marquis of jingan

Chapter 746 The Son of Heaven Comes!

Chapter 746 The Son of Heaven Comes!

After leaving from the Qinhuai River, Master Shen did not go back to work in the Ministry of War, but stretched himself and went home.

Anyway, he now has his own "little brother" in the Yamen of the Ministry of War, and if he doesn't go there for a day or two, he won't be "robbed of power".

And today is considered a business trip, so I simply take a day off.

Anyway, Minister of the Ministry of War will not remember his absence.

Because he had been busy all morning, after returning home, Shen Yi first took a nap. After waking up, he taught his eldest son Shen Yuan to write big characters under the gazebo in his backyard.

Although Shen Yuan is only three years old at the moment, because his mother Lu Ruoxi teaches him to read and write when she has nothing to do, the little doll can already recognize dozens of nearly a hundred simple characters, but she can write. Not many.

But even so, among his peers, he is considered "one step ahead".

This is the advantage of home education.

This era is an era of extremely scarce educational resources, because [-]% or even more than [-]% of parents are illiterate or not very literate.

Among them, there may be some spare money for their children to read and write, but they have no way to teach their children from an early age.

As for Lu Ruoxi, she studied with Master Lu since she was a child, and her knowledge is definitely not inferior to that of a scholar or even an ordinary Juren. There is no problem in teaching children.

This made Shen Yuan run ahead.

Of course, because the scientific examination in this era is too difficult, the advantages brought by the family are sometimes not enough to go on the road of scientific examination.

For example, the two sons of Zhao Changping's family are like this.

It all depends on the talent of the child.

After teaching the child how to write, Master Shen stretched his waist, took a look at the big characters, and nodded with satisfaction: "My son is not bad, this stone character has been written quite well."

Shen Yuan is still young, so naturally he doesn't understand what it means to be remarkable. He was about to ask a question, but Jiang Sheng ran over in a panic, bowed his head deeply, and said, "My lord, my lord!"

Seeing his flustered expression, Master Shen raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter? Another visitor from the palace?"

Jiang Sheng scratched his head.

"Forget it."

Shen Yi frowned: "What is it, talk about it if you have something to say."

"Eunuch Gao is here, right at the door of the house..."

Shen Yi blinked, and then asked: "Eunuch Gao came in person?"

Today he was on a mission for the emperor, and he was ready to go to the palace, but he thought it would be the little eunuch who came to look for him, but he never thought that the head of the inner court would come in person!

Jiang Sheng nodded, and then whispered: "Gao Gonggong said, let you go out to pick up people..."

Hearing this sentence, Master Shen understood it almost immediately, he quickly put down the big characters on his hands, and looked at Jiang Sheng: "Go and call Lian Er, let her come over to take care of the child..."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi's words came to an abrupt end, he denied himself, shook his head and said: "Forget it, let this child go out and meet people."

With that said, he hugged Shen Yuan in his arms and walked towards his front yard.

I saw that the eunuch Gao Ming was already waiting in the front yard of Shen's house, and he was looking around at this time, sizing up the house.

At this moment, Lu Ruoxi was also doing embroidery in the backyard, Shen Zhang and Shen Heng were not in Jiankang, there was no owner in the front yard of the Shen family, only Qing'er and Ping'er were talking to Gao Ming respectfully.

Eunuch Gao asked questions without a word, and the two maids from the palace answered respectfully.

Master Shen came out with the child in his arms, put the child down after approaching, then cupped his hands to Gao Ming, and said with a smile, "Why did Eunuch Gao come in person?"

Gao Ming glanced at Shen Yi, then looked at the fat boy next to Shen Yi who was looking at him with curious eyes. The chief executive of the inner court gave Shen Yuan a rare gentle smile, then raised his head to look at Shen Yi, his face became serious: "Shen Yi Doctor, go out with our family to meet people."

Hearing Gao Ming's words, the guess in Shen Yi's heart was finally confirmed...

The emperor is here!

It was not the first time that the emperor went out of the palace. In the early years, Master Shen accompanied the emperor to listen to the song on the Qinhuai River, but this was the first time that the emperor came to Shen's house.

Shen Yi took two steps closer, lowered his head slightly and said, "Elder-in-law, do you want to call your family to pick you up?"

"No need."

Gao Ming shook his head and said, "Your Majesty came quietly, so no one else was disturbed, you just go out and greet him."


Shen Yi looked back at Shen Yuan, and said, "Yuan'er, you wait at the gate, and when someone comes in later, you kowtow, do you know?"

Shen Yuan opened his eyes wide and nodded in a daze.

Eunuch Gao smiled dumbly when he saw this, but he didn't stop him.

After Shen Yi made arrangements for his family members, he followed Gao Ming out of the house, and at the entrance of Shen's house, a sky-blue sedan chair was parked quietly. Master Shen stepped forward, slightly lowered his head and cupped his hands, and said, "My humble minister, Shen Yi, welcome! Shengjia..."

The curtain of the blue sedan chair opened slowly, and a young man in green clothes, about the same age as Shen Yi, walked out of the sedan chair with a short figure and a smile. He glanced at Shen Yi who was bowing in front of him, patted Shen Yi on the shoulder, and smiled Said: "There is no need to salute."

After all, without waiting for Shen Yi to reply, he strode into the gate of Shen's residence.

This person is naturally His Majesty the Emperor of Da Chen, the big boss of the entire Southern Dynasty.

As soon as His Majesty the Emperor walked into the gate of the Shen Mansion, he saw a three-year-old boy who fell to the ground clumsily and seemed to be kowtowing to himself, with a childish voice in his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about.

His Majesty the Emperor was already in a good mood at the moment, and when he saw this, he even laughed, bent over and hugged the little boy in his arms, reached out and touched Shen Yuan's nose, and said with a smile: "Whose doll is this, What is your name?"

Shen Yuan has already been able to speak, he looked at the adult who was hugging him with curious eyes, unexpectedly he didn't cry.

"My name is Shen Yuan."

Hearing the little baby speak his name clearly and without stage fright, the emperor patted his head with a smile, took off a jade pendant from his waist, and tied the red string hanging on it to the Lie on Shen Yuan's neck, and said with a smile: "This is the first time we meet, this is a gift from Uncle Li."

Although the little baby is smart, he is too young to know anything. He just looked back at his father without saying a word.

Master Shen coughed and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the gift is too expensive..."

The emperor ignored Shen Yi, stretched out his hand to touch Shen Yuan's face, and said with a smile: "Why doesn't the little baby know how to call someone?"

Shen Yuan called "Uncle Li" in a milky voice, and His Majesty the Emperor put him down with satisfaction and handed him over to the maid at the side. with a smile.

"If I remember correctly, this is the house I rewarded you back then, isn't it?"


Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said: "If it weren't for your majesty's generous gift, the minister's family would still be living in a rented house in Jiankang."

"Stop crying poor."

The emperor glanced at Shen Yi, said with a smile: "You, Shen Qi, are not poor now."

Master Shen's face was neither red nor his heart was beating.

"Your Majesty, although I'm not poor, I can't afford a house in Jiankang."

The emperor was obviously in a good mood. He laughed and said, "This house is a little small. I'll look back and see which corrupt official in Jiankang has built a new house. I'll get you a new house to live in."

Shen Yi's current house was the house of the former Shaoqing of Dali Temple. It was confiscated by the emperor and finally fell into Shen Yi's hands.

Hearing this, Master Shen touched his nose in embarrassment.

Although he knew that the emperor was telling the truth, he somewhat disliked saying it so bluntly.

At this time, Lu Ruoxi also knew that the emperor was coming in person, she rushed out from the backyard in a hurry, after seeing the emperor, she was about to kowtow to the emperor, the emperor waved his hand with a smile, and said: "Madam Shen, don't be too polite. "

Only then did Lu Ruoxi stand up cautiously, and followed behind Shen Yi.

After the emperor walked around the front yard of the Shen family, he was invited to serve tea in the main hall of the Shen family. The big boss sat on the main seat unceremoniously, and then glanced at Shen Yi: "Just now I sent someone to the Ministry of War to pass you , The Ministry of War said that you didn’t go all day today.”

"Why are you so tired?"

Hearing this, Master Shen almost spit out the tea in his mouth. He swallowed the tea in his mouth and looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, I have been busy with your Majesty all day. How can I go back to the Ministry of War... "

"However, I will not delay the affairs of the Ministry of War. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the Ministry of War to deal with it."

The emperor smiled inexplicably.

"The other people won the two rankings, and they became officials through all kinds of difficulties and dangers. They are all cautious in the official arena. They wish they could go to the official office before dawn. Only you, Shen Qi, are really tired and lazy. If you don't go to the yamen Don't go to the yamen."

Speaking of this, the emperor picked up the tea on the table and was about to drink it. The eunuch Gao's expression changed slightly and was about to speak. The emperor glanced at him, and then Gao Ming stepped back without saying a word.

After taking a sip of Shen's tea, the emperor smiled at Shen Yi and said, "A few days ago, I asked you to find a helper in the Ministry of War. Did you find one?"

"Return to Your Majesty, yes."

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said, "Zheng Ling, the head of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, be cautious as an official..."

"Okay, there's no need to say any more."

The emperor said indifferently: "When you go to the Ministry of War tomorrow, say hello to him. The day after tomorrow, I will transfer Yuanwailang from the Wuxuan Division and help him to take Yuanwailang's place."

"I...thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor so obviously asked Shen Yi to place his confidants in the Ministry of War, so it was obvious that he was urging Master Shen to go on a business trip.

Sure enough, after the emperor put down the teacup, he continued: "You have completely annoyed the Qi envoy today. It won't take long for this news to spread to Yandu and the Huaihe Navy..."

Shen Yi said knowingly: "The minister will set off in a few days to inspect the Huaihe Navy for His Majesty..."


The emperor nodded slightly, and said softly, "I won't give you any orders when you go this time, you just adapt to the situation."

"Go and see the reaction of the Huaihe Navy, and see if there is any suitable opportunity."

"It would be best..."

"Find the flaw."

Shen Yi nodded.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

he said slowly.

"I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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