Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 13 Foundation Building and Rumors

Chapter 13 Foundation Building and Rumors
A dry sponge can absorb only a limited amount of water.

At this moment, Jiang Sheng was like a sponge full of water.The zhenqi in the bones, muscles, and skin was filled again, and even the blue zhenqi was flowing in the cracks of the nails.

Nine are extremely numerous.The nine levels of Qi training are complete, and the "water tank" in the body has been replaced with the largest one.

When the sponge is full, if you continue to water, it will flow out from a certain corner.

These parts of the body are saturated with zhenqi, and the zhenqi absorbed will flow out like water in a sponge.

What about the water channel?Meridians.

Where does it go?Dantian.

Like a long embankment, a tiny line is cracked.The tendons and veins in the body were squeezed open by zhenqi, and a drop of water condensed by zhenqi seeped in.

One, two, the tendons in various parts of the body were captured.

One drop, two drops, the influx of infuriating water droplets moistened the "river bed" that had been dry for 16 years.

Gradually, the water droplets merged into streams, streams merged together, flowed through the Ren and Du rivers, and poured into Dantian, forming a green lake.


The dantian is not yet full, and there is no true energy between the muscles and bones.

All the true qi at the peak of the qi training period has not filled the small dantian, let alone the empty meridians and body surface hair and skin.

The elders of the outer sect only talked about breaking through the foundation-building period.

After the foundation is established, the exercises to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth can only be learned after entering the inner door.So I can only use the old ghost professor first.

20 years ago, when the foundation of the predecessor was established, it was much faster than this.Because the true qi that can be contained in the dantian is much less than it is now.

If Dantian was like a pond at that time, it is now a bottomless lake.

After finishing breathing, on the way back, Jiang Sheng met a person who rushed towards him. It was Zhao Chun with an embarrassing expression.Zhao Chun came to look for him. Zhao Chun basically knew the places where Jiang Sheng often practiced.

Without caring for his breath, Zhao Chun opened his mouth wide and spoke while breathing: "A...a quarter...an hour ago, Ding Ying...said..."

After listening for a while, Jiang Sheng finally understood.

The law-enforcing elders of the Zongmen learned from nowhere that there were fraudulent acts in the selection of disciples from the outer sect by the elders. Among them, Jiang Sheng and Wei Ziming, disciples from Shannan County, were involved.

The purpose of Zhao Chun coming to him was to worry about someone falsely accusing Jiang Sheng of framing Jiang Sheng, and wanted him to deal with it earlier.

But Jiang Sheng didn't think about himself, but wanted to inform Elder Yu earlier.Because there was no problem with his origin, Elder Yu was indeed not a framed accusation.

After all, Elder Yu treated him well, and he did his best to let him deal with it earlier, that's all.

Elder Yu is indeed not in the sect today, but went to the intersection of Gui'ergu, [-] miles outside the sect, to meet the convoy of Wanluo Trading Company.

At the end of each month, the trading firm will deliver spirit stones to the Zongmen for distribution within the Zongmen next month.

After Zhao Chun finished speaking, he just caught his breath, and then ran away again.I haven't found Wei Ziming yet, so I have to tell him quickly, after all, I came from Shannan County together.

Before he had time to think much, Jiang Sheng immediately rushed outside the sect.

Guiergu intersection, many people know this place, the only way to enter the sect, when they came from Shannan County more than two months ago, the commercial convoy also passed by.

Jiang Sheng's true energy circulated under his feet, and he swept for two or three feet. On the way, he began to think about the problem behind the news.


Time back to the morning, Chen Shi.

Elder Tao, who was in charge of law enforcement in the Five Elements Sect, returned to the mansion after breakfast, and found a note under the teapot, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Outer sect elder Yu Xiaoxiao, in the selection of outer sect disciples this spring, accepted benefits and cheated for personal gain:
Liu Zan of Huxiang County falsely reported his age.

Qi Lianfang from Kuichang County is over twenty years old.

Xing Kejun of Kuichang County brought his art into the mountains, and he suspected that he had a teacher.


Wei Ziming of Shannan County falsely reported his age.

Jiang Sheng from Shannan County brought his art into the mountains, and he suspected that there was a master.


If there are still unknowns, Wang Zong will investigate them in detail.

Elder Tao put away the note and thought about it a little.

This kind of thing is not a big deal, and it is not unheard of in previous years. Outside disciples, unless they are very talented, they will only be a deacon after a year, and it will not have a big impact.

Elder Yu probably offended someone, otherwise someone would collect these specifically.

Elder Tao got up and went out, found a few inner door deacons, and after giving orders one by one, he set off for the outer door.

The outer gate, on the north side of the square, in the main hall.

Elder Tao didn't say what he wanted directly.

Not salty, I asked about the practice of the outer sect disciples this year, how many outstanding disciples, and who are they.He also asked if all the elders of the outer sect were here today, and if they were not, where did they go.

"This year's outer sect disciples are progressing normally. In less than 40 days, there are a total of more than 12 people above the seventh floor, including about [-] people on the eighth floor and [-] people on the ninth floor. According to estimates from previous years, the number of people who can enter the inner sect this year can reach More than one hundred and fifty."

"Seven people with better talents, and two people who are very likely to become core disciples in the future, namely Zou Yi and Jiang Sheng. Among them, Zou Yi has successfully established the foundation today."

"Elder Yu and Elder Qian are not here today. They went to meet the firm at the intersection of Gui'ergu. Today is the day for the Wanluo firm in Xisi County to escort Lingshi."

After Elder Xie finished speaking, he twirled his long beard and stopped talking.Elder Xie is the first elder of the outer sect, so naturally he will answer everything.

Elder Tao nodded slowly when he heard the words, digesting the information.

After a while, everyone else in the hall came out, except Elder Tao and Elder Xie.

After a while, rumors spread.

"I heard that Jiang Sheng was not innocent when he entered the sect."

"No wonder, he must be able to use those weird sword moves."


"By the way, have you heard? The counties where Elder Yu selected disciples this year seem to have unqualified age and qualifications. I don't know how they got in."

"No way, it seems that Elder Yu is very strict when he preaches, he doesn't look like that kind of person. Besides, as an elder who has practiced for decades, does he still need to take other people's money?"

"He doesn't need it. What if he has family and relatives? Or what magic weapon he can use?"


"Whether this matter is true or not, Elder Yu must have offended someone. The sect seems to be serious this time. I heard that the elder who just came is the law enforcement elder."

"Isn't it normal to offend someone? I heard that he doesn't deal with Elder Sun, have you forgotten? That Zhu Ling was found by Elder Sun."

"You said that, it seems to be true. On the day Zhu Ling was injured, Elder Sun took him away. The one who injured him was Jiang Sheng, the one chosen by Elder Yu."


The deacon in white and the new disciples were all whispering to each other.Then, Ding Ying told Zhao Chun in the square.

That's why Zhao Chun ran out of the valley to look for Jiang Sheng.

After a while, the door of the main hall opened, Elder Xie called Elder Sun and Elder Bai to say something.

Afterwards, Sun and Bai flew out of the valley and disappeared.

Xie, Bai, Yu, Sun, Qian, out of the five outer sect elders, four left, and now only Elder Xie is left in the valley.


Jiang Sheng flitted all the way. Although he was in the foundation building stage, he could already fly for short distances, half a mile at a time. If he had a good spiritual weapon, it was possible to fly for dozens of miles.

But what he is carrying at the moment is a wooden sword, which is made of special wood. It is possible to bear true energy, but it cannot transmit it.

To prevent the disciples of the outer sect from not controlling well, and hurting the meridians of the same sect during the discussion.

If you can't transmit true energy, you can't control it to fly.

Of course, those are not important, because Jiang Sheng has completely forgotten about this matter, he has just succeeded in building the foundation, and has not yet formed a habit.

Also because he was thinking about other things when he was on his way.

Wei Ziming lied about his age, but no one among the outer disciples knew about it except himself.Because among the 30 people in Shannan County, they are the only ones in Wushan Town.

Among the deacons of the outer sect, only Huang Shan might know, and the possibility is not great, because she didn't seem to have touched anyone's body that day.

Unless Wei Ziming puts both hands on the psychic ball, the possibility of sensing age through it is very small.If this is the case, Elder Yu will not be unclear, and he will respond early.

As for the elder himself, leaking the news should not be done.

From this point of view, his possibility is the greatest?


After a cup of tea, Jiang Sheng has already left the sect for more than ten miles.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared on the road, an acquaintance.

"Zhu Ling? Why are you here?" Jiang Sheng subconsciously stopped.

Zhu Ling looked at Jiang Sheng with complicated emotions in his eyes. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.61 days, to be precise.

The sun was nearing midday, and noon was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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