marquis of jingan

Chapter 881 The Death of Yang Dang

Chapter 881 The Death of Yang Dang
Not as expected by Queen Mother Sun.

After the Qi envoy Haman arrived, some subtle changes took place in the direction of the Great Chen court.

In the first few days, no one dared to persuade His Majesty the emperor, but as the emperor did not drive away Haman and other envoys, some officials in the court began to write letters to the court, admonishing the emperor, resting with the people, and making peace with the emperor. expensive.

The speech technique is very simple, and it can be summed up in four words.

All the people in the world!

As long as you bring the four characters of the world, it seems to occupy all the truths in the world, stand on the commanding heights of morality, and even the emperor can criticize.

These memorials were first submitted to the imperial court by small officials of the sixth and seventh ranks, and were all kept by the emperor and treated coldly.

But as time progressed, this trend began to intensify. By mid-April, four officials of the third rank and above had already written to the imperial court, requesting the imperial court to put the world's common people and the lives of the people as the most important thing, and stop the army with the Northern Qi Dynasty. Make peace.

Some people directly wrote to the emperor, requesting that Shen Yi and the Huai'an garrison under Shen Yi be transferred back, and that the Huaihe Navy should still be stationed at the Huaihe River.

In the face of these wind directions, His Majesty the Emperor has been silent.

However, at the end of April, as the trend intensified, His Majesty the Emperor lost his temper. He met the old Prime Minister Yang Jingzong in the Palace of Ganlu.

After Zhang Xiang left Jiankang, Yang Jingzong wanted to leave Jiankang and return to his hometown for the elderly, but His Majesty the Emperor never allowed him to leave, which caused this Yang Xiang to stay in Jiankang until now.

When the old man Hong De retired in six years, he was nearly 76 years old. This year he is 77 years old, and he is close to [-] years old. When he entered the Ganlu Hall, he needed Gao Ming to help him in.

After the old man entered the Ganlu Hall, when he saw His Majesty the Emperor, he was ready to prostrate himself on the ground and kowtow to the Emperor.

The emperor's face was calm, and he raised his hand and said: "You don't need to salute, Prime Minister Yang, just sit down and talk."

This time, Gao Ming did not bring a small pier, but brought a chair with a backrest for the old man, and asked Old Man Yang to sit down.

After Yang Jingzong was seated, the emperor put down the brush, looked at Yang Jingzong, coughed, and said slowly: "When Yang Xiang was about to leave Jiankang at the beginning, the reason why I insisted on keeping him was because Yang Xiang was old enough to rule the country. When I am dealing with state affairs, if I am not sure about something, I can ask Prime Minister Yang."

The emperor looked calm, and said slowly: "Right now, there is one thing in my mind that I am hesitating about, so I ask Prime Minister Yang for advice."

Old man Yang is already a little old and faint at the moment, but after hearing the emperor's words, he still tried his best to raise his head, looked at the emperor, and asked: "Your Majesty is worried, but the court's persuasion is getting worse. ?”

The emperor nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Yang Xiang slowly closed his eyes. He was silent for a long time before trying to stand up from the chair, then slowly knelt down on the ground, and said: "Your Majesty, the heads of the old ministers and their sons can be temporarily calmed down." This matter..."

No one understands better than these superiors.

In fact, when the emperor let Zhang Jing leave but not Yang Jingzong, Prime Minister Yang had already foreseen his future fate.

He will become a banner, a banner of the Emperor's Northern Expedition.

Because he, Yang Jingzong, has been in charge of the country for so many years, and his main character is a tortoise. Not only is he a tortoise, but most of his disciples and old officials are also descendants of the tortoise sect.

Now, although Yang Jingzong has retired for many years, his influence is still there. If he is beheaded by the emperor, those people in the court will definitely shut up for a long time, and no one will dare Write to the emperor and ask the emperor to seek peace.

The emperor stared at Yang Jingzong and was silent for a moment.

After a while, he asked: "Old Xiangguo is open-minded."

"More than seven years."

Yang Jingzong raised his head, looked at the emperor, and showed a relieved smile: "Seven years ago, the day I retired from Zhongshu, I thought there would be such a day."

"It's just that in the past seven years, I have always had some delusion in my heart. This delusion is nothing more than that if Your Majesty fails in the Northern Expedition, or suffers from the people of Qi, the old family may have a way out."

"But now, that kid surnamed Shen is getting good news frequently."

Old man Yang let out a foul breath, and said, "I'm already prepared in my heart."

Speaking of this, he looked up at the emperor and smiled: "However, for more than seven years, watching His Majesty grow up little by little, and now he has the appearance of Emperor Xianzong Zhongxing, and the old man feels very relieved."

"There is no regret in dying at this time."

The emperor stood up silently, put his hands in his sleeves, and carefully looked at the old man with white beard and hair in front of him. After a while, he waved his hands and said, "Gao Ming."

Eunuch Gao immediately held a document, handed it in front of Yang Jingzong, bowed his head and said: "Old Xiangguo, please take a look."

Yang Jingzong took the document, glanced at it, and his eyelids twitched.

Because the title of this document is very exciting.

"Impeach Yang and his son for 27 major crimes!"

Yang Jingzong read it bit by bit, and saw that the last signature was Hongde's six years.

This is Hongde's six years, that is, the document six years ago, the year when Emperor Hongde first came to power.

After Yang Jingzong finished reading it, he was silent for a while, then looked at the emperor, smiled wryly and said, "It's rare for Your Majesty to preserve it so well."

"I have not sent this document."

The emperor put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "However, over the years, I have sent internal guards to investigate one by one. These 27 serious crimes are all true, and none of them are false."

Yang Jingzong nodded, looked at the emperor, and was a little relieved: "If your majesty was young, he would have been at odds with my father and son. Now that your majesty can keep quiet for several years, he really has grown up..."

When the old man entered Zhongshu, the current Emperor Hongde had just been born, Emperor Hongde ascended the throne at the age of ten, and Yang Jingzong was also officially in charge of the center at that time.

It is not wrong to say that Emperor Hongde grew up under his watch.

Now that Emperor Hongde has really "grown up", old man Yang is in a complicated mood.

He knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the emperor, and said, "From these 27 deadly crimes, my father and son deserve to die, not only that..."

"I belong to the Yang family, so we should all search the family and ask for crimes."

The old man touched his forehead to the ground and said, "It's just that the death of my father and son can only make those people dare not speak for three years. It can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. If your majesty wants to completely change the direction of the court, you should find another one who can cure the root cause." way."

The emperor gave Eunuch Gao a wink, Gao Ming understood immediately, stepped forward to help the old man up, and helped him to sit on the chair again.

The emperor closed his eyes and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

"The old prime minister has maintained the country for many years, stabilized the government, and assisted the new dynasty. His contribution is indispensable, I..."

"I won't kill you."

The emperor looked at Yang Jingzong quietly, expressionless.

"It's just that these serious crimes need to be borne by someone, otherwise I will no longer be the Emperor Chen, and the laws of the country will not exist."

Yang Jingzong suddenly collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down his face: "Your Majesty, this old man is willing to die for the dog..."

The emperor turned his back, expressionless, and did not speak.


The next day, the old Prime Minister Yang Jingzong's family, who had been enjoying the treatment of the prime minister in Jiankang, was arrested and questioned by the court. The court posted a notice listing a total of 27 major crimes, each of which was appalling.

Among them, Yang Fan, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, was the most serious crime. After the crime of the three laws, he was sentenced to beheaded.

The Yang family was fined and confiscated all their property.

Old Yang Xiang, because of his meritorious service in holding the country, did not add a sword or ax to his body. He was just dismissed from his position, expelled from Jiankang, and sent back to his hometown for retirement.

Yang Xiangye, who had been famous in the court for decades, ended up with only one person and one carriage, and an equally old entourage, and returned to his hometown along the official road.

Whether this journey is life or death is unknown.

At the same time that the father and son of the Yang family fell from their horses, a letter from the inner court was quietly sent to the imperial envoy of Huai'an Mansion.

At this time, Master Shen was studying the flintlock gun he proposed together with Western craftsmen and craftsmen from the Dachen Bingzhang Bureau in the firearms workshop.

To be precise, Master Shen came up with the concept and asked these craftsmen to study it.

However, although Shen Yi has already proposed the concept, it is still unknown when these craftsmen will be able to fully realize it.

While he was watching these craftsmen draw the blueprints, Jiang Sheng rushed over and handed the letters from the palace to Shen Yi.

Master Shen looked at his hands covered in black ashes, and glanced at Jiang Sheng angrily. After washing his hands, he took the letter.

This is the emperor's personal letter to him.

After reading it once, Master Shen put the letter into his arms and sighed silently.

"Jiang Sheng."

He put the letter away and let out a foul breath.

"Go and inform Ling Su, Xue Wei, Su Ding..."

"Zhang Meng, Liu Mingyuan, Wan Zhong."

"Go to Huai'an to discuss matters."

(End of this chapter)

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