marquis of jingan

Chapter 768 Excellent Emperor!

Chapter 768 Excellent Emperor!
In this world, no one can understand the world.

At least it is impossible to see everything in the world.

If so, he is truly a living saint.

Obviously, Shen Yi is not a saint. Although he has been a man in two lifetimes and his vision and knowledge are much better than his peers and even most of the people around him, he is inexperienced in some aspects, such as facing Zhao Lu's "gambling against each other". ", he was not quite sure about it.

After all, this is not a small matter, it may be related to tens of thousands or even tens of millions, and even the lives of all the people in Dachen!

The pressure in this is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

But fortunately, Shen Yi has a senior who has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, a senior who can control people's hearts very well.

After being instructed by Zhao Changping, the dark clouds in Shen Yi's heart dissipated, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

That night, he had a meal at Zhao's house. After it was completely dark, he returned home and had a good night's sleep.

At noon the next day, after lunch, Shen Yi changed into his official uniform, got into the carriage and entered the palace. According to what the emperor said yesterday, he went to the Deqing Hall and waited for His Majesty to summon him.

After waiting for a cup of tea outside the Deqing Hall, Shen Yi was ushered in by two young eunuchs.

Deqing Palace is the residence of the emperor, which is much larger than Ganlu Palace. Even if he went to the apse of Deqing Palace, Shen Yi only met His Majesty the Emperor after many detours, led by two young eunuchs.

His Majesty the Emperor was wearing a lavender uniform at the moment, and was sitting on a reclining chair with his eyes closed. After hearing Shen Yi's "greeting", he slowly opened his eyes and sat up with the support of the eunuch Gao , stretched a big lazy waist.

"You came just as you were about to take a nap."

"My General Zhao will come soon."

His Majesty the Emperor yawned and said: "It seems that today's afternoon nap is impossible to sleep."

Shen Yi hurriedly lowered his head slightly, and said: "Your Majesty, please rest, I will wait outside..."

The emperor smiled, turned his head and signaled Gao Ming to bring Shen Yi a stool, and then said: "It's all here, it doesn't matter if you don't take a nap this afternoon."

As he said that, he looked at Shen Yi, smiled and said: "I heard that Shen Qing likes to sleep, and if someone wakes her up during her nap, she will lose her temper, right?"

Shen Yi has been followed by the inner guard for several years. To the emperor, he basically has no secrets. After hearing this sentence, he didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart. He just lowered his head slightly and said, "When there is nothing wrong with you , I like to sleep a little longer."

The emperor just mentioned it casually, and didn't continue to follow the words. After rubbing his eyes, he asked Shen Yi: "Have you thought about what happened yesterday?"

"Think about it."

Shen Yi did not sit down, but stood in front of His Majesty the Emperor, bowed slightly, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I feel that..."

"Coastal Dusi, you can give it a try."

The emperor let out a "huh", looked at Shen Yi, and asked: "Then if the [-] soldiers and horses of the coastal capital are unable to defend the Qi people, and the Qi people cross the line of defense, what should we do?"

At this moment, Shen Yi had already thought about the answer, and he said directly: "When the coastal capital is deployed, please send [-] imperial troops to move closer. If the coastal capital is weak, the Qi people will break the defense..."

Shen Yi took a deep breath, and said, "Then please ask the imperial army to make up for it, so it won't be out of control."

The emperor looked at Shen Yi with a smile: "At that time, Shen Qing's future will be a bit bleak."

This time, the coastal capital defended the Huaihe River. If there were no accidents, Shen Yi should be in charge.

And if the Huaihe Navy is broken by the Qi people, it will prove that the coastal capital that Shen Yi created is useless. At that time, Shen Yi's personal political future, although it will not be said to be ruined, but I am afraid it will be smeared. stain.

Not to mention anything else, within ten years, he will never be promoted again!

However, since Shen Yi entered politics, the path he has chosen has always been the "Northern Expedition", and replacing the Zhao Clan is part of his political path. If the Zhao Clan has been standing in the Huai River Navy, the court will not be able to talk about the Northern Expedition. .

There is no way to talk about Master Shen's political future.

Ever since, Shen Yi lowered his head slightly, and shouted a righteous slogan.

"Your Majesty, the interests of the family and the country come first, and personal future is nothing to worry about!"


The emperor nodded and said, "Then you just wait here."

He looked out the window to look at the sky, estimated for a while, and said: "I estimate that in less than half an hour, my great general Zhao will also enter the palace."

As he said that, the emperor looked at Shen Yi and asked, "Shen Qing came here in a hurry, have you eaten yet?"

"Eat and eat."

Shen Yi nodded quickly: "I came after eating."

The emperor yawned and said, "Okay, then you and I will wait together."

Ever since, Master Shen sat on the small pier of Deqing Palace and started chatting with His Majesty the Emperor.

Mainly to talk about what I have seen and heard in Fengyang Mansion and the Huaihe Naval Camp.

After about two quarters, a young eunuch came to announce that it was General Zhao.

His Majesty the Emperor lazily announced Zhao Lu to come in, while Shen Yi stood up from his chair. He was about to leave when the Emperor grabbed his sleeve and said, "Just stand by my side."

After speaking, His Majesty the Emperor returned to his seat. Shen Yi took a deep breath and stood on the right hand side of the Emperor.

Soon, General Zhao, dressed in a first-grade official uniform, stepped in. After seeing the emperor, the Marquis of Anping, who was almost the emperor of the Huaihe Navy, knelt down on the ground without saying a word, his forehead touched the ground, and his tone The obedience reached the extreme: "Chen Huaihe Navy Commander Zhao Lu, I greet Your Majesty."

The emperor stretched out his hand to help, and said with a smile: "The general please get up quickly."

He pointed to the small pier that Shen Yi sat on just now, and said with a smile: "The stool is ready for the general, please sit down, general."

Zhao Lu sat down cautiously.

After the emperor coughed, he looked at the general and said, "I just told Shen Qing about what the general said in the palace the day before yesterday, and Shen Qing said that the [-] soldiers and horses of the coastal capital can replace the Huaihe River." Navy, stationed at a section of the Huaihe River."

He kept looking at Zhao Lu's expression, and said slowly, "What does the general think?"

"Your Majesty, the Qi people in the north are changing frequently, and the number is increasing. I am worried that the Huaihe Navy will not have enough troops. If the coastal capital can defend a section of the Huaihe River for the Huaihe Navy."

He bowed his head respectfully: "I... thank you for your grace."


The emperor narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Then the matter is settled. Later, I will ask the people from the Dudu's Mansion and the Ministry of War to go to the general to determine the river section that the coastal capital needs to defend."

Speaking of this, the emperor stroked his chin and asked, "General, how long do you think the coastal capital will be defended before you can prove that you have defended it?"

"Two years."

Zhao Lu bowed his head without hesitation and said: "It will take at least two years to not fall, so that we can prove that the coastal capital has the ability to defend the Huaihe River and resist the people of Qi."

"it is good."

The emperor clapped his hands and said lightly, "That's two years."

"Is there anything else you can say, General?"


Zhao Lu stood up, lowered his head slightly and said, "Your Majesty, besides what happened just now, I came to ask Your Majesty to resign this time."

"In the past few days, there have been more and more Qi soldiers north of the Huaihe River. I have been worried in my heart, and I have to rush back to the front line to take command immediately to prevent the Qi people from changing."

The emperor nodded and said calmly: "In this case, the general will work hard and rush back to the front line of the Huaihe River."

"Looking back, I will ask the household department to send some money and food to the Huaihe Navy, and the general will reward the lieutenant soldiers on my behalf."

Zhao Lu bowed his head respectfully: "I am on behalf of the officers and men of the Huaihe Navy, thank you for your majesty's grace!"

After saying this, the general stood up respectfully and exited the Ganlu Hall.

During the whole process, Shen Yi stood beside the emperor without saying a word.

But looking at Zhao Lu's leaving figure, Master Shen was in a daze.

If I remember correctly, 2 people were transferred from the coastal capital to Songjiang Prefecture for training...

It means His Majesty the Emperor!
Reminiscent of the night when Zhao Lu came to him suddenly and made this inexplicable bet with him...

Seeing today, the negotiation process between the emperor and Zhao Lu is so "smooth"...

Shen Yi's head was a little stiff, he turned his head slowly, and glanced at the peer beside him.

Could it be...

Is it this big boss who single-handedly contributed to the current situation?
In order to test the actual combat power of the coastal capital?

Thinking of this, Shen Yi was a little lost again.

If so...

Then Emperor Hongde is really a...

Such an excellent emperor...!
(End of this chapter)

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