Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 23 Stepping into the inner door

Chapter 23 Stepping into the inner door
"Isn't this North Origin Peak too miserable?" Some of the remaining outer disciples sighed.

"Indeed! In the future, just change the name of the mountain. What is it called Beijun Peak? Anyway, West Junfeng probably won't be able to handle so many people." The disciple next to him also thought the same.

Zhao Chun couldn't take it anymore: "Tsk tsk, I don't know, I thought you two were inner sect disciples. Even if you want to go to Beiyuan Peak, you don't have the qualifications!"

Because Jiang Sheng chose Beiyuan Peak, he had a good impression of Beiyuan Peak, and he couldn't listen to others belittle it, just like insulting Jiang Sheng.

"I heard that Beiyuan Peak couldn't recruit good disciples. It seems that in recent years, no outstanding disciples have been selected there." Like Zhao Chun, there are also well-informed disciples.

Zhao Chun nodded: "Yes, without talented disciples, you won't get a good ranking in the Wufeng competition every year, and there will be no one in the next year."

"But this year is different! With Jiang Sheng, I guess the ranking will no longer be the bottom one." Zhao Chun is full of confidence in Jiang Sheng.

Because only he knew that Jiang Sheng was practicing when he got up every night to urinate.With such hard work and good talent, why is he not outstanding?


Beiyuan Peak.

When Jiang Sheng Yujian flew over the sky yesterday, he didn't feel anything special.

Looking down from the sky at that time, the east and west peaks were more obvious, and the east forest peak was densely covered with green. In contrast, the west Jun peak had fewer plants and many cliffs and strange rocks.

The two-story peak in the middle is very special, that is the huge Zhongkun Peak.

The two buildings in the north and the south are relatively mediocre, and I don't think there is anything.On the north side of Beiyuan Peak, there is a large lake, which looks bigger than the mountain in the air.

It was only when I really walked on the mountain road of Beiyuan Peak that I discovered the beauty of it. I am a little glad that I chose this place.

Beiyuan Peak, the peak is unremarkable, on the mountainside, there is a spring.

The spring is half a zhang in size, and the clear water gushes out from the dark hole, and the surface of the water is as high as a person, turning out snow-white waves.The roaring sound filled the ears.

The gurgling spring water rolled in a small pool.On one side of the pool is a cliff of ten thousand feet. The water in the pool pours out from a narrow opening, and a waterfall flows straight down, hitting the foot of the mountain!
I don't know where so much water came from halfway up the mountain, maybe the water veins of the five peaks all converge here.

The deacon disciple led fourteen new disciples to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Beiyuan Peak from the top of the mountain.

"Only in this kind of fairy mountain and blessed place, can I feel the difference between immortals and ordinary people." A new disciple lamented that he was tall and thin, and he really didn't look like a fairy.

"Yes!" Another disciple with a mole on the corner of his mouth was also full of intoxication: "Even if the cultivation stops here, if you can live here for a lifetime, you will be no different from a god."

The deacon disciple, 26 and seven years old, was dressed in a light blue robe, had a round face, and his name was Yu An.

Yu An shook his head: "Junior Brothers, you may not know yet. Inner sect disciples practice in the peak for five years, and within five years they can enter the alchemy stage before they can continue to stay here as core disciples."

"Otherwise, after five years, I will be arranged by the sect to do things. I have not been able to form alchemy, and I have been a deacon disciple to continue here. The fellow sects who came in with me basically went to the trading house or the auction house. class."

The disciple with a mole on the corner of his mouth woke up from his intoxication when he heard the words: "Five years? I heard that the foundation building period takes ten or eight years before it is possible to form a pill?"

Jiang Sheng was also taken aback. In his previous life, he was from his 20s to 35 years old, and it took him more than ten years to form a pill by luck.

The message left by Daoist Cang Yuan in the Jade Slips is that he only formed alchemy at the age of 30.If it takes five years to form a pill, then you are only in your 20s, how talented is it?
"Senior Brother Yu, among the disciples every year, how many can form alchemy within five years?" The more Jiang Sheng thought about it, the more he felt incredible.

Yu Anyuan squeezed a smile on his face: "Actually, there are not many. There are about one hundred and fifty disciples who enter the inner sect every year. After five years, those who become core disciples are usually in the single digits. Only after years of accumulation in each mountain peak can there be so many disciples. A few to twenty core disciples."

There is a female student named Zhou Mengling, whose family runs a pawn shop in the county, and has been sensitive to numbers since she was a child.There was a shrewdness in his eyes: "That's not right, alchemy in your 20s, the life span of alchemy is several hundred years, even if there is only one core disciple in Beiyuan Peak every year, there should be more than 100."

Yu An sighed: "Hey... that's not how the account is calculated. After becoming a core disciple, he will often go out and do many dangerous things for the sect. Some come back every two or three years, and more will never come back after going down the mountain. not coming."

Among the disciples with him, there was a talented senior brother who formed alchemy at the age of 24. He was the pride of their fellow disciples at that time.Four months after going down the mountain the year before last, the soul jade slip placed in the sect shattered.

It is not even clear where and why the senior brother died.At that time, several elders in the peak were also very distressed.

Zhou Mengling heard the sadness in his words, and tilted her head to look at the scenery.

And Jiang Sheng asked again: "Brother Yu, which mountain has the most core disciples? Is it Xijun Peak?"

The man in golden clothes is obviously in the alchemy stage, and he is still wearing the clothes of the inner sect. He must be a core disciple. He wants to ask for some information.

Yu An thought for a while: "No, they are all about the same. Although Xijun Peak has a large number of people, the probability of producing core disciples is high. But..."

He shook his head: "They are good at attacking and attacking, and they are more suitable for carrying out missions outside, so they are the most sent out, and there are not many left."

This is the foundation on which the Five Elements Sect has survived for thousands of years.The higher the ability, the more outstanding the talent, the more it has to be tempered, and the greater the responsibility for the sect.Jiang Sheng secretly praised in his heart.

The tall and thin disciple breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we have just entered the inner sect, and we still have five years of comfortable life."

Yu An smiled: "How is that possible? After learning the cultivation method of the foundation building period, you will go out to perform tasks in half a month!"

"Half a month?! We can't learn anything, what are we going out for?" The disciple with a mole on the corner of his mouth picked out his ears, don't get it wrong again.

"Very often, three new disciples, plus a senior brother and sister in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and a senior brother and sister in the late stage of foundation establishment, to perform some simple tasks. It happens every year." Yu An seems to have forgotten that many years ago, he also So surprised and panicked.

On this point, Jiang Sheng was not surprised.After all, it is a person who has experienced it, so it is a good thing to understand.Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles is not enough to build a car behind closed doors.

He himself followed the old ghost behind closed doors, what happened in the end?It was ruined, and it was not even prepared for a sneak attack.

"Then our peak, there are a total of fourteen new disciples, three in one group, not five groups." Zhou Mengling is really sensitive to numbers, and immediately discovered the problem.

Yu An gave Zhou Mengling a thumbs up: "Junior Sister is so smart! But it's not like this, it's three new disciples from any mountain, and two disciples with high realms."

"Xijun Peak has always had the largest number of people over the years, and there may be a group of five people, all four of whom belong to West Junfeng."

Jiang Sheng's eyes brightened. In this case, when the time comes, together with the disciples of Xijun Peak who are in the same group...to inquire about the information of the core disciples, there may be some clues.

On the first night of becoming an inner sect disciple, Jiang Sheng enjoyed the affluence of the sect.He is a small new disciple, and he has an independent small courtyard, which is simple and simple, much better than the small Taoist temple.

He dug a small bamboo tree from the outside, took out a dark red flower pot from the jade pendant, planted it by the bedside, and threw fourteen pages of broken chess records beside the pillow.

Lying down there, smelling the smell of Hsinchu, flipping through the chess records.

Changing soup without changing medicine, changing land without changing people, I feel like I am back home again.

(End of this chapter)

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