Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 103 The Crisis Emerges

Chapter 103 The Crisis Emerges
East Forest Peak.

When Fang Quan appeared in front of Jiang Sheng, there was still a glimmer of sunset in the western sky.

Jiang Sheng found that facing the afterglow of the setting sun, Fang Quan's face was redder than the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday, during Wufeng's martial arts competition, I saw her for the first time in more than three years, and I couldn't help staring at her for a long time, which was deeply imprinted in my mind.

But yesterday, when I saw her at night, under the moonlight, it was a white face.

He thought it was the rays of the setting sun.In fact, there is still a tinge of rosiness, because of what the junior sister said just now, about the Taoist companion's inquiry.

Jiang Sheng didn't blush today, he walked towards her in two steps in three steps.

When he gave her the high-grade storage artifact, she accepted it without too many excuses.

Jiang Sheng didn't have any gossip, and kept urging her to admit the Lord with blood.

This was the first time Jiang Sheng gave her something.Instead, she gave him a middle-grade spirit stone, a top-grade sword, and last night's energy recovery pill.

He desperately wanted to see her happy face.

Fang Quan did not disappoint him.

After recognizing the Lord, she searched inside with her spiritual sense.

really!Surprised and delighted, a small and lovely dimple was carved on her face.

"I like it very much!" Fang Quan said happily, and then began to place jade boxes of different sizes on the ground.

These are all from her original spiritual storage device, and each jade box contains a spiritual herb.

Jiang Sheng looked at her movements and was filled with satisfaction.Then, from satisfaction to surprise.

Because of Fang Quan, more than 200 jade boxes have been taken out...

It's full at the feet, and it's all stacked to the fourth floor.

She didn't care about talking to him at all, one plant after another, put the herbs in the jade box into the new space, that side of the pond.

I don't know where she got so many jade boxes from.

Fang Quan never tired of doing it, and moved all the fairy grass plants into it.

She didn't feel embarrassed until she finished carrying all the items.

"I was happy for a while, I forgot about you..." Her voice was a little low.

Jiang Sheng also closed his surprised mouth: "No...it's okay."


Today is Wang Qianzhong Kunfeng's rotation.

Therefore, Jiang Sheng, who returned to Beiyuan Peak at night, did not go to the small courtyard, but plunged into the cave under the cliff.

He took out the jade slips of exercises given by Qin Wenting.

In the evening, I hurried to find Fang Quan, but I didn't have time to check it.

"Palace wall technique."

"Xuan-level high-grade kung fu is a simplified version of Shangqingmen's "Shangqing Wenshu". Those who have cultivated to a small level can resist the attack of the consciousness below the golden core, and those who have cultivated to the great level can resist the blow of the consciousness of the Nascent Soul stage. .”


Oh my god, spiritual defense skills!And it's mysterious.

Their Beiyuan Peak's basic exercise——"Water Movement Jue", is the top grade of Xuan Rank.

And the "Wanyuan Jue" that can evolve various forms of water systems is only the middle grade of Xuan rank.

Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, fourth-class skills.

Each level is divided into upper, middle and lower grades.

I heard from Wang Qian that there is only one ground-level exercise in the entire Five Elements School, but it can only be practiced at the Nascent Soul Realm.

Among the commonly used exercises, the most common one is attack, followed by physical defense.

The rarer ones are the divine sense attacks, and the rarest ones are the divine sense defenses.

Of course, some body skills and talismans are more off-the-wall, so it's not easy to make comparisons.

Shangqing Sect, the top ten sects of the previous session!Their skills will definitely not be leaked to the Five Elements School.

And a simplified version of the exercises are all high-grade Xuan-level... How powerful is the orthodox "Shangqing Wenshu"?At least it can reach the mid-level earth rank, right?
The palace wall technique, the wall of the Niwan palace, the barrier of spiritual consciousness...

Jiang Sheng was immersed in practicing day after day.

In addition to absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, he also needs to practice body protection water curtain, palace wall technique, and a water attribute secret technique left by Taoist Cangyuan.

The same days always pass faster.

It seems that it is just a blink of an eye, and the Chinese New Year is coming.


In the southwestern border of Jingping Kingdom, there is a small town.

On New Year's Eve, every household is very lively.

The housewives prepared the most sumptuous reunion dinner of the year, and the adult men in the family, no matter whether they were grey-bearded or green and young, poured the spirits that they were usually reluctant to drink.

People chatted cheerfully, looking forward to a good time next year.

Regardless of the cold winter night, the children called for their friends in the alleys and alleys of the town.

Scattered firecrackers sounded from time to time from where the children gathered.

The small pillar is one of them.At the age of seven or eight, he still couldn't resist the cold north wind. As he breathed, the snot bubbles kept expanding and shrinking.

Until he sneezed suddenly, the snot bubbles swollen and exploded, like a dumb firecracker.

The other kids laughed and said he had firecrackers in his nose too.

Xiaozhuzi hurriedly ran out of the alley, calling it peeing, but in fact, he temporarily avoided his embarrassment.

Anyway, when I go back later, everyone will forget about it.

About the customs and origins of Chinese New Year, the children listen to the older generation once a year, and this year is no exception.

Of course they know that the purpose of setting off firecrackers is to frighten a monster called "Nian" and protect people's lives.

Xiao Zhuzi, who is only seven or eight years old, is very smart and has already understood that this is just a legend.

He squeezed out a few drops of urine on the edge of the town, grabbed the thick cotton trousers, and lifted them up, crooked.

I didn't plan to tidy up, so I was going to return to the place where my partners gathered.

However, he stopped suddenly.

Because he saw that on the south side of the town, in the direction leading to the deep mountains, there were some red dots that were moving.

Strange thing, don't you have to wait until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to light the lanterns?Why did someone carry lanterns on New Year's Eve?

Although Xiao Zhuzi was curious, he had no idea.Continue the movement of your feet and run towards the direction where the firecrackers sound.

Behind him, those red dots are getting closer and bigger.

The color is not like a red auspicious lantern, but dark red, a bit like dried blood.

Just as Xiao Zhuzi returned to his companions, he took out a firecracker from his pocket and took the incense from his companions.

Xiao Zhuzi leaned the burning incense head on the fuse of the firecracker tremblingly with his cold hands.

At this time, he heard a loud roar, which made him tremble all over in fright, and instead of aiming at the fuse, he dropped the burning incense on the ground.

The terrified eyes of his partners made Xiao Zhuzi unable to look back.

It was an animal that had never been seen before, much taller than the cow next door.A pair of dark red eyes, bigger than his fist.

Xiao Zhuzi still hasn't figured out whether these are the lanterns he saw just now.

This...doesn't there really be a "Nian" beast?He too was getting scared.

The thing opened its mouth wide and sucked it in hard.

Xiaozhuzi and his partners disappeared.Only the stick of burning incense on the ground remains, which is always bright and sometimes dark.


Just a few days after the new year, the beginning of spring.

The chill is weakening day by day, and the smell of spring is quietly emanating from the silent place.

The familiar Galefinch flew back.

Bring Qin Wenting a piece of news that he doesn't want to see.

In the southwest of Jingping, the Suzaku Sect was attacked, some died or disappeared, and no one was alive.

The murderer is suspected to be a group of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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