marquis of jingan

Chapter 773 Teaching and Farming

Chapter 773 Teaching and Farming

Qi people!

Or the Northern Qi Dynasty, the shadow that has been entrenched over the entire Southern Dynasty for more than sixty years!
This shadow made people like Zhao Changping, who tended to be "hardliners", extremely unconfident about the Northern Expedition.

Even, in the eyes of some people who have experienced the great defeat of the Sejong Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty is an invincible existence, especially the Xiandi Dynasty. 10,000+ troops died in the hands of the Northern Qi general Zhou Jinan in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River. This defeat, The little confidence accumulated by Emperor Xianzong was wiped out again.

Ling Su is a hereditary Qianhu. Although he is not considered a general, he can be regarded as an "expert" in military affairs. In his early years, he heard some stories about Qi people from the adults in his family.

He knew much more about Qi people than the low-level people like Xue Wei, so at this moment, the current commander of the Fuzhou Guard was not very excited, but a little dull.

After being stunned for a moment, Ling Su took a deep breath, looked up at Shen Yi, swallowed, and asked, "Mr. Shen..."

Ling Su said slowly, "Are you... going to war?"


With a calm face, Shen Yi said, "And the possibility is not small. Once there is a fight, the soldiers under your command will face the Northern Qi army directly."

He looked at Ling Su and asked, "General Ling is afraid?"

Ling Su smiled wryly, and said, "Mr. Shen, if an outsider asks about the general, even if the general is frightened, he will not say a word of softness in front of outsiders, which will hurt the face of our coastal capital, but Shen You are your own man."

He lowered his head slightly, and sighed: "To be honest, when I heard the word Beiqi, I really felt a little guilty in my heart."

Having said that, he raised his head cautiously, glanced at Shen Yi's expression, saw that Shen Yi did not show any signs of getting angry, he was relieved, and continued: "Mr. Cut off the river?"

"I still do not know yet."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "The Ministry of War and the Dudu's Mansion are still discussing this matter for the past two days, but what is certain is that the Huaihe Navy will guard for as long as 2 people, and we should guard for as long as possible."

"It is estimated that it will be close to the river section of two hundred miles."

As he said that, he looked at Ling Su and said, "General Ling, you are from a general background. I can understand your worries. If you don't want to lead troops to guard the Huaihe River, tomorrow I will take you to the palace to meet the emperor and ask Your Majesty, if you are transferred back to Fuzhou, you will still be the Commander of Fuzhou, and you will not be punished for this."

Ling Su stood up directly, half-knelt in front of Shen Yi, lowered his head slightly, and said, "Mr. Shen said this to embarrass and kill the last general. Although the last general has no idea in his heart, he is doing things for the court and doing his best for Mr. Shen. This is the duty that the last general should fulfill, even if he dies by the Huai River, the last general is willing to do so!"

At this time, no matter how scared Ling Su was, it was impossible for him to back down.

It's not because he really values ​​love and righteousness, the main reason is that he has been promoted all the way, and he climbed up the high branch of Master Shen. If he is greedy for life and afraid of death at this time, and returns to Fuzhou, not only will he lose his backer, but he will also be punished by the emperor. Your Majesty is disgusted.

At that time, not to mention the future of the officialdom, even the commander of the Fuzhou Guard in him now, I am afraid that he will not be able to sit securely.

Besides, when leading troops to fight, the dead will always be the most small soldiers. This time the coastal capital is going to guard the Huaihe River. If there is no accident, he Ling Su must be the highest commander. Even if he loses a lot, he will die very hard.

Shen Yi stretched out his hand to help him up, motioning him to sit down, then Master Shen turned his head, looked at Xue Wei at the side, with a smile on his face, and asked, "General Xue, how about you?"

Xue Wei smiled, stood up straight away, patted his chest and said: "Mr. Shen, my subordinates have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"In this life, my subordinate was just a pawn until his death. Now that he is with you, Mr. Shen, he is also known as an official by others. Not to mention guarding the Huaihe River, even if he bumps his head to death here, it will be a big profit!"

Xue Wei is upright, and this person is Shen Yi's absolute direct descendant, so there is nothing to ask. Master Shen patted him on the shoulder and asked: "Before I left Southeast last year, I asked you to find a wife in Guangzhou Mansion to get married." have a child..."

Speaking of this, Master Shen frowned slightly, and said, "Did you not take my words seriously, or did you secretly marry without telling me?"

Xue Wei was so frightened that he shook his head again and again, and said: "Mr. Shen, how dare my subordinates..."

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, then lowered his head in embarrassment and said, "It's just that my mother told me before she left that to marry a wife, you must marry a Xiangxin, otherwise you will be uncomfortable for the rest of your life, so this subordinate has not yet married a wife, but ..."

Speaking of this, the commander of the Guangzhou Guard smiled, and said: "However, I have taken in two concubines in the Guangzhou mansion. According to Shen Gong's intention, I will leave incense for the family. Now the two concubines They all have bodies."

"Because it's not a big deal."

Xue Wei lowered his head slightly and said, "I didn't write a letter to inform Mr. Shen."

Hearing what he said, Shen Yi shook his head and smiled dumbly: "I can't tell, your eyes are quite high."

Xue Wei chuckled, then looked up at Shen Yi, and asked excitedly: "Mr. Shen, when are we going to guard the Huai River? The subordinates can't wait to meet those idiots from Qi!"

Being suppressed by Qi people for more than 60 years, every Chen Guoren feels that it is impossible to say that there is no anger.

Everyone has a natural hatred for Bei Qi in their hearts. A martial artist like Xue Wei, who can't read much, naturally doesn't understand what it means to be a king without partiality, and what it means to be incompatible with a traitor.

But for more than 60 years, there have been frequent wars between the two countries, and almost constant small battles. The accumulated hatred is real.

Among other things, during the Xiandi Dynasty, when the Xiandi launched the Northern Expedition, many of the 10,000+ troops who died in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River were from the Taizhou Prefecture. Among Xue Wei's uncles, some people died in that battle. middle.

Hearing his words, Master Shen glanced at him, and said in a muffled voice, "You are too impatient."

"How many times have I told you, but I still don't change my nature."

Shen Yi reprimanded: "It's fine for you to be alone. You now have thousands or even tens of thousands of soldiers under your command. If you rush, their lives may be lost!"

"You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

Xue Wei was honest, like a primary school student, lowered his head, and replied cautiously: "This subordinate knows..."

Ling Su on the side, when Shen Yi said the words "thousands or even tens of thousands", his eyelids twitched involuntarily.

Especially the word "tens of thousands" made his heart skip a beat.

Because the Huaihe Navy in Songjiang Mansion now has a total of 2 people!

If Xue Wei manages more than 1 people, does Ling Su have to be managed by Xue Wei?

Thinking of this, General Ling coughed and said with a smile, "Don't worry, General Xue. Fighting against the Qi people is no better than fighting against Japanese pirates. Our coastal capital is not well equipped, and there are still many things to prepare."

"Let's just listen to the adults' arrangement."

Shen Yi nodded silently, and said: "Over there, I have the cheek to ask for things. There should be news in the next two days. It is estimated that we should be able to give us about [-] pieces of armor, as well as some weapons, bows and crossbows. .”

"Wait for the note to be approved..."

Shen Yi looked at the two of them, and said, "When the time comes, you two, take the slips and go to the Department of Treasury to pick them up, and pick them yourself, and pick the ones that are good."

"After the selection is over, the two of you will take this batch of ordnance and go back to Songjiang Mansion to wait for me."

Hearing that Shen Yi said that he could go to the Ministry of War to choose armor, Ling Su's eyes lit up, and when he heard that Shen Yi was also going to Songjiang Mansion, his eyes widened immediately.

Xue Wei on the side was both surprised and delighted: "Mr. Shen, are you going to guard the Huai River together?"

Shen Yi nodded silently, and said slowly: "No accident, I will supervise the army as an imperial envoy."

He looked at the two generals in front of him and said slowly.

"Two, this time, it's not just about the future of you and me."

"It is more related to the future and destiny of Dachen as a whole, as well as the future and destiny of all the brothers in the coastal capital."

"Good job..."

Shen Yi looked calm and glanced at the two of them.

"Let's get promoted and get rich together."

"If you don't play well, you may even lose a lot."

"I will go back to Jiangdu to teach, and you will go back to Taizhou to farm."

Master Shen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.


The two generals looked at each other, stood up and clasped their fists together, saying they understood in unison.

A smile appeared on Ling Su's face, and he said, "At first, the general didn't have any confidence in his heart, but Mr. Shen, if you go in person, the general's heart will be much more at ease."

And Xue Wei was even more daring, and said directly with a smile.

"With Mr. Shen in charge, the subordinates even want to switch from defense to offense!"

(End of this chapter)

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