Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 28 Grouping

Chapter 28 Grouping
At the foot of Beiyuan Peak, beside the deep pool.

Old disciples, they have completed their cultivation one after another.

Seeing the younger brothers and younger sisters frowning, scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks, they were all watching the fun there, and they were like this back then.

"In this group, within five days, I guess no one can resist the noise." Some disciples judged.Their true energy is strong, and the sound of spitting out can still be heard nearby.

"It's not certain, our Senior Brother Sun last year, it took three and a half days." Another female disciple disagreed.

"Then Senior Brother Sun is luck. Like our three masters of Beiyuan, they have such firm willpower after five days. Don't forget, they are less than 20 years old this year! How many young people are as stable as I was back then?" Peng Liang Big words are not ashamed.


At the beginning, like other new disciples, Jiang Sheng couldn't enter the state of cultivation.

I tried a dozen times on the edge of the pool, and failed again and again. My mentality changed from anticipation, to anxiety, to numbness, and then to meaninglessness.

It seems that cultivation itself should be a failure, and he just insists on doing it over and over again.

Just like trying to control the steering of the flying knife back then, it also failed for two consecutive days.

I don't know whether it's because of adapting to the huge sound environment, or because the surrounding air is densely covered with water attributes, and the mental method of operation gradually reacted.

In fact, the biggest reason is that his predecessor has practiced for decades, and his control over his state of mind surpasses that of his peers around him.

For thousands of years at Beiyuan Peak, it took three days for the fastest disciples to perform exercises by the pool.

Unbeknownst to Jiang Sheng, he accidentally broke the record.

He ran it over and over again, and the foundation-building mentality taught by Elder Su gradually filled his dantian, which was much better than when he just built the foundation 20 days ago!

Feeling the fullness of his dantian, he did not stop practicing.Instead, he recalled what Elder Tong said about the Water Jue today.

If Elder Su is teaching his disciples how to make money, then Elder Tong is teaching his disciples how to spend the money in their hands in the most cost-effective way.

Water Jue, the basic skill of the water system.Let the non-attribute true energy in the dantian release water spells.

Almost all cultivators in this world have mixed spiritual roots.When cultivating, absorb the aura of various attributes between the heaven and the earth, and turn it into ordinary true energy mixed in the body.

If the spiritual root in someone's body is close to the aura of the wind attribute, then the real qi in the body can release the wind-type kung fu with the greatest power.

And Jiang Sheng, from an ordinary little scholar, reshaped by chance and coincidence, is the water spirit root of pure attribute.

Therefore, for Jiang Sheng, the Shui Xing Jue is as easy as turning a palm and observing patterns in practice.

He just operated according to the exercises, and when his heart moved, the water curtain for body protection came at his beck and condensed around his body, forming a thin layer of defense.Although, the defense at this moment is very weak.

Jiang Sheng controlled his dantian and manipulated his true energy with ease.With the speed of true energy release, the water curtain is also changing from thick to thin.

Zhou Mengling and the others wailed about the reason of heaven, and they didn't even succeed in absorbing spiritual energy.Jiang Sheng has already condensed the water curtain.

Not only these new disciples, but also the brothers and sisters who were still discussing at that meeting were also speechless.

Peng Liang shook his head and woke up from his stupor.

Stretching out a finger, he yelled: "Only one day?" Excited, he yelled with his throat, forgetting to condense his true energy in his throat.

He pointed at Jiang Sheng, and then at himself: "This junior brother! A genius?! The talent is even better than mine?!"

Completely disregarding whether others could hear him, and forgetting his own talent, it took seven days to successfully enter the cultivation state.

Although everyone wanted to ask Jiang Sheng how he did it, no one really bothered him.For a new exercise, the first experience is very important, let him realize it slowly.

The dejected ones, the mournful ones, the glaring ones... have different expressions, but they are all sighing in their hearts.

It is said that the way of heaven is fair, so why is this?

Half a month passed quickly.

Tomorrow is the time for the new disciples to go out and perform tasks.

Elder Tong did not preach this morning, but arranged for the new disciples to draw task lots.

She pointed to the pitch-black box in Yu An's hand: "Everyone draws one, which is their own group number. In the afternoon, the group leader—that is, the inner disciple of the late foundation establishment stage, will come to you."

Yu An waited until the childish and pleasant voice had completely disappeared before adding it.

"There are 150 new inner disciples in the sect. They are divided into 51 groups. Each group has three new disciples. Of course, there is also the last group with two."

"The peaks are also drawn according to the number of people. I have received [-] lots. I don't know how many groups it is."

"For example, Zhou Mengling got the third lottery. Donglin Peak's A and Zhongkun Peak's B also got the third lottery. Then you are in three groups."

"In the afternoon, the sect will arrange for 52 late-stage foundation-establishment and mid-stage foundation-establishment disciples to draw lots respectively. The disciples of the late foundation-establishment stage who are drawn into three groups will be your team leader. They will be in charge of contacting the four team members to set off together."

Hou Jun muttered in a low voice: "Why do you put so much effort into it? Isn't it enough for us to directly arrange three new disciples and two senior brothers at Beiyuan Peak?"

Although the voice was low, Elder Tong heard it clearly: "It was like this many years ago, but there were drawbacks."

Elder Tong was not angry, and patiently explained: "For example, the disciples of Beiyuan Peak have practiced for several years, and all they see are water-type exercises. Will they encounter enemies from the fire-type or metal-type in the future? Do you know how to deal with them?"

Jiang Sheng understood as soon as he heard it, the sect naturally had long-term considerations.

On the one hand, it is the problem of vision mentioned by Elder Tong.

On the other hand, when going out to perform missions, disciples of various departments communicate and cooperate, which should also be for the cohesion of the sect.Otherwise, the five mountains will fight each other, and the disciples will only recognize the peaks but not the sect...

In less than a few hundred years, it is estimated that it will be divided into five sects.Where did the Five Elements Sect that has been passed down for thousands of years come from?
Elder Tong went on to say: "That's why the sect disrupted all the disciples and drew lots to decide. Let's start drawing lots next!"

The tall and thin one smoked first, seventeen groups.

Jiang Sheng is second, group nine.


Coincidentally, Zhou Mengling and Hou Jun drew the same, 22 sets.

Jiang Sheng didn't care who he was in the same group with, he just thought about how much news he knew about the disciples of Xijun Peak who were in the same group.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the ninth team who found him in the afternoon was actually Peng Liang.

"Junior Brother Jiang! Are you excited? Being in the same group as me, isn't it like a dream?! Haha" Peng Liang patted Jiang Sheng on the shoulder, as if I was taking care of you.

"Originally, I was the leader of the [-]th group. What a coincidence, there were three new disciples of Xijunfeng in that group... a guy from the same county in Xijunfeng took the lottery of the [-]th group and exchanged it with me. .” Of course, he was given a few spirit stones.

Jiang Sheng was speechless, and what made him even more helpless was that Peng Liang had already contacted all the team members.

There are three new disciples, one each from Jiang Sheng, Zhongkun Peak, and Nanyan Peak.

One person in the middle stage of foundation establishment, a second-year disciple of Dong Linfeng.

Together with himself, the nine groups are complete.

Xijun Peak, which has the largest number of people, actually doesn't have any?This luck is too bad.


Jiang's business was in a slump, and he was not interested in performing the task. He was only here to inquire about the man in the golden coat.

Jiang Sheng ran to the foot of the mountain again, and went to practice exercises at the water pool.

Today, he tried it. After the Cangyuan sword was infused with true energy, he stabbed straight at the huge water column in the center of the waterfall, wanting to see if he could penetrate it and how powerful it was.

A little bit worse, the Cangyuan sword didn't touch the rock behind the waterfall.

After all, with a height of more than 1000 feet and such a huge water flow, the impact force is amazing!He rushed the sword directly into the pool.He was so frightened that his thoughts moved, and he quickly called back the sword.


Cang Yuanjian floated in the air, planning to try again.From his point of view, the line of sight, the Cangyuan sword, and the water column of the waterfall form a straight line.

Eh!If the color of the Cangyuan Sword were a little darker, it would be about the same color as the waterfall in the distance.Yes, the light blue sword light on the Cangyuan sword and the blue water column in the waterfall are somewhat similar.

As soon as he thought about it, he was ready to try again.

Suddenly, he felt that the color of the Cangyuan Sword seemed to have changed a bit, and it was closer to the waterfall!

(End of this chapter)

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