Chapter 47
Five Elements Sect, Nanyan Peak.

Hu Gan, the leader of the peak, looked at Feng Jiuge in front of him.

Her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, her starry eyes dimmed, and the fiery red color on her Taoist robe seemed to have lost some of its luster: "Peak Master. Recently, rumors have become more and more serious among the disciples in the peak. Is there no news about Zhou Yan in the sect? "

Hu Gan's tall body was nearly a head taller than Feng Jiuge's.He sighed and shook his head: "Who killed Zhou Yan, the sect has no definite news for a long time."

"I think the man in black with the spear that Miao Wenzhi mentioned must have lured Zhou Yan into their ambush." ​​Feng Jiuge judged.

After all, the man in black was not Zhou Yan's opponent at all. They had asked Miao Wenzhi carefully about the situation in the battle that day, and more than once.

Hu Gan nodded: "There is no doubt about it. There are not many people in Jindan Realm who can kill Zhou Yan. And if it is a person in Nascent Soul Realm...then go directly to Yinyang Mountain, You can kill all nine groups of disciples, so why let the man in black go there?"

Feng Jiuge thought for a while: "Perhaps, that person noticed that Tong Yan was there, and was afraid of being recognized?"

Hu Gan shook his head: "It's probably true. We disciples of Nanyan Peak have been talking about Zhou Yan?"

"It's more than that. Now there are rumors..." Feng Jiuge took a step in Hu Gan's direction, approaching his ear, and lowered his voice: "Speaking of the suzerain... it's time to change."

Hu Gan raised his thick black eyebrows, and asked back: "Who dares to talk nonsense?! Who?"

Singer Feng Jiu pressed down and signaled Hu Gan to lower his voice: "Don't take the rumors seriously. You should let...let Senior Brother Xi sit in the sect."

Hu Gan looked at Feng Jiuge, who was close at hand, and stared carefully into her eyes, as if trying to see something from them.He naturally knew about Feng Jiuge's affection for Xi Qingyun.

"No matter what others say, such rumors are not allowed in Nanyan Peak! It's just nonsense."

Although Hu Gan thought highly of himself, he never disrespected Qin Wenting in the slightest.

Many years ago, Qin Wenting saved his life, and he hasn't paid anything in return. Supporting Qin Wenting is the minimum.

Similar rumors are not limited to Nanyan Peak.

Wang Qian, who had been traveling for nearly two years, had just returned to the Five Elements Sect when he was blocked by Tong Yan in the Beiyuan Hall.

"Old Wang, you're back!" Wang Qian's impression of kindness over the years made Tong Yan have no fear of him, and even the peak master didn't bother to shout.

It's also because she's smaller than both Wang Qian and Su Wenjing, so she's a little bit small.

Wang Qian is of medium build and looks to be in his 50s.Throwing it into the crowd, it is not inconspicuous at all, just like a little old man by the field.

He was dressed in gray coarse cloth, which was worn but clean.

He was born with a smile, no different from the simple and honest old man who is fond of his grandchildren.

In comparison, Su Wenjing looked more like the peak master, Tong Yan muttered in her heart more than once.

As soon as he thought of Su Wenjing, he came in.

"Peak Master." Su Wenjing was not as big or small as Tong Yan, after saluting, his waist was straight again.

Wang Qian chuckled twice, and wrinkles crept up the corners of his eyes: "Wen Jing, I haven't seen you for two years, why do you look younger!"

Then he raised his eyebrows meanly: "What's the matter, is there a girl with the right appetite among the new disciples? Isn't she handsome?"

No wonder Tong Yan is not very afraid of him, it does seem a bit unreliable.

Su Wenjing seemed to be immune to this kind of ridicule, as if he hadn't heard it.

"Peak Master, in the past six months, there have been a few things in the sect that you should know about." Su Wenjing ignored Wang Qian's teasing, and began to report what he thought should be reported.

Starting from Guiergu, the new disciple's mission was intercepted, Zhou Yan was murdered, rumors spread within the sect... Su Wenjing was concise and concise, and quickly finished the report.

Tong Yan also frowned slightly, and added: "Even among the disciples of our peak, there are rumors that the sect's prestige is deteriorating, and the sect master's ability and prestige are not satisfactory.

Tong Yan didn't deliberately lower her voice.Beiyuan Peak has always been aloof from the rest of the world, with the worst results in martial arts competitions, and the disciples are relatively low-key outside. It stands to reason that no one should be interested in the rumors of the sect.

Wang Qian's natural smile gradually became serious.

He rolled his eyes: "What's Qin Wenting's attitude?"

Su Wenjing replied: "He verbally said that rumors among disciples are not allowed, but in fact he did not take any action. As for those few things, he only arranged for two core disciples to go out to investigate, and did not take any serious measures."

Wang Qian nodded, and his eyes became less serious again: "Hey, Hu Gan, are you going crazy? Have you demolished Nanyan Peak? Hey..."

Su Wenjing was a little helpless.Wang Qian's attention, unexpectedly, after Zhou Yan's death, Hu Gan became distraught...

He didn't answer, just said his farewell lightly, turned and left.Wang Qian was left standing there smiling awkwardly, not annoyed at Su Wenjing's impolite behavior.

Tong Yan was also about to leave, after thinking about it, she told the situation that there were only thirteen disciples left among the fourteen newcomers to Beiyuan Peak this year.

When talking about Jiang Sheng, Tong Yan was full of joy, and talked about Jiang Sheng's talent and his performance when the nine groups went out.

Wang Qian also smiled happily: "Yeah? Is this a genius?! Have you joined Peng Liang and the others and become one of the four masters of Beiyuan?"

Like Su Wenjing, Tong Yan left with great feeling and helplessness.

Only Wang Qian was left in Beiyuan Hall, and he didn't care about his appearance, just sat there on the ground, tilting his head, thinking about something.

There are no waves without wind, who is it that wants to drive Lao Qin out of power?
Xi Qingyun succeeding the peak master?He should not be in Jingping's country, is it his previous arrangement or someone else?
Wang Qian, who didn't care about anything on the surface, also fell into thinking.Of course he is not an ordinary old man in the field, but the master of Beiyuan Peak who has experienced too many storms in the Five Elements Sect.

The nameless peak, in Qin Wenting's small courtyard.

Haifengque stood on Qin Wenting's right arm, flapped its wings twice, and lowered its head to eat something from his hand.

Qin Wenting took out a piece of paper from the brass pipe on its foot.

Wanluo Commercial House in Huxiang County was ransacked last night.There were 12 people in the courtyard from the shopkeeper to the deacon, and none of them survived.Precious goods were lost and shops were burned.

Qin Wenting sighed, and the situation intensified.

Lao Song from Huxiang County was murdered and carjacked a few months ago.An older and stable person was transferred from the core disciples, who used to be in charge of the firm, but unexpectedly...

Combined with the news brought by Elder Tao yesterday, the rumors of disciples in the sect continued to be suppressed repeatedly, and they even talked about their own head...

The rain is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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