Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 65 Lonely

Chapter 65 Lonely
Although Jiang Sheng is not proficient in temperament, he can still recognize it.

A scholar who used to be an aspiring scholar who used to take the exam as his ambition, he recited a lot of poems and songs, and he also dabbled in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But in a small place like Wushan Town, not many people have these refined tastes, and Jiang Sheng only knows a little bit about it.

That Wang Qian, dressed in coarse cloth, has no elegant and dusty temperament, he doesn't seem to be a person who is obsessed with silk and bamboo.

As he walked around the cave, he became more certain that the music scores that could be seen everywhere on the wall were not left by Wang Qian.

Because a bamboo flute was inserted obliquely in the gap of a stone, covered with cobwebs.

If it was Wang Qian, he would never treat his beloved like this.Perhaps, before Wang Qian, this cave was the place of the former seniors of the Zongmen.

Jiang Sheng shook his head, it had nothing to do with him.

He walked to the bright place at the entrance of the cave, leaned against the crooked neck tree, touched the jade pendant around his waist, took out three things from it, and placed them on the ground.

The first one was Elder Yu's long sword recovered from the dead middle-aged man.

The second piece is a dark brown scabbard with fish scales.

The hilt of the Cangyuan sword was still there, and after a flick, there was a "choking" sound inside, which was caused by the shaking of the long sword fragments.

When it was destroyed by Tao Zhengxiong, Wei Jingyun sealed his body, and when he left the martial arts field, he conveniently put away the fragments.

The third one was given to him by Fang Quan, a top-grade spiritual weapon rewarded by the emperor.

Half a year ago, he didn't even have a spiritual weapon long sword.Now Sanbing, I don't know whether to say lucky or sad.

He thought about it, and put away the first two.One belonged to Elder Yu, and the other was given to him by Elder Yu.In the future, they will all be buried in front of the elder's tomb.

Jiang Sheng picked up the third one, whirling the dark blue scabbard.

I thanked Fang Quan in my heart, and then drew out the long sword.

This sword is slightly wider and longer than the Cangyuan Sword, but the thickness is almost the same.

A drop of blood dripped in, and the long sword trembled slightly in his hand, as if alive.A high-grade spirit weapon is indeed extraordinary.

He stood at the entrance of the cave, with the boundless lake in his eyes.With a thought, the long sword made a clear sound and stopped above a reef not far away.

Suddenly, a flood dragon emerged from the sword body, with bearded horns on its head, long tail like a snake, fine phosphorus on its body, and sharp claws.

The dragon circled around, and the condensed water cut below him reappeared, but in the water flow, there was faint light and shadow of sharp claws.

The reef was cut and separated, and its power was stronger than when Peng Liang tested the rockery that day.

Neither he nor Fang Quan knew, maybe the emperor didn't understand either.

This sword was originally owned by the former royal family of Jingping Kingdom hundreds of years ago.There was a son of heaven who possessed mixed spiritual roots. Although his cultivation level was low, he liked to flaunt himself as the immortal emperor.

In order to meet their preferences, some refining sects tried their best to find the remnant claws of the evil dragons, and added materials such as green tide stones to refine them.

Therefore, this sword can condense the phantom of the flood dragon.It is also in line with the temperament of the real dragon emperor of the royal family. The emperor was overjoyed and gave the sect a treasured land in the fairy mountain, which was very beautiful for a while.

After staying up until midnight and the middle of the night, Jiang Sheng came to the other side of Beiyuan Peak.

At night, except for the roar of the waterfall as usual, there was no one around.

The water curtain for body protection emerged, and he plunged into the second heaven, and began to practice familiarly.

Day after day, Jiang Sheng started a monotonous life.

The time of practicing at night actually passes quickly, but the most difficult time is during the day.

During the day, the true energy of the body is condensed into the water curtain, without the impact of the waterfall, and the consumption is very small.And if you practice swords, you can't fly around with your sword during the day.

He only knows how to condense the water, and according to his state, he has basically reached the bottleneck and cannot improve.

Ever since he entered the inner sect, he hadn't listened to a few lectures, either going out of the sect with the nine groups to complete the mission, or going to Jingping County to participate in the martial arts competition.

At this moment, he is full of regrets.Looking forward to when the two elders will come to teach him the exercises.

Using Condensing Water Slash over and over again, all the reefs within a few tens of feet were cut to pieces by him.

The small stones in the cave were used by him as a hidden weapon, and they burst out through the wind, and fell into the distant lake after a long time, splashing waves that could not be seen one by one.


He sat at the entrance of the cave and watched the lake for half an hour.No matter how magnificent the lake is, staring at it every day is extremely boring.

The reason why people are different from flowers, birds, fish and insects lies in communication.

Since ancient times, humans have lived in groups.The communication between people leads to the cooperation of hunting food and the collision of ideas.

Later, because of the competition for territory and interests, alliances or wars occurred, and spheres of influence and rulers emerged from this.

At this moment, Jiang Sheng was sitting at the entrance of the cave, like a spider living alone.

Spiders still have the necessary work of weaving webs to catch prey, but he, a cultivator in the foundation period, doesn't even need food and water.

Normally speaking, although there are great practitioners who have retreated for many years, it is only to break through the pass.

This is what they fear most in Wu Wenzhong, loneliness.

A day or two is okay, but it takes a little longer. It is difficult for a young man of seventeen or eighteen to bear this feeling.

In fact, Jiang Sheng was several times better at enduring loneliness than other people of the same age.

After the old ghost of his predecessor passed away, he either stayed in the small Taoist temple to practice, or traveled alone through mountains and rivers, looking for spiritual herbs to exchange for spiritual stones. He has already become very adaptable to loneliness.

And in this little scholar's memory, he stayed at home behind closed doors and read the classics for a whole day, so he was more or less a person who could endure loneliness.

Bored, he recalled the things left by Taoist Cangyuan in his mind several times. Although there are two kinds of secret techniques, the simple one can only be tried after at least forming an alchemy, and the other is impossible to start at all. Obviously, the threshold is even higher. high.

Poor Jiang Sheng was so bored that he cleaned the cave several times from inside to outside.

Lying on the ground, condense the body protection water curtain, and then roll around, like a humanoid mop.

He sat at the entrance of the cave, facing the sun, and the top-grade sword was like a long mirror.Reflect the sunlight into the hole, here and there, like a half-witted child.

The spiders in the corner, the moss in the wet place, the small tree shaking its branches and leaves at the entrance of the hole when the wind blows...all are tools for him to pass the time.

He took out the bamboo flute from the crevice of the stone, cleaned the dust, and tried to play it against a music score on a stone wall.

He is not proficient in rhythm.However, he can still understand the basic notes on the wall, Shang, Chi, Gong, Fan, Liu, Wu, Yi.

After stumbling, he played a dozen notes, and then he found something wrong.

That's not quite right, although it's only superficial, and it can't even be called an introduction, but the connection of notes in the two or three places in the middle can be said to have no rhythmic beauty.

It's like a tune composed by someone who doesn't know any melody.

However, in this music score, there are clearly symbols such as legato and repeat, which cannot be recorded by people who are familiar with rhythm.

Jiang Sheng is more stubborn, could it be that his tactics are wrong?
Puffing out his cheeks, he tried again and again, the first two lines on the wall.

On the contrary, he became more and more proficient, and the opening and closing of the fingers became more flexible.The problem is, the two or three places in the middle are still extremely ugly.

Could it be that blowing a tune to relieve boredom requires the circulation of true energy?
(End of this chapter)

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