Chapter 914

Xue Wei successfully broke through the Qi people's line of defense along the Huaihe River, and once again set foot on the land of the Qi people.

The "dismissed" former chief general on the Eastern Front now had no responsibility for commanding the overall situation, and he was even braver in the battle. After he landed with the first batch of nearly 2000 people, he didn't even stand in line to greet him. After crossing the river with the same robe, he rushed directly towards the people of Qi.

And the soldiers behind Xue Wei also followed Xue Wei's footsteps, set foot on the land of the Qi people, and then all of them drew their long knives out of their sheaths, followed behind Xue Wei, and moved towards the Qi people's position to cover and kill.

Zhou Shizhong, who was watching from a high place, couldn't help frowning when he saw this. He put down the binoculars in his hand, looked back at Yu Zhenzi, and his face was a little unsightly: "Master Dao, these southerners are too weird. Logically speaking, they If you want to attack Haizhou on a large scale, after the first batch of troops land, they should line up on the banks of the Huaihe River, and use boats to pick up the follow-up soldiers and cross the river."

"But after these southerners landed, they didn't stop for a moment, and they rushed straight to the north."

Yu Zhenzi was also watching the battlefield. After hearing Zhou Shizhong's words, he carefully put the hard-earned telescope in his arms, then looked at Zhou Shizhong, stroked his beard, and said slowly: "General , the situation is nothing more than two.”

"The first one is that Shen Yi didn't intend to attack Haizhou by force. The troops sent here were mainly to test the reality of our army."

Zhou Shizhong folded his hands in his sleeves and said, "What about the second one?"

The demon dao looked in the direction of the Xiangshui camp, and said calmly: "The second situation is that there is no one in their Xiangshui camp, and the thousands of people crossing the river at this time are the Xiangshui people. The entire army of the camp."

General Zhou thought for a while, then slowly said: "Yes, they may have gone to support the Lianshui camp on the western front."

He looked at Yu Zhenzi and asked, "What do you think the Taoist priest should do now?"

"General, the current situation is very clear."

Yaodao shook his whisk, and said calmly: "No matter what the purpose of these thousands of troops sent by the southerners is, since they are here, the general doesn't have to be picky, just eat them in one bite."

"After eating these thousands of people, our army can immediately go south to attack the Xiangshui camp of the southerners."

"The army of the Southerners is limited after all."

Yu Zhenzi smiled confidently: "Even if they only eat these few thousand people, it is an unacceptable loss for them."

"Besides, His Majesty ordered the attack on Huai'an this time, and he didn't think of winning by a strange plan."

"This time, I used my strength to subdue the southerners and Shen Qi."

The demon dao flicked his whisk, and said slowly: "It is already an unexpected joy to be able to eat thousands of soldiers and horses from the southerners by tricks. The general just wants to show my majesty as a king."

General Zhou nodded slowly: "What the Taoist priest said is true."

He turned his head to look at the messenger not far away, and said slowly: "Send me an order to let the brothers set up a formation, and when these southerners go northward for fifty miles, they will immediately encircle them."

General Zhou waved his hands fiercely: "Eat them!"

Hearing the words, the messenger quickly bowed his head: "Observe the order!"

After the messenger left, Zhou Shizhong turned his head, looked at Yu Zhenzi, and said with a smile: "The Taoist master knows everything like a god. After this battle is over, I will return to Yandu and ask for credit for the Taoist priest."

Zhou Shizhong was very polite to Yu Zhenzi.

Because Yu Zhenzi, although he has no position, even when he came to Zhou Shizhong this time, he mainly came as a staff officer, without any real authority, and without military command.

Even on the surface, there is no supervision right.

But, after all, he is the close person of Emperor Yongping. Since he was sent by the emperor, even if he has no identity, he should be treated as the emperor's imperial envoy.

Therefore, Zhou Shizhong was very polite to him.

Not only was he very polite, but between the lines, he meant to give Yu Zhenzi the credit for this event. This was to please this "imperial envoy" and to please the sick emperor in Yandu City.

Yu Zhenzi has been in Yandu for so long, so he naturally understands these twists and turns. He is also very polite to Zhou Shizhong, and there is a sense of respect between the two of them.

It's just being polite, everyone is unwilling to take responsibility.

"The general uses his troops like a god. If there is any credit, it is naturally the credit of the general."

The Yaodao bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "I have to say that the poor Daoist has some credit."

"It's just a meager effort, and it won't be on the stage."

Zhou Shizhong boasted a few more words with a smile, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

It was morning for Xue Wei, and the landing operation began in the morning, and half a day passed quickly, and it was afternoon.

When General Zhou was still in the remote battle formation, a messenger hurriedly ran up to him, knelt down on the ground with a plop, lowered his head and said, "General, something is wrong!"

Zhou Shizhong's heart skipped a beat when he heard these words. Without further ado, he stepped forward and grabbed the messenger by the collar, and shouted, "What's wrong? Tell me!"

The man swallowed, bowed his head and said: "Those southerners only went north for seventeen or eight miles, and they stopped going north!"

"Now, now..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "Now, they show signs of retreating!"

Hearing these words, Zhou Shizhong's complexion immediately turned black!
Southerners crossed the river this time, at least more than 4000 people.

These southerners also have scouts, once they sense that someone is making their dumplings, they will definitely back off!

And at a distance of less than twenty miles, if the enemy retreats quickly, it is impossible for them to cover it!

Even if he tried his best to block it, the most he could do would be to bite the enemy's little tail.

General Zhou took a deep breath or two, no longer hesitated, but shouted in a low voice: "Give me an order to encircle them immediately and block them all to the north of the Huaihe River!"

The messenger hurriedly bowed his head: "Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

After saying that, he hurriedly retreated.

After the messengers retreated, Taoist Priest Yuzhenzi behind Zhou Shizhong sighed slightly, and said in a low voice: "General, the distance between these southerners is too high, twenty miles..."

"It's as if you're leaving."

With a dark face, Zhou Shizhong said coldly: "Shen Qi is really treacherous!"

Yu Zhenzi thought for a while, then looked at Zhou Shizhong, and said: "General, I think that if the enemy is retreating, there is no need to continue chasing after a distance of twenty miles, and it is impossible to catch up. It means that all the ships of the Southerners are on the north bank of the Huaihe River now."

He looked at Zhou Shizhong, and said slowly: "Maybe we can take this opportunity and order all the masters who are close to the Huaihe River to board the boat and go south immediately!"

"The southerners don't have any boats to use right now, so they have no way to stop my Grand Master Qi on the surface of the Huaihe River. Taking advantage of this time, we can use boats to quickly send a group of soldiers to the south bank. If these people can stand firm on the south bank heel…"

"Then the manpower we lost is worth it."

When Zhou Shizhong heard the words, he just thought about it, and he was overjoyed. He clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "The Taoist priest is brilliant!"

"If you can cross the river quickly, it will be no different from eating thousands of them!"

After all, Zhou Shizhong waved his hand and called the messenger, and passed on his order.

Ever since, before Xue Wei and the others had time to completely retreat to the ship, some of the Northern Qi ships had already weighed anchor and headed towards the Xiangshui camp on the south bank.

At the same time, Shen Yi and Su Ding were on the edge of the Huaihe River, looking at the surface of the Huaihe River with binoculars.

When they saw the first boat on the Huaihe River approaching the south bank, they looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

Because, Xue Wei should be able to withdraw safely.

But they soon discovered something was wrong.

"It's not Xue Wei's boat!"

Shen Yi slowly put down the binoculars, his expression was a little unsightly.

"It's the Qi people's boat."

Su Ding's expression also changed suddenly, he waved his hands fiercely, and said loudly: "Arrange to meet the enemy!"

"Array to meet the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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