marquis of jingan

Chapter 858 Step 1 Calculation

Chapter 858

Last year, there were almost no warships available in Huai'an.

The reason why the word "almost" is used is that last year, there were three warships in the entire Huai'an defense line, which were saved by Master Shen when he was suppressing Japanese in the southeast, and they sailed to Huai'an for emergency.

Three warships, very difficult to use in water warfare.

But it’s different now. Mr. Shen went back to Jiankang and got a lot of benefits from the imperial court and the emperor. For example, there are now more than 20 usable warships in Huai’an, all of which were urgently sent by the Ministry of War. .

Although these boats are not as huge as the three boats that Mr. Shen himself made in the southeast, they can already be called big compared to the Qi people's boats.

Therefore, even if only half of the more than 20 warships in Huai'an were in the Xiangshui camp on the eastern front, Shen Yi was sure to fight a water battle with the Qi people.

Dozens of Chen's ships and hundreds of Qi people's large and small boats met on the Huaihe River. The warships on both sides began to fire one after another, bombarding the opponent's large ships.

The sound of the cannon was particularly noticeable in the silence of the night.

Master Shen was on the shore, holding a binoculars in his hand, watching the battle on the front line all the time. He saw one of his warships firing, and one shot hit a small boat. There were only a dozen people on board. The hull of the boat was directly hit by solid lead bullets. A big hole came out, and the huge impact overturned the boat directly, and a dozen Qi people immediately fell into the cold icy water in early spring!

But it was night, and the enemy ships were not very dense after all, and the hit rate of the shells was not high. The large ships of both sides bombarded each other for a while, but the effect was not good.

Xue Wei personally commanded a large ship with more than 300 soldiers. This large ship came from Yueqing, and he was also an old man of the Anti-Japanese Army. It was this ship that was used in the first days, so it is naturally easy to use it now.

The ten cannons on board had fired fifty or sixty lead bullets in less than half an hour, and when Xue Wei was about to give another order, someone rushed up to him, cupped his hands and said to him: "General, something is wrong! "

Xue Wei frowned and asked, "What happened?"

The orderly lowered his head and said anxiously: "Our ship, as well as the nearby warships, were attached by some Qi people's boats. The Qi people on these small boats are now setting up ladders and preparing to climb. Come on deck!"

Xue Wei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he pulled out his saber from his waist, spit, and cursed: "Mother follicles! I've been staring at the cannon without paying attention, and these bearded bastards stuck it on my face!"

He waved his hand and shouted: "Separate two hundred people and come with me to the deck to clean up these bearded bastards!"

"Besides, put a semaphore on the nearby warships and tell them to be careful when boarding, especially our warships. They must not be lost, and they must not be robbed by the Qi people!"

Speaking of this, Xue Wei looked at the big boat of the Qi people who was not very far away from his side, gritted his teeth and said: "If the big boat of the barbarians rushes to the south, it will directly hit it!"

If Da Chen's boat kept hitting the river, it would not necessarily suffer a loss, but they were preventing these Qi people from landing, so the number of boats seemed a bit insufficient.

Therefore, he can only pick up medium and large ships to stop them. As for those small boats, Xue Wei really has no choice but to let them slip through the gaps.

However, for some Qi people who wanted to sneak up on the flagship warship, Xue Wei was not polite. He personally led people to stand on the deck, and after killing a group or two of Qi people who tried to "make meritorious service", he looked up. , There are more than a dozen small boats trying to get close to their own warships!
Xue Wei sneered, waved his hands and said, "The ones in the front, hit them directly!"

"The bearded bastards on the two wings, if they want to come up, let them come up!"

"I stripped them alive!"

Speaking of this, Xue Wei seemed to think of something. He looked back at the orderly and said loudly: "Signify the nearby warships. If they are approached by a large number of small boats, try to find a way to escape first!"

He Xue Wei can fight, and so can his followers, but the people on other warships may not necessarily be able to fight. Even if one of these big ships is taken away by the Qi people, it will be a great loss for Da Chen!

Fortunately, Xue Wei has grown up now.

If it was in the past, he only cared about his own fun, how could he care about the friendly troops next to him?
And now, although this General Xue is still aggressive, he is much better than before.

On the Huaihe River, the situation became anxious.

These Northern Qi sailors were just dealing with Da Chen's sailors on the Huaihe River, because their big ships couldn't get through, and the number of people coming on the small boats was too small, so they didn't dare to land!
He was actually blocked by Xue Wei on the Huaihe River!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two sides fought fiercely all night. Cannons, rockets, and arrows shot out.

And Master Shen Yi, together with Su Ding, watched the battle by the river all night.

When the sky slowly brightened, Su Ding turned his head to look at Shen Yi, with some doubts: "Mr. Shen, there is something wrong with these Qi people..."

"They have a lot of boats. If we forcibly cross the river, our boats will not be able to completely stop them, but in one night, they didn't even break through with a decent force!"

"The last line of defense that has been arranged in advance is completely useless!"

Shen Yi put down the binoculars, yawned big, and smiled at Su Ding: "Why didn't General Su say that General Xue's navy is too powerful? You know, he came to get angry with me because of your position two days ago , clamoring to give you the Guangzhou Guard Commander on him."

Su Ding also knew about this matter, even he was at the scene at that time, and he was quite moved in his heart, but at this time, Su Ding did not speak for Xue Wei, but took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Huiyan, if these Qiren's abilities stop at this..."

"That's too much to justify."

Master Shen stretched his waist and wanted to say something more. Suddenly, a scout trotted over and said something to Shen Yi with his head down. Returned to the North Shore on a small scale."

Master Shen paused, and continued: "However, they will only stop at the north bank for about a stick of incense, and then they will drive to the river again and continue to run towards the south bank."

Su Ding was thoughtful, he looked at Shen Yi, and said: "Mr. Shen, the barbarian's boat
Most likely..."

"It's been replaced!"

This time, reinforcements from the South Army had arrived, and General Zhou could directly mobilize more than 20 troops. An army of this size would not be clumsy to use, but would be more flexible.

Because it is easy to play some tactical moves, for example, like this, a group of people go back to rest after fighting all night, and another group of people come on board, and then go to compete with Chen Guo's navy.

After such a "wheel battle", it won't take long for Da Chen's navy to be exhausted and unable to fight anymore.

Shen Yi nodded slightly, and said, "It must be a replacement, don't doubt it."

With his hands behind his back, Master Shen slowly left the big tent and walked outside.

Su Ding followed behind him, lowered his head slightly, cupped his fists and said: "Mr. Shen, General Xue must be very tired too. The last general begs for orders to replace General Xue!"

Think about it,
Shen Yi thought for a while, nodded and smiled: "Okay, you go and replace him, remember to bring new ones, soldiers who are familiar with water warfare!"


Su Ding clasped his fists in salute, and strode away.

And Shen Yi glanced at the slowly rising red sun in the east, squinted his eyes, and didn't speak.

In this way, Hongde's first water battle in 12 years lasted from the night of February [-]th to the morning of February [-]th.

During this period, Xue Wei and Su Ding took turns to take command. Many sailors were exhausted, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

At noon on February [-]th, Master Shen was still watching the battle along the Huaihe River.

Su Ding stood behind him, looking at the surface of the Huaihe River, very puzzled: "Mr. Shen, these Qi people are very weird! They have been fighting for nearly two days and two nights. Although they tried their best to fight, they are still killing people. But I just didn’t want to die, and I forcibly landed on the south bank, I don’t know what I’m waiting for…”

Shen Yi glanced at the river leisurely, and said lightly: "They are waiting for my reinforcements."

As soon as Mr. Shen finished speaking, a messenger rushed over, half-knelt in front of Shen Yi, bowed his head respectfully and cupped his fists, and said: "Mr. Shen, General Zhang Mengzhang, commander of the Wenzhou Guard under the command of General Ling on the West Front, was ordered to lead five thousand The soldiers came to help, and now we are only ten miles away from Xiangshui Camp."

Master Shen turned his head to look at Su Ding, clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "Look, General Su, my reinforcements have arrived."

After he finished speaking with a smile, he said to the messenger: "Send an order to General Zhang Meng, let them rush to the battlefield along the Huaihe River, and be ready to meet the enemy at any time!"

The messenger knelt on the ground and bowed his head respectfully: "Yes!"

He got up, turned around and walked away.

Su Ding opened his eyes wide and looked at Shen Yi, somewhat puzzled: "Mr. Shen, you said that Qi people are waiting for our reinforcements?"


Master Shen said quietly: "If my reinforcements don't come, why is the Western Front getting weaker?"

"Xiangshui Camp and Lianshui Camp are more than 100 miles apart. It will take more than a day to go back day and night. Now my five thousand reinforcements can't go back."

Shen Yi looked calm.

"So, my western front has become extremely weak at this time."

Su Ding was stunned. He looked up at Shen Yi with doubts on his face.

"But Mr. Shen, where is General Ling..."

If he didn't know Shen Yi's character, he would almost suspect that this little boss in front of him is a spy of the Qi people, or has fallen for the Qi people!
Su Ding lowered his head, puzzled.

In this case, the best situation is naturally that Shen Yi laid an ambush on the western front and waited for the Qi people to sneak in.

But now, the entire force of Huai'an is here!It's all on display!

Where did the ambush come from?
He suddenly looked up at Shen Yi, was silent for a while, and asked, "Mr. Shen, is it the Huaihe navy?"

Shen Yi shook his head silently.

"The Huaihe navy will not help us, let alone exert all our strength."

Seeing that Su Ding couldn't figure it out, Shen Yi didn't say much, but just quietly patted Su Ding on the shoulder.

"General Su is just watching."

"Shen is in his hometown, and people say that every ten steps counts."

He smiled and comforted Su Dingdao.

"Can't go wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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