marquis of jingan

Chapter 790 The Failed Wolf Whip

Chapter 790 The Failed Wolf Whip

At this time, less than half of the Qi people went ashore.

The other half are either still on the boat on the river, or have not had time to disembark.

This is the more classic half-strike in the book of war.

At this time, the formation of these Qi people who had just landed was not very solid. After being shot by five rounds of arrows, more than 100 people had been killed or injured. Immediately after the wolf soldiers had killed, there was a deafening cry of killing.

The essence of wolf-whip soldiers is to use the long-pole weapon to block the enemy's weapon, and then use the wolf-whip at the front end of the long-pole, that is, the iron branch to kill.

At this moment, the moon was dark and the wind was high, these Qi people couldn't even see the soldiers behind the wolf stick, and they were stabbed by the wolf stick!


The effect is not particularly good!

Because things like wolf whisks are originally used to deal with Japanese pirates. Japanese pirates basically don't have any armor on them, and they only wear civilian clothes, or even naked clothes. Therefore, wolf whisks can block Japanese swords very well, and then kill Japanese pirates !

But these Qi people are different.

Most of them have armor, even if they don't have iron armor, they will have light armor, leather armor and other armor!
The front end of the wolf shaft is not very sharp, it is basically impossible to pierce armor, even if it is leather armor, it is difficult to pierce through!

Therefore, as soon as the two sides came into contact, the Qi people in the front row were just stabbed to the ground by the wolf stick, and were not injured, or seriously injured!
Fortunately, the coastal capital already has a relatively mature set of routines. After the enemy is overthrown by the wolf trap, or the weapon is blocked, someone will immediately draw a single knife and go forward to make up the knife!

In addition, Xue Wei and the others approached menacingly, and under the sudden contact, the soldiers in the front row of the Northern Qi Dynasty fell down in a row, and then they were stabbed in the face by a bunch of wolf sticks, and their faces were covered with blood!

Zhou Yuanhu was at the front line at this time, he shouted angrily when he saw this, raised his knife and rushed towards the wolf soldier, but his knife was too short, it was impossible to cut the wolf soldier, and he would be forced to retreat return.

Zhou Yuanhu was furious, and said loudly: "These people are holding heavy weapons, they are very clumsy, go around to their side!"

Someone reminded him loudly.

"Major General! Go around to the side, we won't be in formation!"

Zhou Yuanhu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "It will be even more out of formation if you are pushed down by these strange things!"

"Anyway, block them!"

"Go around to the side!"

After all, he directly raised his saber, took the lead, and led a dozen or so Zhou family guards, and began to make a detour, preparing to circle around the backs of these wolf soldiers!

At this time, Xue Wei was among the wolf soldiers. He calmly watched the battlefield, held a long knife, and shouted: "Shield soldiers cover!"

"Let's hit them one more time!"

"They only have this one formation!"

"If you break up, you won't be able to form a formation again!"

After saying this, Xue Wei turned around again, and shouted to the officers and soldiers behind him: "Others, draw your knives and kill the Qi people on both sides!"

For an army, whether it is wolf soldiers, cavalry, or archers, they are all a small number of arms.

The real main force will always be ordinary soldiers with swords and armor.

And this part is also the part that really tests the combat effectiveness of the army.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Coastal Capital Division had an absolute advantage in numbers. Under the leadership of Xue Wei, they faced the enemies on both sides respectively.

Xue Wei raised his saber and ran towards Zhou Yuanhu directly!
Xue Wei, who was born in battle, is not particularly tall, about 1.8 meters, but he is extremely strong, weighing a full two hundred catties, and he was born on the battlefield, so he is extremely fierce in fighting.

More importantly, Xue Wei has been an official for the past few years. After gaining status and status, he did not give up force. Instead, he visited famous teachers and worshiped a few masters with fists, feet and guns.

At this moment, he was covered in iron armor again, and like a war machine, he rushed directly into the crowd, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed fiercely, killing a Qi person who was oncoming!

Blood splashed all over him!
His gaze was fixed on Zhou Yuanhu who was being guarded in the middle, and he shouted angrily, and rushed towards Zhou Yuanhu directly!
Zhou Yuanhu also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and when he saw this, he yelled angrily, and the two of them collided immediately, and the long knives in their hands collided, and sparks even splashed out in the dark night!

At this time, the Qi people, who were already few in number, dispersed their troops again, and their main formation was finally dispersed by the wolf soldiers!

Following the angry shouts of several thousand households in the coastal capital, the people of the coastal capital began to push forward slowly, forcing these Qi people to the river!

At this moment, Su Ding, who was standing on a high place, was still commanding. He glanced at the battlefield with his binoculars and shouted loudly: "Archers move forward, don't let them get on board! Don't let them get on board!"

Under his command, the officers and soldiers of the Dusi began to nibble away at these Qi people who had already logged in.

Just when Su Ding was giving orders, Shen Yi, who was also in armor, silently appeared beside him. At this moment, Su Ding had just finished roaring, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Shen Yi from the corner of his eye. He turned around quickly, and respectfully clasped his fists at Shen Yi: "Mr. !"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "General Su continues to command, don't worry about me."

Su Ding also shook his head. He glanced back at the battlefield by the river, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Shen, if there is no follow-up support from the Qi people tonight, the battle has already been decided, and there is no need to command any more."

"For the rest, it all depends on whether the brothers win a big victory or a small victory."

Shen Yi let out a "huh" and asked, "Did you find any problems?"

Su Ding looked up at Shen Yi, hesitated a little, but still didn't say anything, just lowered his head slightly and said: "Go back to Mr. Shen, there is no problem..."

Shen Yi looked at Su Ding quietly, and then said lightly: "Actually, you see something wrong, but you dare not tell me, do you?"

Su Ding cupped his fists respectfully, without speaking.

Shen Yi silently looked at the battlefield and said slowly.

"Wolf doesn't work anymore."

Shen Yi has been watching the battle just now, and he has already discovered that the wolf wand, which is almost invincible against Japanese pirates, is not very useful when dealing with Qi people.

It's just because everyone in the capital knows that the Wolf Whip was "invented" by him, Shen Yi, so Su Ding didn't have the nerve to tell Shen Yi directly.

Hearing Shen Yi's words, Su Ding lowered his head and said, "Mr. Shen, most Qi people wear armor, and it is difficult for a wolf's whisk to kill them directly, but tonight, a wolf's whisk is still very useful."

"Relying on the well-trained wolf soldiers of the capital, we can quickly break through the enemy's formation, but..."

Su Ding lowered his head, changed the subject, and said, "The reason why it's easy to use this time is because the enemy doesn't have any pikemen in formation, or they didn't have time to form formation..."

Branches like the Wolf Whip are naturally very useful for short weapons, but if they are used against the same long-handled weapons, and the long spears that use "stabbing" as the main offensive method, it is a bit stretched.

Shen Yi nodded silently, and he said slowly: "This thing..."

"It's time to be eliminated."

Su Ding cupped his hands at Shen Yi and said: "Mr. Shen, the situation of the battle tonight is basically clear. My subordinates estimate that the people of Qi will flee in a short time. Go back and rest."

Shen Yi shook his head, squinted his eyes and said: "The battle tonight may be over, but our battle with the people of Qi has just begun."

Having said that, he took a deep breath and asked, "Can you keep half of the Qi people tonight?"

Su Ding was silent for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Shen, they have a boat. If they want to escape, it is not easy to chase. It is due to the negligence of the subordinates that they did not prepare tung oil. Otherwise, they can be set on fire right now. their ships were burned, cutting off their retreat..."

Shen Yi glanced at the battlefield, and said in a deep voice: "Immediately issue an order to dispatch our warships, ignore the small boats of Northern Qi, and block the retreat of their large ships!"

"If you hit your face hard, you also have to stop them!"

"When you get close, bombard them with artillery!"

"Tell Qi people clearly."

Master Shen looked at the battlefield in flames, his eyes reflected the flames on the battlefield.

"South Bank is not where they come and leave whenever they want!"

(End of this chapter)

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