marquis of jingan

Chapter 856 The Huai'an Army's "Struggle"

Chapter 856 The Huai'an Army's "Struggle"

Last year, these Qi people would still play some tricks, such as sneak attacking at night, taking advantage of the fog, and attacking weak places in Huai'an by virtue of their intelligence advantages.

But now, these Qi people have not concealed it at all by virtue of their huge force advantage.

Don't need many people, only 2 to 4 people landed to gain a firm foothold on the south bank, and if another [-] to [-] people came over later, Shen Yi would have no possibility of defending the Huaihe River, even if the follow-up reinforcements of the forbidden army followed, He also had the only way to retreat to Huai'an City.

As for retreating to Huai'an, although it was a road, Shen Yi was not very willing to take it, because after he retreated to Huai'an, a large number of Huai'an people would surely die in this military disaster.

Hearing what Shen Yi said, Xue Wei's eyes lit up, and he said, "Mr. Shen wants to act first, right? Before Mr. Shen arrived at the Xiangshui camp two days ago, the last general discussed with General Su. Send warships to attack the ships of the Qi people on the northern bank at night, and set fire to their ships."

Speaking of this, Xue Wei sighed slightly, and said: "Unfortunately, although there are many ships of these Qi people, they are not densely packed. Even if they are burned, it is only one or two ships, which is not very useful."

Shen Yi rubbed his head, reached out and knocked on the table and said: "Look at the actions of others, they may invest more than 5 or even more troops on the front line of Huai'an."

"Once all these people are allowed to cross the river, our Huaihe defense line will be finished."

"Now, one is to send sailors to harass the gathering of ships on the north bank. I will find a way to send you more gunpowder and rockets. After nightfall, a dozen of our warships and some medium-sized ships will go to the north bank. , if you can burn it, you can burn it, if you can fry it, you can fry it, but remember, you can't go head-to-head with Qi people."

"Once Qiren's ships start chasing us, we will retreat."

"Although it may not be possible to make meritorious deeds, but they cannot be assembled so smoothly, and then..."

Shen Yi took a deep breath and said, "The rest of the ships will go west along the Huaihe River to the border of the Huaihe Navy!"

"You can't let the Huaihe Navy, so the old god is watching!"

Master Shen said angrily: "No matter what, we must mess up their place too..."

Su Ding frowned, and said: "Mr. Shen, this is indeed a solution, but the Huaihe navy and Qi people are watching us. Even if our boat goes to the west, it may not be able to provoke them."

Master Shen sneered: "Then let them bring the cannons and shoot one on the north bank and one on the south bank!"

"If neither the Qi people nor the Huaihe Navy can fight back, then go ashore and attack the Qi people's sentry points!"

Su Ding sighed, a little helpless: "Even so, as long as General Zhao doesn't move like a mountain and doesn't attack the north bank, it will still be of no help to us in Huai'an."

Su Ding lowered his head slightly and said: "Mr. Shen, if it's really not possible, we can only consider retreating to Huai'an. We have a lot of artillery. Although it is not enough to defend the Huaihe River for three hundred miles, there is absolutely no problem in defending Huai'an City, even if Qi people come With a hundred thousand people, it is absolutely impossible to break through Huai'an."

Since last year, Huai'an has had artisans specializing in the production of cannons. With Xu Fu's financial ability, a steady stream of raw materials have been sent to Huai'an City. Up to now, the number of Huai'an cannons has been considerable.

As Su Ding said, with these artillery, defending the Huaihe River, which is hundreds of miles long, may suffer, but defending a city of Huai'an...

As long as the shells and gunpowder are sufficient, no one can break into Huai'an.

"As a last resort, we can only retreat to Huai'an, but the Huaihe defense line must be defended."

Shen Yi took a deep breath and said: "The first batch of warships from the Ministry of War have all arrived in Huai'an at this moment. Starting tonight, send warships to the north bank and bombard the ships on the north bank with artillery!"

"Cannonballs and gunpowder, I will manage enough for you!"

Xue Wei grinned when he heard the words: "This subordinate obeys the order! Tonight, this subordinate will personally lead ten warships to bombard these Qi people!"

Shen Yi nodded, and said: "The Qi army on the north bank must have warship artillery, be careful, don't suffer."

Xue Wei stood up directly, clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, the general will go down here and make arrangements."

After Xue Wei left, Su Ding sighed silently, and said: "Mr. Shen, the military strength is very different. What the last general means is that when necessary, he will directly abandon the defense line along the Huaihe River and directly retreat to Huai'an City to preserve his strength..."

"Mr. Shen, you also know in your heart that whether it is sending ships to harass or harass the Huaihe Navy's western battlefield, it will not solve the fundamental problem."

Shen Yi glanced at Su Ding, and suddenly smiled: "It's still General Su's eye."

Su Ding respectfully bowed his head: "Don't dare, the last general is far behind Shen Gong."

Shen Yi reached out and knocked on the table, and said quietly: "General Su sees clearly that whether it is to harass the ships on the north bank or send people to provoke the west line, it is fundamentally useless."

"General Su can tell, so Zhou Shizhong in the north and Zhao Lu in the south..."

"Mostly you can see it."

Master Shen said in a leisurely tone, "I just want to make them feel that Huaihe has nothing to do, so I will make the last struggle."

Su Ding looked up at Shen Yi, and asked, "Mr. Shen still has a backup?"

Shen Yi smiled, and said: "Don't worry about it, General Su just trust me and fight according to my method. When the time comes, I will naturally explain it to General Su."

Su Ding quickly bowed his head: "The subordinates naturally believe in Mr. Shen. As long as Mr. Shen says a word, the subordinates will immediately lead people to rush to the camp of the Qi people without blinking their eyelids!"

Hearing this, Shen Yi smiled dumbly.

He reached out and patted Su Ding on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's stop here for the time being about the war. I will live in Xiangshui Daying for a few days. Let's talk about the rest tomorrow."

"The documents from the Ministry of War have been sent to the army one after another in the past few days. Does General Su know what rank he has been promoted to?"

Su Ding bowed his head and said: "The subordinates have made meager contributions, and have never thought about these things..."

Shen Yi smiled, took out an official document from his sleeve, handed it to Su Ding, and said, "It was delivered in the morning, but I intercepted it."

Su Ding took it with both hands.

Because he was wearing armor and didn't have big sleeves, he put it in his arms and cupped his fists respectfully at Shen Yi: "Thank you, Mr. Shen!"

"Don't take a look?"

Shen Yi asked.

Su Ding hesitated for a moment, then took out the document from his arms, opened it and read it again.

This is a document from the Ministry of War, with the official seal of the Ministry of War and the official seal of the Ministry of War, and it is an appointment document.

Su Ding was appointed as the commander of the Guangzhou Guard.

From Sanpin.

Xue Wei is the commander of the Guangzhou Guard, and he is the third rank. He has not been promoted this time, while Su Ding has been promoted from the fourth rank commander to Xue Wei's deputy.

However, although Xue Wei's position is only the commander of one guard, with the expansion of the Huai'an Army's personnel, he has 5000 people under his command, which is an establishment of three guards, and his authority is far greater than his position.

And Su Ding, the "deputy", often acts as the commander of the entire Eastern Front.

Su Ding took a deep breath, bowed his head and said, "Thank you Mr. Shen for your cultivation. Mr. Shen's kindness to you, I will never forget it!"

Master Shen shook his head slightly: "General Su's words are wrong, you should thank the court for his cultivation."


Su Ding quickly lowered his head, and a smile appeared on his face at this moment: "It's just that if it weren't for Mr. Shen, the court might not be able to cultivate the head of the last general."

Master Shen followed with a smile.

Although Su Ding has good professional skills, he has no sense of humor. This time he made a rare joke with Shen Yi.

After taking a sip of tea, Master Shen said lightly: "I originally wanted to report to the commander of the Wenzhou Guard. After all, except for the Fuzhou Guard and the Guangzhou Guard, the other three guards are all vain. It's not as high as General Su's, but..."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said: "I was afraid that you would have a hard time, so I didn't report it to you."

Su Ding breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and smiled and said: "Mr. Shen Yingming, the positions of the two commanders and acquaintances of Guangzhou Wei are both vacant. It's okay for the last general to occupy the positions. If the positions of the other three commanders are taken by the last Take this man who was not from the Anti-Japanese Army, and squeeze out the commander of the three guards..."

He said with a wry smile: "Then the days ahead will be really difficult."

Master Shen frowned slightly, and sighed: "Actually, I don't like them either. They talk about their background and seniority all the time, but no matter whether they are in the court or in the army, they all look like this."

"I have no way."

He looked at Su Ding.

"Given General Su's contribution last year, he is actually worthy of the position of commander, but there is no other way but to take it slowly."

Su Ding lowered his head slightly and said: "The last general is a monk on the way, he can be reused by Shen Gong and trusted by General Xue, the last general is already very satisfied, as for the promotion or not."

He looked up at Shen Yi, and said slowly: "The last general now only wants to fight the Huai'an battle well, and doesn't think about it."

Master Shen nodded, then smiled.

"Speaking of which, Xue Wei is very concerned about your official position. He has asked me many times these days. He is probably dissatisfied that you are the commander and acquaintance."

"General Xue's pure heart, the final general will be very grateful."

Su Ding bowed his head deeply.

"The last general is willing to serve General Xue for the rest of his life."

 In the past few days, Fuyang has recovered, and the body has no major symptoms, but the mental state is not very good, lack of energy, muddled, if there is any typo, please readers point it out, thank you~

(End of this chapter)

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