Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 31 Smile and Blush

Chapter 31 Smile and Blush

Five Elements Sect, Wuming Peak.

Nie Huang thought about it and probably understood.

If the sect doesn't know the list is leaked, it may be dangerous to know which group of disciples it is.

The sect knows that if the task is terminated, the millennium sect will scare more than 200 disciples from carrying out the task, which will damage the sect's reputation.

Besides, for the new disciple mission once a year, the teachers mobilize the crowd to draw lots and plan the mission location... It is too childish to stop as soon as it is said, and the disciples will also have opinions.

The sect knows, if the mission is not terminated, how many experts will be sent to protect it?And I don't know which group the enemy is planning and where to start?

Nie Huang spoke again: "Shall I call the core disciples who haven't left yet?"

Qin Wenting nodded: "This is the only way."

After Nie Huang left, Qin Wenting was still thinking about it.Tao and Xie couldn't figure out what happened in the outer sect a few days ago.Compared with today's incident, is the person responsible for it alone, and what is the purpose behind it.

Weaken the strength of my Five Elements Sect?To suppress the sect's reputation?
In this complete list, the number of people I met yesterday is no more than two hands, who could it be?

I hope that the disciples of all groups will be more cautious.

Wind and rain, sooner or later, have to face.


Leaving the Zongmen, just five miles away, the nine groups landed on a small hill.

"The sect is really stingy. After entering the inner sect, each person will be given a low-grade spiritual weapon, and Yujian's flight will not last long." Jiang Chao of Zhongkun Peak was panting, and he was fat, and it was his responsibility to fly five miles The limit is reached.

Jiang Sheng just remembered this. Not every new disciple has a middle-grade spiritual weapon like him, and his true energy is strong.

"The mission is within one month, and the locations are in three places. The shortest route is two thousand miles away." Peng Liang felt dizzy for a while, forgetting to maintain his predecessor's demeanor: "Flying thirty miles a day, it takes more than two months just to travel? Just kidding!"

What he said is right, every time I fly five miles, I meditate and practice.It takes more than half an hour to replenish the true energy, so it really doesn't work.

Jiang Sheng suddenly asked: "After the task is completed, what is the reward?" If you can't finish it, you can't finish it, unless there is some good reward.

Peng Liang shook his head: "In the past, it was just some spirit stones. Add points, and if you complete one item, you will get ten points. If you have more points, you can exchange them for exercises, weapons, pills, etc. in the sect."

Miao Wenzhi then asked: "Brother Peng, how did you solve the problem of traveling when you were a new disciple?"

"Hold the spirit stone in your hand, and during the flight, use your mind to consume the spirit stone to replenish your true energy." Peng Liang was a little ashamed: "New disciples only have a few spirit stones in their hands, and they are usually half-borrowed and half-given by old disciples for support." Some. But... I don’t have any spirit stones left.”

It's really embarrassing, he almost lost the bet on his Lingshi a few days ago.

Jiang Sheng did the math: "One piece a day can fly almost a hundred miles."

Then, he took out 40 yuan of low-grade spirit stones from the jade pendant and distributed them to Miao Wenzhi and Jiang Chao: "20 yuan each, plus supplements for cultivation at night, two thousand miles is enough."

The eyes of Miao Wenzhi and Jiang Chao were completely dazzled by the sparkling spirit stone.

Jiang Chao stared at the Lingshi, and his mouth was almost drooling: "Jiang Sheng, even if you haven't used a piece of Lingshi from the outer gate until now, it's only 11 yuan!" It took seven yuan.

Miao Wenzhi was a little better. He gained the two yuan that Qinghe County had bet on at the beginning, and now he still has eight yuan.

Fang Shuibai was also surprised for a moment, and then returned to normal.I thought that he probably exchanged the middle-grade spirit stones for one hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Peng Liang had the same expression as Jiang Chao and the others at first, and then he was relieved when he remembered.

"A few days ago, Junior Brother Jiang defeated the challenger from Xijun Peak and won 40 yuan. It seems that I lent it to you."

"We at Beiyuan Peak have always been generous and generous, and we are eager for others' needs!" Peng Liang's habit of bragging and talking nonsense has come out again.As proud as if the spirit stone was taken out by him.

Fang Shuibai murmured thoughtfully, "It's quite powerful."

My own judgment was wrong, and I won it myself.

The last judgment was wrong, he is the master of that Taoist temple.

She is young, but her mind is sharp, and her judgment on things is generally not wrong.So she tilted her head and glanced in Jiang Sheng's direction.

Coincidentally, Jiang Sheng seemed to have heard her murmured praise, and looked at her sideways.

Looking at each other, she smiled at him and gestured with her thumb.The smooth wrist, set off by the sapphire bracelet, turned a little whiter.

Jiang Sheng saw her smile for the first time.There was a misunderstanding in the Taoist temple last time, where is the smile coming from.

Although he knew it was a polite smile, it looked so natural.

This... Jiang Sheng felt that his face was hot, and his face was probably blushing!

It's no wonder that the little scholar studied since he was a child and didn't go out very much.

After entering the sect, Hong Xiu, Miao Wenzhi and the others only communicated with him on occasions with many people, and he didn't think they were so pretty.

Hmm... at least the word "pretty" didn't pop up.

Seeing his blushing, Fang Shuibai smiled again when his face had just returned to normal.

This time there was no politeness, it was a real laugh.

Last time I saw him explain the layout of the Taoist temple, and he had some hidden weapons in his hands, he didn't look like such a shy person.

Seeing her laugh again, Jiang Sheng knew why, even his ears were red this time.

Coughed in embarrassment: "No, just one person won, and the three are just extra bets."

He hurriedly concealed the reason for his blushing—it wasn't as severe as what Peng Liang said.

Fortunately, Miao Wenzhi and Jiang Chao's eyes were on the spirit stone.Peng Liang didn't know where his eyes were, his mind was in the clouds.

He made up his mind that if he had a chance another day, he would return the mid-grade spirit stone to her alone.Borrowing those few days and the damaged herbs are not worth such a precious gift.

Perhaps, he didn't want to be underestimated by her?Jiang Sheng didn't notice it himself.

The way girls communicate is really different from that of men.

In just a quarter of an hour, Miao Wenzhi and Fang Shuibai got together and chattered endlessly.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Jiang Sheng wouldn't believe that they just met this morning.

"Jiang Sheng, do you know? Sister Fang was born in the same year and the same month as me, she entered the inner sect last year!"

Miao Wenzhi took Fang Shuibai's arm, and showed Jiang Shengxian his new friend: "It's better than you!"

In the evening of that day, Jiang Sheng said goodbye to everyone and went back to Wushan Town.

Talk to the lame fifth about the affairs of the sect, and have a meal with him.

I went to find Wei Ziming again at night, and simply gave him the Foundation Establishment Pill a few months ago.With short hands, he can rest assured of the life of the lame fifth.

Wei Ziming is grateful for the words of gratitude and vows, and will not elaborate.


Seven days later, nine groups of figures appeared in Baihua Valley, hundreds of miles away from Yunluo Mountain Range.

Here is the simplest task, ten Ningshen flowers that have grown for more than 30 years.

Baihua Valley is surrounded by green hills on both sides.

As the name suggests, the interior scenery of the valley is colorful and colorful.

Among the tangled grass on the green hill, four figures were hidden.

Three people are either lying on their backs or lying on their backs.The fourth person lay there, raised his head slightly, and stared at the young disciples of the nine groups in Gu Nei.

(End of this chapter)

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