Chapter 961
Ma Cheng raised his head, glanced at Emperor Yongping cautiously, then quickly lowered his head, and said, "Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

Although the Northern Qi inherited the Chen system, some subtle points were still different from Da Chen. For example, when Da Chen called the emperor, he preferred to call him His Majesty and His Majesty.

Although Northern Qi is also called His Majesty, there are also many people called Emperor.

"Peace with the Tartars."

Emperor Yongping let out a foul breath and coughed twice: "Can't you understand this?"

Ma Cheng is Zhu Lizhen, and this Ma surname is also Zhu Lizhen's Sinicized surname. Compared with Yan Li, his relationship with the emperor is naturally closer.

Hearing this, the Ma Xiangye immediately bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, how dare you ask me how to negotiate a peace..."

"Strike and truce."

Emperor Yongping's face flushed from coughing, and then he was slightly weak. He said: "I will choose a princess from the clan to marry Tatar Khan."

"The two sides stopped fighting and made good friends, so that our northern border will be peaceful."

The conflict between Northern Qi and Tatars has lasted for 40 to [-] years.

For a long time before, although the Tatars were strong in fighting power, after all, the overall national strength was too different. In addition, the Qi people were also good at riding and shooting, so the Tatars did not get any benefits.

But in the past few years, the Tatar Khan has unified the tribes, and his power has become stronger and stronger, which has put a lot of pressure on the northern border of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

But now, Shen Yi of the Southern Dynasty was attacking the Huaihe River. At this time, Emperor Yongping had to seek peace from the north to cope with the pressure brought by Shen Yi.

Of course, this was not because of the current situation. After all, Shen Yi was only attacking the Southern Expedition Army on the north bank of the Huaihe River, and did not really fight.

Emperor Yongping did this mainly for the sake of the future.

Ma Cheng was silent for a moment, after hesitating for a while, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, this matter..."

"Should we have a discussion?"

"There is nothing to discuss."

Emperor Yongping covered his mouth with a handkerchief, coughed in a restrained muffled voice, then looked at Ma Cheng, and said slowly: "I know what you want to say, but you just want to say that doing so will lose face and make the northern border The embarrassment of the army will make the people of the government and the people unstable, won't it?"

Ma Cheng bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I am a senior scholar, when it is time to speak, I still have to speak."

"I think that the matter has not reached this point. Our army in the north of Daqi has no pressure to deal with the Tatars. As for the Southern Dynasty, it is even less likely to pose any threat to Daqi."

"At this time, there is really no need to make peace with Tatar."

Emperor Yongping didn't speak, just looked at Ma Cheng quietly, and then asked: "Then what if I..."

He closed his eyes and exhaled a foul breath: "When will I be gone?"


Ma Cheng was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said: "The emperor is in the prime of life, how can he say such unlucky words..."

Emperor Yongping looked at Ma Cheng, smiled suddenly, and said, "Okay, don't pretend, the imperial doctor from the Imperial Hospital has been here a few times, you probably remember it better than I do."

Speaking of this, Emperor Yongping sat up straight, shook his head slightly and said: "You all know in your heart that I don't have many days."

"Now in front of me, what is said about the peak of spring and autumn, maybe in private, you have already bet on a certain prince, right?"

Ma Cheng knelt on the ground, trembling, not daring to speak.

Emperor Yongping supported his body with both hands, stood up slowly, looked at Ma Cheng who was kneeling in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Ma Cheng, there is one thing you have to remember, those people in the court who are drunk every day are more must remember."

His voice was a little hoarse: "We are real Zhu Li."

"Our Master Zhu Li has a blood feud with Nan Chao."

Emperor Yongping squinted his eyes and said, "You are about the same age as me. You should have heard from your fathers what happened back then. How many people did they kill when they entered Yandu City?"

"The Li family's clan in Yandu City alone killed more than 3000 people."

The emperor said blankly: "There are countless wives and concubines of the Li family."

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid that the southerners will fight back?"

Ma Cheng knelt on the ground, not daring to speak.

The emperor took a deep breath, and continued: "For the past one or two years, I have been thinking about this matter, and I am somewhat afraid."

"I'm afraid that the soldiers of the Southern Dynasty will come to the city."

The emperor closed his eyes: "Emperor Sejong of the Southern Dynasty, the coffin is still hanging in the mausoleum, and has never been buried."

"One day, when they call, what will happen to us Zhu Li?"

The emperor's tone was serious: "I'm afraid that at that time, fleeing back outside the pass will become a delusion!"

"This kind of blood feud, how can you not take Nan Chao to heart?"

When Emperor Yongping said this, he coughed twice, and then said in a deep voice: "All real Zhu Li should regard the Southern Dynasty as a serious concern!"


"You can make peace with the Tatars, you can temporarily put aside the war in the north, and it doesn't matter if you lose face, but for the southern dynasty, you must always be 1 careful."

Emperor Yongping was short of breath. Having said that, he took a long breath, sat back in his original position, and looked at Ma Cheng.

"We must ensure that there will be no problems when the Daqi throne is passed on."

He closed his eyes and said, "Going to peace talks now, losing face is also losing my face, and has nothing to do with the future new emperor."

He didn't seem to have much strength, he waved his hand slightly and said, "You go."

Ma Cheng kowtowed respectfully, touched his head to the ground, made a sound, and said with tears: "The emperor has worked so hard, and the old minister is very grateful!"

Emperor Yongping waved his hand at him, and laughed dumbfoundedly: "Don't cry and cry, do the errand I entrusted to you well."

The Ma Xiangye just got up, wiped his tears with his hands, and retreated.

After Ma Cheng left, His Majesty the Emperor, who had been in power for more than 30 years, reclined on the soft couch weakly, and wrapped himself in a blanket because he was afraid of the cold.

He muttered to himself.

"The new emperor, the new emperor..."


In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and the time came to the end of March in Hongde's 13th year, approaching April.

In Jiankang City, most of the flowers have withered, but although spring is gone, the arrival of early summer makes Jiankang City full of green and full of vitality.

This afternoon, after receiving the courtiers, His Majesty the Emperor reviewed the documents in Ganlu Palace as usual. After finding a list of vacancies sent by the Ministry of Officials, His Majesty the Emperor read it carefully, then turned his head and squinted his eyes to look behind him. Gao Ming, who was standing there, asked, "Have you gone to the official department to say hello?"

Eunuch Gao was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly shook his head: "Your Majesty, I don't even know what's going on, so why do I say hello..."

The emperor let out a "huh" and said, "The Ministry of Officials is vacant."

He closed the memorandum, stood up and stretched his muscles, and said with a smile: "Shen Heng made up for Zhongshu Keshe."

Dachen’s Zhongshu Sheren does not belong to the Zhongshu Ministry, and is a relatively independent institution. Among them are Zhongshu Kesheren, Deqingdian Sheren, Wuyingdian Sheren, etc. There are six Kesheren in total. people.

The scholars in the six subjects are all from the official position of the seventh rank.

Among them, the people in Zhongshu Keshe were in charge of writing imperial edicts, edicts, silver books, iron coupons, etc.

The position is not high and the power is not important, but the advantage is that he can know many confidential and important matters, and sometimes he can meet the emperor.

Belonging to half of the emperor's secretariat.

Only then did Eunuch Gao understand what Emperor Hongde was talking about just now, he bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, this servant has never been to the Ministry of Officials, it is estimated that the Minister of Heaven is trying to figure out the holy meaning..."

The emperor picked up the red pen and wrote the word "ke" on the official memorial, then put it aside, and said with a smile: "Shen Yi is busy on the front line, and it is right for me to treat his brother kindly. Do some errands, finally wake up a little bit."

Standing behind the emperor, eunuch Gao suddenly remembered something, and said, "Your Majesty, the inner guard at Yandu reported that..."

"The emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty wants to marry the princess to the Tatar Khan in the north."

Hearing this, the emperor paused for a moment, then looked back at Gao Ming, and asked, "Will you marry the princess or the princess?"

Gao Ming bowed his head and said, "It is said to be a princess."

Emperor Hongde snorted first, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Forget it, don't get angry with that old man, he is probably at the end of his rope, and even used it to make a marriage."

Back then, the Princess Izumo promised to him by the Emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty was only from the background of a princess. Now that he married a princess of Tatar Khan, Emperor Hongde naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

But now that he is in a good mood, he doesn't care about Emperor Yongping anymore.

His Majesty the Emperor said with a smile: "It seems that Shen Yi really scared the people of Qi."

While the master and servant were talking, the eunuch Sun Jin walked in cautiously, knelt down in front of the emperor, and said joyfully, "Your Majesty, great joy, great joy!"

The emperor stopped the brush.


A smile appeared on Sun Jin's face, and he kowtowed and said, "Report from the Imperial Medical Office, Empress Empress..."

He smiled happily: "You are happy!"

The emperor was a little surprised and asked, "Really?"

"Slaves dare to talk nonsense..."

Sun Jin quickly said: "The imperial physician just went to ask for a pulse, and he has already confirmed that the empress is happy."

His Majesty put down the brush and walked outside the hall.

"Go, go to the queen."

The two eunuchs quickly answered yes, and followed the emperor towards the harem.

Eunuch Gao and Eunuch Sun were almost shoulder to shoulder, but a little ahead, and said with a smile: "Eunuch Sun is really well informed."

Sun Jin shrank his neck, his face full of fear.

"Eunuch Gao, the servant was too happy just now and forgot the rules. I should tell you, old man, to let you report the good news..."

He looked apprehensive.

Gao Ming took a look at Sun Jin, then shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "They are all doing things in the palace, doing things for His Majesty, who is not announcing the good news? It's not in the way."

Eunuch Gao had a warm smile on his face.

Only one-third of Sun Jin's panic was true, and he bowed his head again and again to thank him.

"Thank you for your generosity, Eunuch Gao, thank you for your generosity..."

(End of this chapter)

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