowed his head and said.

"Your Majesty ordered, I will remember it in my heart."

"In the duty of the Ministry of War, I must do my best to live up to the holy hope!"

(End of this chapter)

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