Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 92 Elder Xie's Guqin

Chapter 92 Elder Xie's Guqin
The colorful formation disappeared, and the gray sky appeared in everyone's eyes again.

Qin Wenting's heart sank, it's terrible.

From his successor to the present, he has never dared to forget the method of manipulating the mountain protection formation.

This is only known by the suzerain of each generation.

As long as the big formation covers the sect, he holding the token will be the absolute master of the big formation.

One thought can annihilate anyone in the formation.

Of course, if it is the strength of one king, one emperor, six kings, etc. in the legend, this big formation is probably useless.

Only in today's Zhongkun Peak, no one can escape his thought of attacking and killing.

In this way, the disciples can be avoided under the great battle.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong with the formation.

Last night, he personally looked at the center of the Great Formation at the top of Wuming Peak, and there was nothing abnormal.

According to the previous suzerain's explanation, if the big formation is not activated, the spirit stone in the formation will not need to be replaced for 1000 years.

He has never used a large formation, so he checks the formation points all over the sect every ten years.And I haven't looked closely at it recently.

Qin Wenting glanced at Hong Fei, trying to read something from his face.

Even if it is suspected that he has made a big move, there is no evidence at this moment, and it is not the time to pursue it.

Although Qin Wenting regretted and blamed himself, he could only forget about it temporarily and had to face the immediate crisis first.

Seeing the formation dissipate, Xing Kefan felt completely relieved.The last trace of instability was also eliminated.

Half a year ago, Hong Fei told him that the Zongmen formation had not been penetrated, but the hands and feet had been moved, and it should have an effect.

Without full confidence, Xing Kefan had no choice but to bite the bullet and plan.

After all, the Jiazi Conference is coming soon. Once the sect successfully enters the top ten, it will be another 60 years of stability, and he will not have such a good opportunity again.

At this moment, it was confirmed that the large formation had failed, and Hong Fei really lived up to his expectations.

"Brother Qin, those who know current affairs are heroes, let's make way!" Xing Kefan spoke again, Qin Wenting, who had lost his hole card, had no choice but to replace him today.

Hu Gan also thought that today could not be good. The long sword appeared in the air, like the hot sun, exuding a huge coercion.

On the futon, the head of the Yunlang Sect also released his realm, and a cool and moist air rose from the ground and rolled into the air, competing with the fiery heat.

Most of the disciples intuitively felt the power of the Nascent Soul Stage for the first time.

Before the two could make a real move, the imposing confrontation alone made them shudder, feeling like weeds in the wind and duckweed in the water.

Qin Wenting was most afraid of this situation.

If there is a real battle, he doesn't worry about winning or losing.However, most of the disciples who are in the foundation building period cannot bear the aftermath of a confrontation.

Jiang Sheng has experienced it himself.

During the competition that day, Tao Zhengxiong and Xing Kefan didn't use all their strength, and they were overturned and unconscious after a normal collision of moves.This was the result of Xing Kefan's obstruction.

In fact, Jiang Sheng didn't know.Xing Kefan had a purpose in saving him that day.

If Jiang Sheng was directly killed by Tao Zhengxiong, then life for life, Zhu Yongjie's death would be nothing more.

In that case, it would be meaningless to let Xiao Wei do the tricks that were arranged before.

Only by saving Jiang Sheng can the unfavorable situation and pressure be directed to the Five Elements School.

Lowering the prestige of the Five Elements Sect and damaging the image of the sect, these can be used to discredit Qin Wenting and paint a negative image of Qin Wenting during Qin Wenting's term of office.

Qin Wenting didn't stop Hu Gan, and Hu Gan was waiting for his order. Once Qin Wenting confirmed it, the overwhelming flames would completely cover the area around the futon.

Unexpectedly, Qin Wenting waved his fingers behind him.

Everyone in the field didn't understand what he meant.

Even Nie Huang was deeply surprised. Following Qin Wenting's gesture, he looked back curiously, not knowing what kind of medicine Qin Wenting was selling in his gourd.

Because, this signal, the entire Five Elements Sect, only two people know.

One is Qin Wenting, and the other is elder Xie from the outer sect.

In the eyes of everyone who didn't understand, Elder Xie, who was sitting upright, moved.

He didn't know where to touch it, and the next moment, something appeared in his arms.

It was... a taupe guqin.

Elder Xie played the qin with both hands, and the qi covered his hands, and the qin changed accordingly.

The taupe body of the qin turned fiery red, and the originally white and transparent strings glowed with silver light, and the whole qin became radiant and ancient.

He closed his eyes tightly and moved his fingers slightly on the strings.With the sound of several notes that shook the sky, Elder Xie's forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat.

Obviously very strenuous.

Jiang Sheng was stunned because he knew the song.

Behind Beiyuan Peak, in the cave under the cliff, there are many music scores carved on the stone wall.

The shortest one is only one and a half lines long.

Jiang Sheng tried to play almost all the scores in three years.And this song is the most abnormal.

Because it's so short, it's ridiculously short.It's like a composer who only writes a short two-beat melody, and then loses inspiration later.

Jiang Sheng thought at first that it was some senior in the cave who only carved more than one line, but was delayed by other things and did not continue to finish carving the score.

Once, he tried to play this incomplete short piece.

As a result, after playing three or four notes, he fainted.

Jiang Sheng can still remember that day when he closed his eyes and focused his attention, as a few notes sounded, he seemed to see a dense fog in his consciousness.

And in the dense fog, there are blue and black looming.From his "look", it was as if a black stone was covered in thick fog.

Then, he passed out without warning.

After waking up, Jiang Sheng felt dizzy and nauseated.This is the feeling of being overused.

At that time, Jiang Sheng was already in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. After the training of distracting his left and right, as well as the tempering of his spiritual consciousness in playing music scores, his spiritual consciousness has far surpassed other disciples of the same level.

Even so, after a few notes, his mental power was exhausted.

From then on, Jiang Sheng never dared to try this strange, unfinished very short score.

But today, this short piece of music was played in the hands of Elder Xie.

Jiang Sheng knew that this song must not be that simple.Otherwise, under the current situation, why did Elder Xie make such a move? Could it be that he was playing music to celebrate the new suzerain.

In an instant, more than half of the score has been played.In Jiang Sheng's memory, there are a total of one and a half lines of music score, and now he has played one line.

Inexplicably, a terrifying coercion enveloped everyone's hearts.

It was as if this song woke up the sleeping immortal above the nine heavens.

Most of the disciples of the inner sect fell to the ground, as if they were sifting chaff.

Even Jiang Sheng, Fang Quan and other alchemy stage disciples were pale and crumbling.In Lin Xuan's hand, the head of Wang Wei's long spear was stabbed to the ground, while he supported the long spear with both hands, frowning.

Tao Zhengxiong and the others were all shocked.

Xing Kefan shouted hastily: "Stop him!"

Fortunately, he has laid down a leisurely piece by accident on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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