Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 83 The Change of 5 Xingzong

Chapter 83 Changes of the Five Elements Sect ([-])
When Nie Huang called out Jiang Sheng's name, Zou Yi reacted faster than Miao Wenzhi and Hong Xiu.

The name Jiang Sheng has never been forgotten by him.

He has been practicing hard and became the No.1 among those disciples.However, he didn't think he had succeeded until he completely defeated Jiang Sheng.

Because a few years ago, when he established his foundation and successfully entered the inner sect, he once thought he had won.

But Jiang Sheng killed Zhu Ling who was stronger than him on the front foot, and defeated Yang Xiao from West Junfeng on the back foot.It even frightened him to the point of shame.

However, there was no news from Jiang Sheng in the next few years, and he felt that all his hard work was like punching cotton.

A performance without an audience, no matter how wonderful or dazzling it is, seems so empty

Until just now, he heard Jiang Sheng's news again, and the audience finally came!

Then he chewed Nie Huang's words.The expressions range from surprise, longing, anticipation, confusion, doubt, panic, to frustration.

Since Elder Nie called out this name.

This means that Jiang Sheng, already a core disciple, has stepped into the realm of alchemy!
The one who reacted faster than Zou Yi was Fang Quan.

There was no obvious change in her expression, but in her heart, a stone fell to the ground, and she was relieved.

"The disciple is-"

Accompanied by the sound from far to near, Jiang Sheng stepped on the Longquan sword, and a blue light fell on the field.

"It's him?!" Xiao Wei couldn't help but let out a low cry.

How could Xiao Wei forget this little scholar who was in the martial arts field back then.From him, I won back a huge amount of spirit stones, except for cultivation, I have squandered them so far, and only used a small part of them.

"He's still alive?!" In Tao Zhengxiong's subconscious mind, Ye Yingfei was revenged by the Five Elements Sect only after he killed Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng was awakened by Elder He of Donglin Peak's shouts that spread throughout the sect.

He realized something, looking at the sky after noon... Oops!
Along with the answering sound, Jiang Sheng appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Qian looked at him contemptuously on the stone platform, then turned his head away.Damn, why did you still learn from that Xi Qingyun?Do you have to appear in the spotlight?Pretentious dead look.

"Zhongkun Peak, Xiang Ying—" Nie Huang called out the last person's name.

Everyone looked away from Jiang Sheng, and looked at the girl who walked out of Zhongkun Peak's disciples.

Jiang Sheng exhaled, tilted his head quietly, and unobtrusively, secretly aimed his gaze in the direction of Donglin Peak.

Coincidentally, Fang Quan also looked at him.No, to be precise, Fang Quan has been watching Jiang Sheng since his arrival.

Not seen for more than three years, he has grown taller.Now he is half a head taller than himself.However, the overall appearance is still weak.

With one glance, Jiang Sheng found her from the direction of Donglin Peak.After three years, she, who is also 20 years old, has also undergone some changes.

Mei Dai Chunshan, Qiushui cut pupils.The more watery, the whole person is like a quiet forest orchid, quiet as usual.

Pretty as a peach in three springs, as clear as a chrysanthemum in nine autumns.

Compared with that night in Jingping County, his figure is also more...

Graceful?Naughty?Or Pingting?The words in the little scholar's mind kept popping out.

When Jiang Sheng noticed that Fang Quan was looking at him with a slight smile, Jiang Sheng's face turned red.

He moved his eyes unnaturally, and then realized that Tao Zhengxiong and the others were also looking at him.

How are they here?He secretly pinched his thigh with his fingers, it wasn't a dream.

Sure enough, in the previously intercepted letter, the destination they met was indeed the Five Elements Sect.


The five disciples confirmed that the rest of the core disciples were below, and they began to compete.

Among the visitors, someone did not know who took out a huge futon from the storage artifact, several feet thick and several feet in radius.

The emperor sat in the middle, and the others also sat down one after another and began to watch the main show.

Today's competition among core disciples is much more intense than previous years.

There are only five places left for the Jiazi Conference, and everyone is eager to compete.

And there are other sects and emperors watching the fun, as the top disciples of the Five Elements Sect, they will naturally perform well and show off their glory.

With Peng Liang's defeat, the competition came to the last match.

Before Lin Xuan went on stage, he walked down the stage and whispered something in Hu Gan's ear.

Facing a core disciple of Zhongkun Peak, Lin Xuan unexpectedly took out a silver spear, the tip of which gradually emitted black light.

"Brother Lin...why did you use the gun?" Almost all the disciples had this question.

In the classification of the practice world, the Five Elements School belongs to the Sword Cultivation School, and basically all disciples use swords, unless they are lucky enough to get other high-grade spiritual weapons.

But in recent years, Lin Xuan is the undisputed number one disciple of the Five Elements Sect, and no one would believe that he does not have a high-grade sword.

With the appearance of Lin Xuan's spear, Hu Gan's gaze casually swept towards the direction of the uninvited guest.

Just now Lin Xuan whispered in his ear: "The matter of Zhou Yan has progressed. The man in black has been executed. The man's weapon is in my hands. The real murderer may be among those people. After a while, Hu Feng Lord take note."

Sure enough, when the spear glowed black, Xiao Wei was puzzled at first.After Lin Xuan let go of the spear, a black dragon rushed out from the tip of the spear. He confirmed that it was the possession of his former apprentice.

Xiao Wei's pupils shrank, a ray of true energy surged above his arms, and then he quickly returned to normal.

This subtle change did not escape Hu Gan's eyes.

Not surprisingly, even though he changed his weapon, Lin Xuan was still invincible, defeating Zhongkunfeng's man.

Zhongkunfeng's disciple was a little disappointed, but he left the field without regret. He was indeed no match for Lin Xuan.

The contest is all over.

Just when Nie Huang was about to announce that he had won the top five disciples, a voice came from among the guests.

"Our sect has a disciple. Although it is not as good as Lin Xuan of your sect...according to his strength, it should not be a problem to win the top three in the contest of your sect."

Although the voice was not very loud, it was mixed with a trace of true energy and spread throughout Zhongkun Peak.The one who spoke was the master of Yunlang sect.

A flash of understanding flashed in Qin Wenting's eyes, did he finally jump out?
The hot-tempered Hu Gan organized his retorting language, and was about to stand up and speak immediately.

"Brother Liang of the Yunlang Sect is right. Although my Vermilion Bird Sect is not talented, there is also a disciple who occasionally encounters, and his strength is slightly stronger than one or two of your sect."

The leader of Tianlei and Tao Zhengxiong are also waiting to speak.

Qin Wenting pressed in the direction of Hu Gan: "Everyone, what do you mean by this? Please speak directly."

Following his words, the sun was covered by clouds again, and the winter chill in Zhongkun Peak became stronger.

Tao Zhengxiong laughed heartily a few times to ease the atmosphere: "We selected three disciples to join the seven members of your sect to participate in the Jiazi Conference."

Most of the young disciples have confused eyes, what do you mean?
They clearly understood this sentence, but they didn't seem to understand it completely.The people nearby exchanged glances with each other, seeing confusion and puzzlement in each other's eyes...

Tong Yan seemed to think of something, her eyes were slightly cold.

Sure enough, what Tao Zhengxiong said again confirmed her thoughts.

"If you enter the top ten sects next year, in the next 60 years, the output of our spiritual veins will be divided between us and your sect. I don't know what Qin Zong thinks?"

(End of this chapter)

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