Chapter 75
Tao Zhengxiong is worried about the end of both jade and stone.

Fortunately, Feng Tianhua shook his head.

"It's the best strategy to hurt both sides. Unless it's a last resort, I won't make such a risky move. Besides me, there are other masters planning, no matter how many, I don't fully understand."

Feng Tianhua himself also understood that at most he would get a piece of the pie.It is not a chess player, at most it is an important chess piece.

But he doesn't care, as long as the Five Elements Sect is weakened, it will be a huge benefit to him and Tianjimen anyway.

He, Feng Tianhua, might not be able to become the No. 1 in Jingping Country, but when Yun Yi grows up, that's not certain.

As for Tao Zhengxiong, there are not many successful people in the sect, even if they get the benefits in the moment, they will not be able to keep them after a few years.

Without strong strength, how can there be a future?


During Jiang Sheng's three years in Shidong, the Five Elements School was still not peaceful.

Among the disciples of the sect, there were many rumors.

It's not purely fabricated rumors, because the words passed on by the disciples are true.

After Huxiang County, the commercial firms in two more counties were looted in the past three years.

The prices of the auction items were maliciously raised, causing the business of the sect's auction house to go from bad to worse.

Among the elixirs sold in the alchemy hall and refined by Donglin Peak, there were also a few useless medicines inexplicably.Those who hurt people's tendons, those who are delirious...the list goes on.

After checking and checking, nothing happened.

A low-grade spiritual weapon refined by Nanyan Peak was inexplicably cracked when it was put on the shelves of Wanluo Trading Company.

What's more, the outer disciples hadn't bigu yet, and in the food they ate, there were drugs like Sangong!Fortunately, the dose was not large and did not cause major problems.

While investigating, the deacon disciple who was in charge of eating and drinking died inexplicably.Even if he committed suicide in fear of crime, or someone silenced him, there is no way to find out.

These things have often appeared in the thousand-year history of the Five Elements Sect, but they are basically occasional mistakes.

It definitely won't be as frequent as it has been in recent years.

And these things, not many people knew about them originally, but every now and then, within three to five days, they spread all over the peaks.

In the small courtyard of Wuming Peak.

Law enforcement Elder Tao reported something.

Suzerain Qin Wenting sat quietly, his expression was not as calm as usual.

"Disciples are talking about it, and those who didn't participate in the discussion have heard about these things. And...someone should be deliberately spreading the word." Elder Tao added a sentence of his own judgment.

Nie Huang frowned: "There are unrest in the sect one after another. Sect master, this can't go on like this!"

Qin Wenting nodded: "In a few months, there will be the Jiazi Conference. From now on, until the five peaks contest, until the candidates are finalized, there must be no trouble."

Nie Huang understood that after this year's Wufeng martial arts competition, ten candidates representing the Five Elements Sect to participate in the Jiazi Conference will be selected.

Qin Wenting ordered: "Old Nie, you go and make arrangements. All the peak masters and elders in the Nascent Soul Realm in the five peaks will each take turns sitting in Zhongkun Peak for one day. They will release their spiritual consciousness non-stop and cover the entire sect. From today From then until next year's Jiazi Conference."

The range of consciousness in the Nascent Soul Realm can reach about a hundred miles.

The distance from Zhongkun Peak in the center of the five peaks to the other four peaks is within [-] to [-] miles.It is relatively easy to cover the entire sect.

"In addition, the selection will be carried out according to the previous ones. Each peak will recommend one alchemy disciple, and the remaining five will be selected in the future according to the ranking of this year's martial arts competition."

Nie Huang nodded. If the rankings were completely based on the competition, then among the last ten people, Xijun Peak would be in the majority, and the other peaks would have opinions.

What's more, in the Jiazi Conference, the competition is not only about force, but talent and perseverance are indispensable.

"I'll do it right away." Nie Huang and Elder Tao bid farewell and left.

Qin Wenting rubbed the center of his brows, he knew very well the importance of the Jiazi Conference.

As long as it is listed among the top ten sects in Dongyi Continent, it means that the sect still holds the Lingshi veins.

And in recent years, all these things happened because of this.

As long as the sect is not chaotic, after the Jiazi Conference, the turmoil will naturally dissipate.

If the Zongmen did not rank among the top ten sects, then the strength of the Zongmen would be seriously weakened.

Without the main source of spirit stones, the sect will definitely enter a 60-year period of decline.


It was chilly morning and night, and before I knew it, the frost had passed for several days.

Jiang Sheng has been in Wushan Town for three full months.

There is no Nine Heavens here, and there are no pools and springs. He sits in the room every night, consuming spirit stones for cultivation, which is quite effective.

The realm of the virtual alchemy stage has been stabilized, and now it is still slightly advanced, but there is still a huge gap from the real alchemy stage.

After the former body formed the alchemy, it took a few years to practice, and it was too early for the actual alchemy stage, let alone three months.

Jiang Sheng's greatest achievement is the condensed spiritual consciousness.

Now, his spiritual consciousness can be released as far as twenty miles away.It is twice as big as an ordinary Void Core cultivator!
Needless to say, this is the effect of the bamboo flute, the foundation laid in the cave.

For three months, Jiang Sheng stayed in Wushan Town, making sure that no one would come and endanger the safety of the lame fifth, before he prepared to return to the sect.

In a few days, it will be the day of Wufeng's martial arts competition.

It has been more than three and a half years since he joined the Five Elements Sect, and he has not been able to catch up with the grand occasion of a Wufeng martial arts competition.

In fact, not only him, but Fang Quan also never participated.However, he left Beiyuan Peak and returned directly to Wushan Town, and he still hasn't seen her.

That night, when saying goodbye to the lame fifth, the lame fifth was hesitating about something.

The wrinkles on the lame fifth's face seemed to be getting deeper: "Son, it might take you a few more years to go, dad..."

His voice was a little choked, trembling, he took out something from his body, and held it tightly in his hand.

"Father is getting old, I'll tell you something first, lest..."

Jiang Sheng was a little uneasy: "Father, don't say that, you will live a long life."

The lame fifth is just over 60 years old this year, and he has long thought about going to the auction in the future to buy a longevity pill.

It's called longevity, but it's actually just for mortals to take.It can prolong life and live up to a hundred years old.

The lame fifth didn't know what he was thinking, so he shook his head and interrupted him: "Listen to what Dad said. More than 40 years ago, Dad was in the middle of the river and brought you back."

Jiang Sheng knew about this a long time ago, and the lame fifth also knew that he knew.

"It was on you at the time. Dad never dared to tell you. It was because he was afraid... because he was afraid that you would leave home. Don't...don't blame him for being selfish." As he spoke, the lame fifth pulled Jiang Sheng over. hand, gritted his teeth, and stuffed it into his hand.

It's like giving up the most important thing in life.

Jiang Sheng looked down at the palm of his hand under the dim light.

A square sign, shorter than Pai Gow, and it is not clear what material it is made of.

There is a pattern engraved on the sign, which looks like words but not words, and looks like flowers but not flowers. It doesn't look like anything.He, who has read a lot of poetry and books, has no impression.

The lame fifth's voice was a little hoarse: "This should be left to you by your biological parents, you take care of it. It won't be mentioned in the future... There is still a day when we will meet each other."

(End of this chapter)

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