With the cooperation of local officials, the battle is relatively easy to fight. At least there is no need to worry about logistics issues. For example, Zhang Jian not only brought meals, but also brought almost all the doctors and wound medicines in Huai'an city. .

For the wounded, especially some seriously wounded, it can save lives in many cases.

With the help of Zhang Jian and others to rescue the wounded, Shen Yi quickly cheered up and ordered his subordinates to start cleaning the battlefield.

It was almost noon, and all the casualties were counted. Xue Wei sat on Shen Yi's lower head, clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said: "Shen Yi, last night and this morning, our brothers killed more than 730 enemies and captured more than 400 people." Qi people!"

After a pause, he continued: "General Su took the warships and stopped the two large ships of the Qi people. Most of the prisoners were taken from the ships."

He looked at Shen Yi, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shen, General Su should remember this first battle."

Su Ding sat under Xue Wei, bowed his head quickly when he heard the words, and said: "I will never dare to be a subordinate. Last night, the main reason is that Mr. Shen deployed properly and General Xue commanded properly. The subordinates only acted according to the orders of the superior, at most With some hard work..."

His attitude was very modest, and he said decisively: "There must be no credit."

Shen Yi, who was on the main seat, glanced at the two people, and said: "Okay, don't say anything modest, your credits are what they should be, and I will write them down one by one and report them to the court, but General Su's credit last night It's really not small, um..."

"General Su is still in the position of a thousand households, and I am in charge, so I will be temporarily promoted to the commander of the Guangzhou Guard to assist General Xue in military affairs."

During this period of time, Su Dingben had been serving as Xue Wei's deputy, and Shen Yi's temporary promotion was only a promotion in rank and did not affect his duties.

Su Ding quickly stood up, half-kneeled in front of Shen Yi, bowed his head respectfully and said: "Subordinate, thank you, Mr. Shen, for your cultivation!"

Shen Yi waved his hand, signaling him to sit back to his original position, then looked at Xue Wei, squinted his eyes and said, "Go ahead, how many times did our army die in battle?"

"Preliminary statistics, more than 350 people."

Xue Wei lowered his head and said slowly: "There are more than [-] people who are missing..."

Shen Yi frowned and said, "Did he disappear, or escaped?"

Xue Wei shook his head, lowered his head and said: "At present, it is not clear..."

Master Shen snorted, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't know, go and find out. If you are killed in battle, you will be given a pension from the court. If you escaped!"

"Follow military regulations!"

Desertion is a very common thing, but this kind of thing must not be tolerated, let alone relaxed, one must be found and dealt with, otherwise, the army will be completely wiped out after a long time.

Xue Wei nodded in agreement, and continued: "More than 100 people were seriously injured and hundreds of people were slightly injured."

After saying this, he carefully raised his head to look at Shen Yi, then quickly lowered his head, not daring to raise his head again.

He knew that Shen Yi was very dissatisfied with this result.

Because yesterday, the captains and soldiers on the shore were absolutely superior in number, and they even ambushed these Qi people in advance. If the strength of the two armies is equal, the casualties should be one to five or even lower!

But yesterday, even if the number of dead was counted, it was only one to three.

Master Shen closed his eyes and said slowly: "Notify the whole army immediately."

He opened his eyes to look at the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "Our army won the first battle and killed more than a thousand Qi people!"

At this time, no matter how dissatisfied Shen Yi was, the morale of the army should not be disturbed and morale should not be low.

What's more, even if Shen Yi's psychological expectations were not met in this initial battle, it was indeed a great victory, a victory that was enough to cheer up the whole army.

Xue Wei and the others immediately bowed their heads.

"Notifying the whole army is notifying the whole army, but you, don't slack off."

Master Shen said in a deep voice: "Northern Qi only lost one thousand-household battalion this time. The Northern Qi's Southern Expedition Army stationed on the Huaihe River had more than 100 thousand-household battalions. This time, not one hundred of the enemy was lost!"

"Especially you, General Xue."

Shen Yi looked at Xue Wei, and said slowly: "The Qi people may come again at any time, and this time, they probably won't come at night, it may be hundreds of warships or even hundreds of warships, with more than ten thousand people The Qi people are calling!"

"You have to patrol the river at all times, and you can't relax at all."

Xue Wei fought for half the night last night, and fell to the ground with exhaustion during the day, but now he has recovered, and respectfully clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen!"

"The last general will never disgrace his life!"

Shen Yi nodded, waved his hand and said: "Okay, there are still many things to be busy, you go down to do business first, if there is any emergency, I will send someone to notify you as soon as possible."

All the people present were generals at the level of Qianhu and above. Hearing the words, they all clasped their fists, bowed to Shen Yi and left.

After everyone left, Shen Yi lay down on the bed in his handsome tent, feeling an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion.

The curtain of the handsome tent was lifted, and Zhang Jian, the prefect of Huai'an, who was also quite tired, walked into the handsome tent, sat down next to Shen Yi, and took a breath: "Some wounded soldiers who can still move have already made people feel sick. I will be sent back to Huai'an Mansion for treatment first."

Zhang Jian looked at Shen Yi, and sighed: "Some injuries are too serious, so they can only be rescued here. Whether they can be rescued or not depends on the heavens."

Shen Yi didn't open his eyes, but said slowly: "Thank you, brother."

Zhang Jian shook her head, looked at Shen Yi with a tired face, and said, "I'm going back to Huai'an City to host Huai'an in a while, should I take you back with me? You probably haven't had a good rest these days. It's over, you also go back to your imperial envoy to rest."

Shen Yi opened his eyes, shook his head slightly at Zhang Jian, and said with a wry smile: "Brother, the second wave of Qi people may come tomorrow..."

"It is impossible for me to leave the Huai defense line at this time."

Hearing this, Zhang Jian sighed silently. He stood up and said, "Then you should take a good rest now, and I won't disturb you anymore."

Shen Yi also sat up, and smiled at Zhang Jian: "Okay, I'll sleep for a while, but before I go to bed, please ask my brother to help me write a memorial for my victory, and send it to Jiankang."

Zhang Jian nodded first, and while spreading out the white paper, he looked at Shen Yi and asked, "So anxious?"

Shen Yi said in a low voice: "In the palace, most likely this document is needed at this time."

Zhang Jian nodded silently, while grinding the ink, she asked, "How to write?"

Shen Yi told him the data of the battle damage, and then said: "Just write it as it is, after all, this time, it is indeed a great victory."

Master Shen said in a low tone: "Da Chen, how many years have you not received any good news from the north?"

Zhang Jian dipped in the ink and said with a smile, "It's been quite a few years."

After he picked up the pen and wrote a few lines, he looked back at Shen Yi. Master Shen had already closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing Shen Yi's embarrassed appearance, Zhang Fuzun felt a little uncomfortable, and his eyes were almost red.

He knew in his heart that Shen Yi was not used to do these things.

But these things have to be done by someone.

He was also a Jinshi, so his literary talents were naturally good. It didn't take long for him to write a document to report his success. Looking back, he saw that Shen Yi hadn't woken up yet, and Zhang Jian didn't remind him. He also yawned and was about to squint for a while.

Just as Zhang Fuzun was dozing off, a hurried voice came from outside Shen Yi's tent.

"Sir Shen, Lord Shen!"

"On the north bank of the Huaihe River, a large number of ships have been found gathering!"

These two words directly awakened Shen Yi from his sleep, he opened his eyes directly, got up and strode outside, and said without turning his head.

"Brother, those four hundred captives, please take them back to Huai'an and keep them in custody for now!"

"I'll go back and find you when I'm done with my work!"

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