Master Shen's actions were very dark.

Because he was going to confiscate all Zhu Lizhen's property in the entire Xuzhou city.

Although all the Han people who are related to Zhuli real person cannot be beaten to death with a stick, they must be checked in detail by the people from the mansion and the newspaper department.

Now, Shen Yi has no taboos in Xuzhou City, he can do whatever he wants, especially at this time, not only does he have no political pressure to do things, he doesn't even have moral pressure.

It took only one morning for Shen Yi to manage the Pengchenghou's mansion well. He collected countless silver coins, gold and jade artifacts, and filled the entire courtyard.

The family members of the Hou Mansion were also tied up and knelt in the front yard.

However, Mr. Shen didn't care much about the money, he just glanced at it lightly, looked at Qianhu Zhu Datong, and asked, "How much food did you find?"

Zhu Datong quickly bowed his head and cupped his fists and said, "Going back to Shen Gong, my subordinates saw three large granaries in the backyard. The people looking for the grain store made a rough estimate, and there may be tens of thousands of grains."

Shen Yi nodded slightly and rubbed his forehead.

There are a lot of these grains.

If it's just the people in the Hou's mansion who eat it for themselves, they may not be able to finish it in ten or even decades.

But for the Huai'an army, these food wines are not too much.

Shen Yi waved his hand and said, "The food is seized, as for these properties..."

Shen Yi squinted his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "For now, I'm still useful."

Zhu Datong clasped his fists together, respectfully.

Shen Yi sat under the gazebo, and said lightly: "Zhu Qianhu, in the past few days, I will let Jiang Sheng and Lin Siwu from the Dibao Department follow you, and you will go to the homes of all real Zhuli in Xuzhou City for me..."

He said blankly: "Copy it all."

Zhu Datong quickly bowed his head: "The last general obeys orders!"

"Furthermore, all the grain stores and shops in Xuzhou City, as long as the industry involved in grain, was sent to control them all, their shops were searched, and their grain depots were sealed off."

Master Shen said in a low voice, "All will be confiscated."

Zhu Datong nodded first, then thought for a while, and asked, "Mr. Shen, what if the grain store is run by us Han people?"

Shen Yi glanced at this guy, and said angrily: "You are worthy of following Xue Da, and have the same virtue as him."

"It doesn't matter whether it's Zhu Lizhen or a Han Chinese."

Master Shen let out a breath, and said: "As long as it is a food store, it will be confiscated and confiscated."

Only then did Zhu Datong nod his head, and took his men down to do some business.

After this Zhu Qianhu left, Shen Yi turned around, looked at Zhao Jizhou who was following him, got up and pulled Zhao Jizhou to sit down, and said, "Second brother, I don't have anyone with me, the food in Xuzhou will be under your control from now on."

Zhao Er had always been in charge of logistics in the Huai'an Army, and he was also the last batch of Huai'an Army to enter Xuzhou. Today, Shen Yi specially found him, and came with him to ransack the house.

But Zhao Jizhou hadn't figured out what Shen Yi was thinking. He scratched his head and said in a low voice, "Ziheng, why are you raiding the grain store in the city? The people in this city still buy food from the grain store..."

"We have stolen the grain depot, what do the common people eat?"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said: "We occupy Xuzhou and let them sell grain. The price of grain will inevitably skyrocket, and the city gate will not be opened. It won't take long for the people in the city to have no way out."

"I copied their food stores. It's not that they won't give food to the people in the future. It's just that the food in these food stores is under the control of our Huai'an army and can only be sold by our Huai'an army."

"This matter can only be done by you, second brother."

Shen Yi said in a low voice: "In the future, the grain in the city will be rationed. There will be three people in one household, and each household will buy up to five catties of grain per day."

"And so on."

Speaking of this, Shen Yi rubbed his head, and said: "But this method is easy to say, but it is not easy to implement. It needs the household registration, population, and name of Xuzhou City."

"Fortunately, every family in Xuzhou is closed now, and most of them have a little food in their homes. They won't come out in a short time."

"The household registration booklet of Zhizhou Yamen, I will send it to the senior brother quickly, and the senior brother will get the food rations as soon as possible."

Master Shen said with a serious face: "Brother, this is the most important thing in Xuzhou City. As long as the people in the city have something to eat, then there will be no chaos in Xuzhou City. If there is no chaos in the city, Xuzhou will be as solid as gold."

Sitting next to Shen Yi, Zhao Jizhou stretched out his hand and scratched his head: "Ziheng, such a big thing..."

"I... can I do it?"

"Brother, you are the son of the Minister of the Household Department!"

Shen Yi patted him on the shoulder.He opened his mouth and said: "My uncle is an agent of the world's wealth, and it is still easy to handle. You are the son of my uncle, and a mere Xuzhou City, what is so difficult for you?"

After being told by Shen Yi, Zhao Er became a little more energetic, but then he became a little depressed: "I am a thousand miles behind my father..."

Master Shen smiled and said: "Well, let me give senior brother some manpower. Senior brother has also selected a few helpers in those accountants in the Zhizhou Yamen these days. It's not like letting senior brother do this alone. What's the problem?"

Zhao Jizhou wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly a messenger rushed to report, half-kneeling in front of Shen Yi, lowered his head and said: "Mr. Shen, General Ling urgently reported that a large number of Qi troops were found outside the north gate, numbering more than ten thousand!"

Shen Yi looked back at Zhao Er, and said helplessly: "Brother, I'm going to the north gate to have a look, you do this first, if there is any difficulty, just come and find me."

After all, Master Shen strode out of the Hou Mansion.

Soon, he arrived at the gate tower of the north gate of Xuzhou.

Ling Su thoughtfully handed over a telescope. Shen Yi took the telescope, looked to the north, then slowly put it down, looked back at Ling Su, and said thoughtfully: "There are indeed quite a few people. From a distance, there seem to be 2 people."

"The strength of the Qi people, one is in Haizhou in the east, and the other is in the west, or the remnant army in Suqian. Where did the 2 or [-] people in the north come from?"

Standing behind Shen Yi, Ling Su also looked at the Qi people in the distance, and said in a low voice: "The ones from the north should be reinforcements from the Qi people's imperial court."

Shen Yi nodded and agreed with this opinion.

"It's coming so fast."

Master Shen said with a smile: "It seems to be faster than Zhou Shizhong's conquest of the Southern Army."

Ling Su also smiled and said: "Zhou Shizhong cherishes his feathers, and he doesn't want to let Zhengnan Army attack Xuzhou. Otherwise, he wouldn't have just watched Mr. Shen and you under the city of Haizhou, and didn't dare to go out to fight."

Having said that, General Ling gave his own judgment.

"If there is an army attacking Xuzhou in the past few days, I am afraid it will be the reinforcements of this imperial court."

When the two people were talking to each other, they rode in the north and rode towards Xuzhou City.

After running to the city of Xuzhou alone, he yelled towards the city: "Listen, people of the Southern Dynasty, my young general, I have a letter for your commander-in-chief Shen Yi!"

At this time, Shen Yi was on the tower.

He and Ling Su looked at each other, and Ling Su used his binoculars to look at the Qiren camp in the distance, and said, "It's at least ten or twenty miles away."

He said to Shen Yi: "Mr. Shen, I will go out of the city to win your trust."

Shen Yi grabbed his sleeve, shook his head slightly and said: "Just send someone down casually, General Ling must not be in danger."

Ling Su quickly lowered his head, turned around to open a gap in the city gate, and then sent someone out to retrieve the letter.

The letter was quickly delivered to Master Shen.

Shen Yi opened the letter and saw a few words at the beginning.

"Shen Shilang Tai Jian."

"Xuzhou fell, and my emperor was furious. He will send troops soon, vowing to take back Xuzhou."

"At most half a month, there will be [-] troops to surround Xuzhou, and it will be impossible to get through."

"At that time, it will only take half a year, my army will not move, and your army will die without fighting."

"Even if Xuzhou is to be turned into an empty city, the entire Daqi must be majestic."

"As of today, Shen Jun has gained both fame and fortune, and after returning to the south, he will surely be on the rise."

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If Shen Jun is a wise man, he will flee Xuzhou at night."

"It's not too late."

See here, the letter has been written.

The signature below is five characters.

Sincerely, Zhou Yuanlong.

After Master Shen read the letter, he casually threw it to Ling Su who was at the side. General Ling read it once, folded the letter and said with emotion: "Looking at the name, he should be Zhou Shizhong's nephew. This man is really bold. Writing such a letter to Duke Shen at this time and being discovered by the court of Qi is no different from collaborating with the enemy and treason."

Master Shen smiled and said, "This man is very smart."

"The person who sent the letter should be the general of his family, so he won't open this letter. Once this letter falls into my hands, even if it is sent to Yandu, it will become a fake."

"As for him persuading me to leave Xuzhou..."

Master Shen said softly: "Because he has already seen that if the fight continues, people will die in the city of Xuzhou, and many people will die."

"Therefore, trying to scare me off."

Having said that, Shen Yi smiled at Ling Su and said, "This Zhou Yuanlang is a bit interesting."

Ling Su nodded and said: "It seems that he is much more courageous than Zhou Shizhong."

Shen Yi turned to look at Ling Su.

"If the Qi people were the reinforcements of the Northern Qi court, they must have been exhausted when they came all the way. They are sure that we will stick to Xuzhou and dare not go out of the city. The camp is far away from us..."

"Only ten miles away."

Master Shen smiled and asked: "Before Xuzhou City is besieged, is General Ling interested in going out to play the autumn wind at night?"

Ling Su took half a step back and bowed his head respectfully.

"Little general, follow orders!"

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