Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 20 The Intruder

Chapter 20 The Intruder

On the northwest edge of the Yunluo Mountains, a meandering river flows through the mountain stream from north to south.

On the east side of the mountain stream, it is steep and steep, and on the west side is a low hillside.

The trees on the hillside are dense, the sun dapples the leaves, and the ground is golden like fragments.

There is a dilapidated small courtyard hidden among the trees, to be precise, it is a dilapidated small Taoist temple.

In the ears are the birds living in the trees, chirping, I don't know if it is the group that flew to the south last winter.

Jiang Sheng caressed the scars on the tree one by one, which were left over from practicing flying knives more than ten years ago.

He looked not far away, at the low eaves of the Taoist temple, his thin lips were raised, and his black eyebrows were slightly curved.

Old devil, I'm back.Can you still know me?

Pushing open the door of the Taoist temple, his body tensed sharply.Some people have been here, and in the past few decades, few people have been here.

The doors of the two small huts in the east and west were open.At the door of the old ghost's room on the west side, the small bamboo basket with herbs disappeared.

In my own room on the east side, the quilts are neatly folded.On average, he only folded it once every three to five days. Although he didn't deliberately remember that he didn't fold it that day when he went to find Qimingcao, but he couldn't make such a beautiful one.

The door of the main hall on the north side is ajar, and it is usually closed.It is said to be a main hall, just a slightly taller broken house.

With a thought in his mind, he touched the jade pendant with his left hand and held the Cangyuan sword in his hand.Quietly approaching the main hall, the damn bird didn't cooperate, and suddenly fell silent.

The door of the main hall on the north side opened.A girl came out, holding a long jade box in her hand.

He stopped and saw him.

Half a foot away from Jiang Sheng.He was about an inch shorter than him, wearing a gray-blue Taoist robe, which was a little fatter, with drooping shoulders.

There is a black cloth strip tied around the waist. Compared with the loose Taoist robes, the waist is extraordinarily thin.At first glance, it looks like a wide sack with a rope tied in the middle.

Under the reflection of the jade box, the hands are extraordinarily white.The sleeves of the wide Taoist robe slid down to the crook of the arm, and a sapphire bracelet was wrapped around the left wrist.

The girl didn't know how to move, and the jade box in her hand disappeared, replaced by a long sword.

The point of the sword pointed at Jiang Sheng, just like Jiang Sheng's sword pointed at her.

"Who is it?" Her voice was very pleasant, slightly crisp, but her tone was very calm, the tone of the three words did not fluctuate much, and the tone of the question was not obvious.

"Master." Jiang Sheng wanted to take a step back and stay away from the opponent's sword. After all, he didn't know the strength of the opponent.

It should be taller than him, able to control the sword from the stored spiritual weapon, and take it out of the sheath in hand, at least the foundation period.And I am at the bottom of the foundation building period.

However, I don't know whether it was the master's mentality, or the stubbornness in the little scholar's bones, and he didn't back down.

"Nonsense." The woman's sword was full of blue light, and her tone was still very calm, as if she was the master of this Taoist temple.In Taoist temples, do Taoists live in scholars?

Is this posture about to make a move?

"In the room on the east side, one leg of the table is dangling, there is a small bamboo tree by the bed, the basin is dark red, and there is a broken chess book next to the pillow, with a total of fourteen pages."

When Jiang Sheng was talking, he pointed his hand casually to the right and back, and when he retracted his hand, a stone was squeezed between his two fingers, and he was clenched into a fist.

The zhenqi condensed into the palm of his left hand, and he could spit out the sword light in the next moment.

There is no retreat, but you must do your best to be prepared.As for the escape route, there is no need to look at it at all. If you run out from the door with your eyes closed, you will never touch a tree within a hundred feet.

The girl put away the sword: "I'm sorry, you are the master." The voice was still calm, but Jiang Sheng could feel that she was indeed sorry, because the word "you" was between the two words, and the word paused a little.

Years of studying made Jiang Sheng very sensitive to this.

Jiang Sheng also withdrew his sword, and his guard was more than half gone, only then did he realize that this girl looks very pleasing to the eye.

The face is smooth and white, with a round chin, red lips above, a small mouth above a nose like white jade.

In front of the smooth forehead, silky bangs hang down.The eyebrows are shallow, but well-defined.

Those eyes were as clear as water and as bright as a mirror, and the blue sky and white clouds behind her were clearly reflected in her eyes.

My stomach is full of Four Books and Five Classics, but only two words come to my mind: Pretty.

The girl was also looking at Jiang Sheng.

Slightly taller than myself, wearing a blue book long robe, which fits her body closely, her figure is not considered strong.

The face is delicate, slightly pale, with narrow eyebrows and very black, the bridge of the nose is straight and straight, and the lower lip is thin.

The eyes are big and bright, but there is a hint of caution in the eyes, or alertness.

The girl's gaze swept across his right hand, then fell back and stayed on his right hand.

Jiang Sheng suddenly realized that it was impolite to stare at the girl's face, and he sensed something in the other's eyes. He moved his fingers slightly and put away the stone.

Don't look at evil, I wanted to say sorry, but I didn't say it.He just rubbed the fingers of his right hand back and forth twice, as if he was trying to cover up something, but also seemed to be expressing his goodwill at the moment.

"Those who don't know are not guilty. I haven't lived here for a long time." Jiang Sheng's words were a response to her apology just now.

The girl also withdrew her eyes and looked down: "My clothes were washed yesterday, and I just put them away today. I will change them later and wash them for you."

After thinking for a while, he took out the jade box and handed it to Jiang Sheng: "I'll give you this back, because I saw this Ningshen flower, the effect of the medicine was about to wear off, so I wanted to take it away, so as not to waste it."

Two calm explanations, generous and generous, no further apology.

Jiang Sheng nodded: "You're right. Herbs have been used for a long time and are worthless. If you find it useful, I'll give it to you."

Then turned around and walked out the door: "You change your clothes."


After waiting for nearly an hour, they returned to the yard again. The doors of the three rooms were all open, but the girl was not there.

The small bamboo basket with herbs was placed at the old ghost's door again.

The Taoist robe in the east room has been folded, and it should be dried with internal force.

In the center of the courtyard, on the bluestone platform beside the well, there is a jade box.

The jade box was half covered, and the Ningshen flower was no longer there, replaced by a spirit stone with white floc inside, a middle-grade spirit stone!
There is a note under the jade box. The handwriting is moderate in weight and the strokes are even. In the eyes of the scholar, the handwriting is not very good.

I've been staying here for a few days, so I apologize for the inconvenience.

Jiang Sheng looked at the note and was a little lost.Then he shook his head, dismissing the matter.

In the main hall, Jiang Sheng put a stick of incense on Sanqing, and he didn't know if he was still a disciple of Sanqing.

Going to the back of the Taoist temple again, in the middle of two big trees, I burned paper money for the old ghost.Then I babbled for a long time in front of the tomb.

He told the complete old ghost about his recent situation.

At this time, his heart is peaceful and his emotions are calm.It seemed that after reporting to the old ghost, he gave up his previous life and was no longer a casual cultivator.


In the central area of ​​the Yunluo Mountains, there are five peaks, which are the highest points of the entire mountain range.

Looking down from the sky, the five peaks are in the shape of a cross, one in the east, one in the east, one in the north, and one in the south.

Just like the abacus used by the accountant, there are only five beads on the abacus, one for the ones, one for the hundreds, and three for the tens.

The one in the middle is special.The peak is divided into two layers, and the lower layer is a huge flat.In the center of the ping, a smaller peak grows out.

The entire peak is like a big cake with a steamed bun on it.

Between the five mountain peaks, there are flying rainbows coming and going from time to time, they must be people from the inner sect.Jiang Sheng controlled the Cangyuan Sword and admired the Five Elements School.

Generally speaking, in the early stage of foundation establishment, there are half a mile to several miles of Yujian.After all, the Cangyuan sword is a middle-grade spiritual weapon, with a thin blade, it seems that it only needs a little qi to support a thin and weak scholar.

Jiang Sheng's True Qi is much more than other foundation-building early stages.So from the last time I settled down to here, I have been flying with the sword for dozens of miles, and I seem to be able to hold on for a while.

To the south of the five peaks, there is a valley, and the huge square can be clearly seen from above.

The outer door has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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