Chapter 778

After Ling Su, Xue Wei and others left, Shen Yi would not stay in Jiankang for long.

In fact, at this time, the Ministry of War and the Governor's Mansion have already discussed the section of the Huaihe River that the coastal capital needs to let go.

That is the Huai River section of Huai'an Mansion.

This section is relatively favorable for coastal capitals, because this section is close to the sea.

When one end is close to the sea, it will not be caught in the middle by the Huaihe navy, so the cost of master Shen's defense against the Huaihe navy will be reduced a lot.

But relatively speaking, there are also some disadvantages, because this is the mouth of the Huaihe River, the width of the river is relatively flat, and...

Once the Northern Qi broke through the section of the Huai'an mansion, after they crossed the Huai'an mansion, they only needed to go south for a short distance to reach Shen Yi's hometown, Jiangdu.

If Shen Yi couldn't defend and let the Qi people break through this section of defense, then his hometown Jiangdu might even fall, and he would really have no face to face Jiangdong's elders.

After Ling Su and Xue Wei left, Shen Yi stayed in Jiankang for another five or six days. During these five or six days, Shen Yi was dragged by various yamen for questioning.

Among them are the Ministry of War, the Governor's Mansion, and of course Zhongshu.

Most of these yamen told Shen Yi that this section of the Huaihe River is so important that it must be strictly guarded against it...

Master Shen naturally responded one by one.

On the seventh day after Ling Su and Xue Wei left, Master Shen finally packed up and saluted, and left Jiankang.

This time, because he was in a hurry, he did not take the carriage again, but took Jiang Sheng and a few followers, as well as nearly thirty personal guards selected by the emperor from among the inner guards, on the road together.

When leaving Jiankang, it is natural to say goodbye to many people. It was not until noon that Shen Yi and his party really left Jiankang and ran on the official road.

Songjiang Mansion is about [-] miles away from Jiankang. If you ride a horse normally, you can get there in four or five days. However, Shen Yi did not rush to Songjiang Mansion so quickly because he only walked halfway on the road before catching up with him. Ling Su and others who set off seven days in advance.

After all, the group of them, with dozens of carriages, couldn't go any faster.

Ling Su and Xue Wei had been on their way for a while, and after seeing Shen Yi's mount, both of them were quite happy, and they brought dozens of soldiers from the coastal capital to stand by the roadside, respectful to Shen Yi Clasping fists and saluting.

"Meet Mr. Shen!"

Master Shen jumped off his horse and waved his hand to signal that everyone should not be polite. He glanced at the huge convoy, then at Xue Wei and Ling Su who were escorting the carriage, frowned, and said, "How long does it take for this convoy to arrive at Songjiang Mansion?" long time?"

The two commanders looked at each other, and then said: "Back to Shen Gong, these armors and gunpowder are very heavy, and the speed is really too fast. We have already changed horses at the post stations along the way. It takes about 20 days to arrive at Songjiang Mansion."

Shen Yi snorted when he heard the words: "Then for more than 20 days, the two of you are going to follow the convoy all the time and take the supplies to Songjiang Mansion?"

Master Shen was a little unhappy.

"Are you two commanders, or logistics officers escorting supplies?"

The two looked at each other, and were a little dazed again.

If Ling Su could speak better, he lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. Shen, you said that these things are very important, and after the two of us have returned to Songjiang Mansion first, they are useless, so we simply..."

"All right."

Master Shen was a little impatient, and said, "Choose one of your subordinates to escort the carriage, and the two of you will ride horses and follow me to Songjiang Mansion!"

"At the end of July, we will switch defenses with the Huaihe Navy!"

"The days are getting tighter every day, how can there be time for you to relax here?"

Hearing the words, the two looked at each other, nodded, and turned to give instructions to their subordinates.

It only took about half an hour for the two of them to arrange the convoy, got on the horse, followed behind Shen Yi, and rode towards Songjiang Mansion together.

The speed of riding on horseback has naturally increased a lot. On the sixth day of Shen Yi's journey, to be precise, it should be the middle of June in Hongde's 11th year. Master Shen finally arrived at Songjiang Mansion.

At this time, Songjiang Mansion is still a relatively ordinary, even some rudimentary mansion, far from the atmosphere of an international metropolis in another world.

However, the geographical location here is very good, so it was also designated by Shen Yi as one of the five ports of the city's shipping department. Right now, the Songjiang Prefecture's shipping department has been operating smoothly and has begun to earn money for the court.

Because of the appearance of Shibosi, Songjiang Mansion is much more lively than before, and it has a slightly prosperous taste.

The Songjiang Guard was stationed outside the city of Songjiang Prefecture, not far from the Shipping Department of Songjiang Prefecture.

However, at this time, the Songjiang Wei Camp has been transformed by demons and has become extraordinarily large.

Because... Songjiang Wei Daying, which originally accommodated 5000 people, now has to accommodate a full 1000 people!

This made the entire Songjiang Wei camp almost full of tents, and some of them were too crowded, and the tents were all pitched outside the camp, which made the entire Songjiang Wei camp expand a lot.

Fortunately, this is Da Chen's hinterland, and they are only here to train, not to fight, otherwise there will be problems if they camp like this.

And Shen Yi, who got off his horse at the gate of Songjiangwei, frowned the first time he saw these tents.

Ling Su, who was following behind Shen Yi, keenly noticed that something was wrong with Shen Yi's expression, he lowered his head slightly, and said: "Mr. Shen, these are temporary camps, because they are going to be trained near Songjiang Guard, or a training camp. They shouldn't be too far away, there is no way but to let them pitch their tents together..."

Master Shen narrowed his eyes, snorted, and said, "Although I haven't really led the army directly, I have read a lot of military books. If you set up a camp like yours, the enemy doesn't need to attack the camp. Once you set fire, you will be able to attack the camp." I can burn you to pieces!"

Xue Wei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally lowered his head and did not speak.

Master Shen walked into the Songjiang Wei Camp with his hands behind his back.

Songjiang Wei Daying Camp was the original Songjiang Wei resident, so there are not only tents here, but a lot of houses, as well as a place for the Songjiang Wei commanders, commanders, and commanders to work.

Although these positions are all vacant in Songjiang Wei, there are still office spaces that should be available.

Soon, under the leadership of Ling Su and others, Shen Yi sat in the hall of Songjiangwei. He sat on the main seat honestly, then turned to look at Ling Su, and said slowly: "General Ling, Go and call all the Qianhu, Daiqianhu, and generals with more than a thousand households in the army."

"I... meet them."

Master Shen said slowly: "In case we meet in the army in the future, we don't know each other."

Ling Su hurriedly nodded yes, then he pulled Xue Wei along and sent someone to go.

About half an hour later, the hall of Songjiang Wei was full of people.

There are more than 20 people there.

Because there are too many people, there is really no way to sit down, so they can only stand in the hall.

When everyone was almost there, Ling Su lowered his head and clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said, "Mr. Shen, besides the two thousand households who are escorting supplies, the other nineteen thousand households also have three commanders who are acting as commanders. turn up."

After he finished speaking, more than 20 people in the hall bowed and clasped fists at Shen Yi one after another, their voices were very neat.

"My subordinate pays homage to Duke Shen!"

These people are of different ages, the oldest is about 40 years old, and the youngest is only 24 or [-] years old.

Master Shen sat on the main seat, waved his hands to everyone, and said flatly: "You don't need to be too polite, just find a place to sit by yourself."

"If you don't have a place to sit, just sit on the ground. The brothers are all from the army, so they don't think about it."

Most of these thousands of households in the coastal capital knew Shen Yi.

After all, it has only been more than half a year since Master Shen left Southeast.

Hearing Shen Yi's words, everyone laughed and found places to sit down. Some sat on chairs, and some simply sat on the flat ground.

After everyone was seated, Master Shen glanced at everyone, then looked up at Ling Su and Xue Wei, squinted his eyes and smiled.

"There are some new faces."

These new faces are the "newcomers" who have only been promoted to Qianhu, or who have replaced Qianhu during the half a year since he left.

His words made both Ling Su and Xue Wei take a deep breath, lower their heads and dare not speak.

Because this period of "new face", without exception, was promoted by the two of them.

And most of them were stamped by Master Shen, the military selection officer, when they reported to the Ministry of War.

Seeing the two people bowed their heads and did not speak, Shen Yi smiled faintly.

"Don't be so nervous."

Shen Yi glanced at the crowd, and the expression on his face became amiable.

"It's a good thing to have a fresh face."

"Explain that we are the coastal capital."

Master Shen said with a smile.

"There are always new people coming up."

(End of this chapter)

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