Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 94 The Azure Python

Chapter 94 The Azure Python
The emerald green quickly replaced the dark yellow, covering the entire bamboo flute.

The little scholar exhausted all his energy and blew the fifth last note.

He didn't know what the following score would look like after blowing these five, so he could only try his best to complete these five.

Besides, the next moment, his spiritual consciousness entered again, and there was no time to think about the follow-up in that thick fog that seemed familiar.

Elder Xie, who was seriously injured, heard the correct note, and the pain between his brows eased a bit.

It turns out that Uncle Ning already has a backhand!

Ning Zhilan, a legendary figure of the Five Elements Sect hundreds of years ago, was the junior of the Sect Master at that time.

He is not an elder of the Peak Master, but like Elder Xie, he is the holder of another hole card of the Five Elements Sect.

According to the stipulations of Kaipai Patriarch, the Zongmen Formation and the score should be in the hands of two people respectively.

When Qin Wenting took the position of suzerain back then, he passed the sheet music to the unknown Elder Xie, and then disappeared into the distance.

Only Qin Wenting knew that one of the jade slips of spiritual consciousness in Wuming Peak belonged to Ning Zhilan, and it is still intact.


With the sound of Jiang Sheng's bamboo flute, the coercion that terrified the disciples became stronger again.

It was as if the fairy who had been awakened in the sky yawned just now, and now he really opened his eyes.

Qin Wenting felt the change, and knew that the score played by this Beiyuanfeng disciple was correct.

In an instant, Qin Wenting appeared in front of Jiang Sheng.

He understood that at this moment, ensuring Jiang Sheng's safety, allowing him to continue, and not repeating the tragedy of Elder Xie was the most important thing.

Seeing the change in his figure, Nie Huang and Wang Qian also stood beside Jiang Sheng.The three of them were like horns, protecting Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng was not aware of the changes around him.Because his consciousness is fluctuating violently at this moment, trembling from the soul.

In the dense fog, he "saw" the blue-black thing again.This time the score was played to the end, the blue-black thing had already changed.

The blue-black one was not a static stone, but moved.

Following this movement, part of the thick fog dissipated, revealing an unclear overall picture.

Jiang Sheng didn't pay attention to those, because he saw two jumping flames, green flames.

In the distance, the two flames gradually dimmed. It turned out to be binoculars.

After the last five notes are played, it is actually a breathing time.

Jiang Sheng's consciousness came out of the thick fog and returned to Zhongkun Peak.


If we talk about the coercion that descended before, it was as if a fairy in the sky woke up.

At that moment, the immortal had already fixed his eyes on Zhongkun Peak.

Involuntarily, all the people, no matter on the boulder platform, on the futon, or the disciples of the various peaks, turned their eyes towards the direction of the outer door.

A soaring aura came from there, and the sky over there changed.

The pressure between heaven and earth was almost condensed into reality, pressing down on everyone.

At the entrance of the outer gate, under the arched white jade bridge, is a canyon about a hundred feet wide.

From the canyon, something jumped up and went straight to the sky.

The moment the white jade stone bridge rose, it was smashed into gravel and powder, and fell into the canyon with a rustle. There was no sound for a long time.

The depth of the canyon seems to be bottomless.

In the sight of everyone on Zhongkun Peak, a huge python stretched across the southern sky and earth.

The disciples in the outer sect were already prostrate on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.On the square outside the outer gate, it was dark, as if the night had come early.

The beast of Zhenzong—the Azure Python.

For the first time in nearly 3000 years, it appeared in front of the world.

It grew up on the Nanli Continent. It was a level seven monster back then, which was equivalent to a human in the middle Nascent Soul stage.Because he ate Tianpeng's eggs, he was beaten by the Golden-winged Tianpeng clan and almost died.

The founding patriarch of the Five Elements Sect passed by the place of the great battle, rescued the dying it, and brought it here, a place full of spiritual energy in the world.

It is not controlled by the technique of controlling the beast and arresting the spirit, which is commonly used by human beings.On the uninhabited Donglin Peak at that time, he searched for precious elixir and cured its injuries.

In return for saving his life, it promised to guard fifty Jiazi here, that is, 3000 years, unless it died.

Anyway, among the high-level monsters, those with a lifespan of ten thousand years abound.

The period of 3000 years is about to pass, and it has also cultivated from the seventh level to the peak of the eighth level.

With its huge physical strength and the majestic Yao Yuan in its body, it is a line higher than the human Nascent Soul Dzogchen practitioners.

The abyss outside the Five Elements Sect has been explored by some disciples in the sect when they are free. They went down to the dark depths where the five fingers can't be seen, but they still haven't reached the bottom.

And there, the poisonous mist was already all over the place, and even the core disciples couldn't hold back a few breaths.From then on, the depths of the canyon were forbidden for the disciples.

Of course, it is because it has not released its own breath, and the sect disciples whose realm is lower than it, no one's spiritual sense can spy on it deep underground.

For 3000 years, it has been dormant deep in the canyon.Except for Ning Zhilan hundreds of years ago, no one has seen it before.

No matter what happens to the Five Elements Sect, it will not make a move by itself.

This was established by the founder of the school in the early years.He didn't want the safety of the sect to be completely entrusted to it, so that the disciples of the younger generation would have no sense of crisis.

It doesn't show up until it gets a signal for help.

I thought that the 3000-year contract was approaching, and it could leave without disturbing anyone in the future.

Did not expect to receive a signal today.The signal is divided into two parts.

Part of it is the activation of the Zongmen formation.How could such a huge change in the aura of the world be hidden from its keen demon sense.

The other part is the divine consciousness message.The short melody was derived from the language of their python family.

Only when both signals are sent out is it truly called to appear.

The founder of the Five Elements Sect made this arrangement to prevent the master of the melody from attempting to overthrow the suzerain.

Because the big formation is in the hands of the suzerain.

Today, the moment the sect's great formation was activated, it woke up from the long training.

Later it received the message from the divine consciousness, although there was a pause at the end of the melody.

As it appeared above the sky, the sun once again hid behind the clouds.

Jiang Sheng has now entered the alchemy stage, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness is far from comparable to that in the cave two years ago.

Even so, after playing the last five notes, my mind still felt in a trance.

His eyes found the giant python hovering in the southern sky.

Only now did he understand that the blue-black thing was not a boulder, it was clearly the huge scales on its body!

Everyone in Zhongkun Peak temporarily stopped breathing. Even the oldest Nie Huang and the others didn't know when this monster that covered the sky and the sun was hiding under the Five Elements Sect.

The huge head of the Azure Python appeared high above Zhongkun Peak, and its two eyes, the size of the sun and the moon, stared at Jiang Sheng.

With its demon sense, it is very easy to distinguish the source of the signal.

It was the tiny little scholar holding the bamboo flute in front of him.

A sense of consciousness sounded in Jiang Sheng's mind: "Do you need to keep alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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